Chapter 44

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Chapter 44
Vanessa POV

It was around midnight when I woke up by the sound of a door being opened. "W-whose there?" I mumbled

"Just me." A voice answered back. "Who's me? It's fucking dark." I said in a harsh tone. The thought came to me that I could be talking to a potential murderer. Or even a serial killer.

I sat up slowly. The lights turned on temporarily blinding me. "Hey buddy. You finally came home." Jerome said. My vision finally focused on a sad Mitch standing at the door.

"Nessa I'm out of the shower. You can shower if you want." Jerome said. "Alright. I'll take Amara to Lisa's room." I said. I was still half asleep but I stood up and went to were I set Amara down for a nap.

"Let's go girly." I picked her up in my arms and started up the stairs. "wait!.. So Lisa's home?" I turned. "Yes Benja she is asleep." I told him assuringly.

"Thank god. I was so worried id never see her again.." He trailed. "She's home safe and so is Amara." Jerome said.

"After I shower, wanna record some vids? I need to record a lot of were gonna be busy for the next couple of days. Plus I need to fill the fans in on everything that's happened." Mitch asked.

"Sure. Vanessa you down?" Jerome called. "Nah. I'm gonna crash." I said "okay I'll be up in a bit."

I walked up the stairs and into Mitch and Lisa's room. I opened the door as slowly as possible and peeked in. Lisa was asleep, snoring slightly.

I walked in and went to the bassinet beside the bed. I gently laid Amara down covering her with a baby blanket.

"Did Mitch come home?." I turned to the voice. "Yes Lis. He's downstairs." I told her. She made a couple of grunting noises. "Good." She mumbled.

The snoring returned slightly after that. I walked out of her room and went to my bedroom. I took out a set of pjs and went to the bathroom.

I twisted the ring off my finger and laid it down on a safe spot.

Tomorrow is my bachelorette party. Lisa said she planned it all out and I honestly couldn't be more excited.

"Wake up!!!" I opened my eyes to see a pair of brown ones looking back at me. "AHHH." I yelled. Lisa backed up and let out a laugh.

"Come on girl! Let's go get the party started!" She yelled doing a dance. "Okay fine let me get dressed." I said. "Wait.. What do I dress in?" I asked

"Something comfy like leggings." Lisa answered. "Okay." I said. I grabbed a pair of black nike leggings and a vampire diaries t shirt that fit a little big.

I went to change and walked downstairs. All the girls were sitting in the living room along with Jerome and Mitch.

"I'm ready!" I yelled. "Okay we just have to wait for-" there was a loud honk. "There it is." Lisa finished. I walked up to Jerome and gave him a hug. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do princess." He said kissing my forehead.

"I won't. I love you. Please stay safe when you go out with the boys tonight." I said burying my head in his chest. "I will. I promise and a bacca never breaks his promises" he says with a laugh.

I looked up at him and leaned in for a kiss. We broke apart and I turned toward the door behind Lisa. She stopped and turned around. "Mitch. Please don't leave Amara anywhere by herself and when you drop her off at my moms apartment make sure the diaper bag is packed." She said.

"I know baby girl. I'll take care of her." He said reassuringly. "Jerome... Help Mitch." I said with a laugh. "I was going too!" He said.

"Bye guys, please try not to burn the house down." I said. "No promises!" They both yelled.

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