Chapter 40

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Chapter 40
Unknown POV

I opened my eyes and was greeted by a bunch of faces wearing different printed uniforms. "Where am I?" I asked. I tried to sit up but the lady pushed me back down to the bed.

"Why can't I get up?" I asked. "Where am I?" "Why can't I remember anything?!" I yell.

"Ms. Garcia please calm down. We are going to run some tests to get information okay?.. Please relax." The nurse said.

Doctors and nurses walked into my room and typed away on the computer.

"What's the last thing you remember?" The doctor asked me. I tried thinking. "I don't know.." I said. "Do you know your name?" He asked.

I shook my head no. "Well.. Let's start by saying your name is Vanessa Garza and you are in St. Petersburg, Florida. You were in a accident that seemed to cause you to hit your head and get amnesia. You broke your left arm and you have some friends waiting to see you. Does this all make sense?"

"Yes.. Could I see them?.. Maybe seeing them will jog my memory." I said to the doctor. "Of course." He said. He left the room and a few minutes later two boys walked in my room.

"Hello?" I asked. "Vanessa.. Thank God your okay. Lisa and Mitch are here too, but she went into early labor. She should be okay. I'm so happy your okay. I love you Vanessa." A boy walked up to me and embraced me in a hug.

I didn't know what to say. I looked at the doctor with a sad expression. The other boy seemed to notice this too.

"I'm sorry.. We must be friends.. Who are you?"

Jerome POV

"What?." I said. "What do you mean who am I? Do you not remember?" I asked

She shook her head no.

"She doesn't remember anything?" Preston asked the doctor. "No. She has amnesia but it should be temporary." He said.

I looked back at Vanessa. She gave me a small smile. "I'm sorry." She said. "It's okay, my names Jerome and that's Preston." I said

She nodded slowly. "Who's Lisa and Mitch?" She asked. "Lisa is your best friend from grade school. Mitch is her boyfriend and my best friend." I explained.

"If you have any photos of her childhood it may jog her memory." The doctor informed us.

"Okay thank you." I said. I have to admit it hurt she didn't remember me, but she doesn't remember anything. "My parents?" She asks.

"You live with Lisa, Mitch and I. Your cousin who adopted you lives in Texas." I said. "Oh okay." "Jerome I'm going to go keep Vik company." Preston says and leaves.

"Vik?" "Another friend of ours from the UK; he's was in the accident too." I say.

"My best friend is here too? She's in labor?" She asks with a smile. "Yes why?" "Shouldn't we be with her?" She laughs. "Yeah but she'll be fine Mitch is with her." I say.

"Jerome?" She asks. "Hm?" "Are you my boyfriend?" I look up at her and smile. "Well yes. I'm your fiancé. Our wedding is suppose to be in two weeks but don't worry about that now." I say.

She smiles. "Can you tell me everything about myself?" "Of course."

Mitch POV

This has to be the most weirdest yet beautifulest thing I've ever seen. Lisa was rushed into an emergency C-section and they made me dress up in a blue doctors suit that made me look like a deflated marshmallow.

I couldn't help but stare at the doctors work. "Mitch is everything okay?" I looked at Lisa and smiled. "Everything is completely fine my love. You're doing great." I said and rubbed circles on her hand.

At 10:24pm I heard a scream. A high pitched scream and honestly it couldn't be more amazing. I watched carefully as they instructed me to cut the cord. I was insanely nervous but I knew I had to do it. I did what the doctors said and began to clean her.

They closed up the opening on Lisa's stomach and cleaned up the bed and moved equipment out. A few minutes later, they handed Lisa our baby girl.

I pulled out my phone quickly and took a photo of Lisa's reaction. I smiled. I sat next to Lisa and looked over at our baby. "Look Mitch.. She's finally here.." She says with tears starting to form.

"She's beautiful just like her mommy." I said. "Here.. Hold her." Lisa placed her in my arms. She felt so light. She had my nose but she had Lisa's lips. Tears started to drip down my face.

"Can we see her to finished getting her clean and do some tests to make sure she's doing well?" A nurse said. "Yes here." I gave our baby over to the nurse.

Another nurse came in with a clipboard. "Okay.. Have you decided on a name?" She said. Lisa and I looked at each other. "Amara Marie Hughes." She said smiling at me.

"Amara Marie Hughes born at 10:24pm on April 5th 2016 weighing  6 pounds and 4 ounces."

Preston POV

My phone buzzed in my pocket. "Woah Vik look at this." I showed him my phone. "Wow.. I guess there's a baby in the pack now." He said with a laugh.

I smiled. " Amara Marie Hughes. It's a pretty name. Mitch says they have her in the nursery so we could go see her and Lisa's room number is 212." I say.

"Wanna go see the baby?" He asks. "Sure." I say. I grab a wheelchair they left us and moved it toward Vik who sat in it.

"Onwards!" He says with causes me to laugh. We leave the room and I hesitate. "Wanna check to see if they want to come with us?" I say gesturing to Vanessa's room.

"Yeah why not?" We walk to Vanessa's room where Jerome was showing her something on his phone.

"We were going to see baby Amara , Lisa and Mitch. Wanna come?" Vik said. Vanessa looks at Jerome and nods her head yes.

Jerome grabbed a wheelchair and Vanessa sat in it. "Lezzzgooooo." Jerome said.

We passed the nursery and there was no baby there.

We went to room 212. We knocked and entered. Lisa was laying down and Mitch was sitting beside Lisa holding their baby. They looked happy.

"Hey guys." Lisa said smiling. She sat up. Her eyes landed on Vanessa. "Hey Vanessa.. I'm Lisa." She said with a small wave.

Jerome must've texted them and informed them. "Hi.." She said. Mitch looked up at her. "Do you want to hold her?"

"Sure." She said with a small smile. Mitch stood and placed Amara in Vanessa's arms.

She smiled. "Hey baby Amara." She said quietly. Eventually we all took turns holding her.

Lisa explained that Amara had to stay a week in the hospital to make sure she was doing well. Lisa has to stay with here until her tummy wasn't so tender anymore.

When it came to my turn I was actually nervous. I looked at her face and it looked squishy. Her eyes were closed but you could clearly see she Mitch and Lisa's daughter.

I can't lie. I did have a little thing for Lisa when I first met her but I knew I couldn't interfere with what her and Mitch had. Even when they broke up. "I'm going to get you a cactus onesie or maybe even a Preston styles onesie." I tell the sleeping baby.

"I'm sure she'd love that Preston." Lisa said with a laugh. She looked back at Vanessa. "Mitch.. I have an idea. When you go back home later to get clothes, bring me that photo album I have in my bookshelf. I think I may have something that can help you remember things Vanessa."

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