Chapter 45

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Chapter 45
Lisa POV

I didn't want to open my eyes. I was too comfortable where I was and I didn't plan on moving.

There was a loud crash that sounded like glass hitting the floor. I opened my eyes and slowly stood up, to maintain my balance. I was asleep on a sofa in the living room with Vanessa on the other.

The light from the kitchen was on and I trudged over. I had a massive headache and it caused me to stumble a lot.

I walked into the kitchen and stopped in my tracks. There was glass on the floor and next to the glass was a sad looking Mitch. "Babe what happened." I mumbled.

"I wanted water.." He said. "Don't move." I instructed. I grabbed a broom and dustpan and walked back to the kitchen. "Lisa, I'm bleeding." Mitch said looking at his hand.

Okay he's still out of it. "Mitchell! I told you not to move." I shook my head with a tiny smile. I grabbed the big pieces of glass and threw them away. I swept up the remaining pieces.

"Let's go upstairs to get you clean." I said. I grabbed Mitch by the other hand and lead him upstairs to the bathroom. I grabbed bandages and rubbing alcohol from a cabinet.

"This will hurt a little bit." I grabbed his hand and pulled out the piece of glass. I grabbed the rubbing alcohol and cleaned up his wound. I wrapped it up in bandages.

"Okay love, your good to go." I said kissing his cheek. I walked him to bed and let him lay down. "Come cuddle with me." He said holding up his arms, as if asking for a hug. "Okay." I smiled.

Vanessa POV

I was packing an overnight bag to stay at the girls hotel room to get ready for the big day.

The past few days with the rehearsal dinner went by quick. Tomorrow was my wedding and I couldn't be more nervous and excited. "Twin are you ready?"

"Yeah I'm going!" I yelled. I did a double check and make sure everything was packed. I walked out of my room and went downstairs. I was immediately attacked by Jerome with a hug.

"Sleep well beautiful I will miss you so much. When I see you tomorrow, I'll get to call you my beautiful wife." Jerome whispered.

I gave him a lingering kiss. "I'll see you tomorrow." I said with a smile. I walked toward Lisa who was at the door. "Could you carry Amara's diaper bag?"

I grabbed the baby bag. "I'll see you guys tomorrow!" I waved. We walked out the door to the car as the guys were walking up to the door.

"Hey guys!" Lis yelled. "Hey girls!" Lachlan said. I chuckled and sat in the passenger seat.

Lisa laid Amara in her car seat and sat in the drivers. She started the drive to the hotel. "Lisa.. I don't think I'm getting cold feet but I'm seriously nervous."

She looked at me and smiled. "You're fine. Your nervous because you're overthinking. Yes, Tomorrow you're getting married. You'll no longer be Vanessa Garcia. You're gonna be Vanessa Aceti. Vanessa you are getting married to your best friend. Well other best friend. I know you're ready. You simply just have butterflies." She replied calmly.

"How are you so calm about it?" I asked. "Cause I'm not the one getting married." She replied with laugh. "Not yet." I said quietly.

"Maybe someday I'll get married." She started. "but one thing I will bet on is that when you go on your honeymoon, you'll come back as a family of three not just two." She smirked.

I blushed "hey Amara has to have a friend!" She said. "I know I know." I said covering my face.

"It's so weird to think Lisa that it's been over a year since I met Jerome. I wonder if things would've been different if I would've gone on that double date. Hell things would've been different if I never pushed you to work at GameStop." I laughed. "So much has changed. So much has happened and I'm just so glad I can remember it with you by my side. We have gone through ups and downs and we have survived." I said.

"Thank you for being my best friend." I finished. "Your welcome. Thank you for being a stubborn asshole and turning in my application for me."

I smiled. "You're very welcome." I laughed. We walked into the hotel and went to the floor where the girls were staying at. I knocked once and the door flew open.

"Let's get the party started!" Kat yelled. I walked in and set the diaper bag next the the door. "Okay guys before things get to crazy I have something to announce!" Chandni said standing.

"Are you pregnant?!" Lisa yelled. She was sitting down bouncing Amara on her lap. Chandni looks at Lisa with fear.

"No.. Sorry Lis. Lachlan and I are-" "getting married too?! Double wedding?!" Amber asked cutting her off.

I laughed. Chandni looks more annoyed. "No we-" "are moving in together?" Alyssa asked.

We all laughed harder. "We're dating!" She said quickly. Cheers erupted from the girls. "Finally!" I yelled.

After the yells started dying down Lisa mumbled something that probably changed my future forever. "Come on guys.. One of you have to have a baby.. Amara is going to be the oldest out of all of our children.." She laughs.

"If anyone's gonna have a baby soon it's gonna be Vanessa." Amber said sticking her tongue out. "Mhm okay guys." I said.

I am not gonna lie. I'm exhausted from the past few days. "Can we sleep please?" I ask. "Yes but you need to shower bride to be. Your hair can't be wet tomorrow morning." Lisa said.

"Fineee." I dragged my bag and myself over to the bathroom and turned on the shower. My last shower as a non-married woman. I silently laugh.

I was done with my shower in less than 12 minutes. I wrapped a towel around my head and walked back to the living room. Lisa and Kat were sitting on the sofa.

"Where are the girls?" "Oh they already showered. They knocked out." Kat said. "Vanessa could you please watch Amara while I shower? I promise I won't take long." Lisa pleads.

"Okay give her here." I said. Lisa and I trade spots and I sat down where she previously was.

Kat was changing though the channels trying to find something worth watching. I look down at Amara. She was wide awake looking back at me. I move her to where she's almost standing on my lap.

I start to bounce her and she smiles. I laugh. "Ew." "What's wrong?" Kat asked. "Come here look." I said with a chuckle.

"Amara don't take this the wrong way but you look too much like both your parents. It's like your the perfect mix of both of them."

"Woah.. That's so insane. I didn't notice that before." Kat replied. We started there looking at Amara and her likewise.

"Why are you starting at my daughter? Did you paint a mustache on her?" Lisa asked. "Cause honestly that's something I would've done."

"Shit girl. That was a fast shower." Kat says. Lisa laughs. "Just Lis.. Have you ever noticed that Amara looks exactly like both you and Mitch?" I turn to face Amara to Lisa.

"Yes actually I have noticed." She said with a smirk. I let out a long yawn. "Okay let's go to bed." Kat said. I stood and Lisa pulled out the sofa making it into a double bed.

"Night guys!" Kat said as she walked into a room. I laid down and handed Amara to Lisa. My best friend settled in next to me and before I knew it light snores came from her causing me to fall asleep.

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