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Vanessa POV

"I just can't believe it's going to be the last season of the Vampire Diaries." I looked at Lisa, tears starting to form in the corner of my eyes.

"Twin. You are a grown woman. Do not cry over TV shows." She said smiling.

I look straight forward. I see Alice being chased by Amara and Micheal trying to keep up with them.

"But that has been my show since high school.." I whined. "Yeah but it will never be Supernatural." She smirked.

"Mhm you think that girlie. Vampire Diaries will ALWAYS be better." I smiled. "Vanessa!! Come here I need help!" I looked over at the porch and started walking toward it.

"Yes babe?" Jerome turned to me with a smile. "Taste this. I don't know if I did this right.." I picked up a ribblet takin off a piece.

"Its bomb babe!" I said covering my mouth. He smiled at me. "Good." He kissed my forehead.

"Nessa, Jerome .. where's Lisa? I need help wrapping Alice's present." Mitch poked his head through the sliding door. "She's sitting under tree."

"Gotcha thanks!"

I put my food down and hug Jerome from behind, resting my head on his back.

"Can you believe Alice turns 7 today.. she's grown up so fast.." Jerome says sighing.

I smile.

It just so crazy to think that a couple of days after I got negative test result, I ended up getting a positive one.. I took take eight just to make sure.

"Is the food almost done?" Lisa asks walking up the porch. Mitch walking closely behind her.

"Yeah just waiting on the chicken."

I look at my best friend. "I gonna sit in the living room incase people start showing up. Join me when you're done?"


I sit on the sofa and start going through my Facebook newsfeed. "You have memories to look back on today with Jerome Aceti."

I click on the notification.

7 years ago today.
"Our beautiful baby girl was born today. Meet Alice Niveah Aceti."
There was a photo of Alice in the nursery of the hospital that Jerome had posted.

2 years ago today.
"Best friends reunited! Along with a new friend."
This one Lisa posted. The girls were looking into the bassinet that Micheal was laying in.

I smile at the memories. Since Jerome and I decided to move to New Jersey the girls don't see each other as much. But every summer we find a way to let them see each other.

This year Alice wanted to have her birthday party in Florida. So that's how we ended up here.

"You okay Vanessa?" I turned and nodded. "Good cause you look seriously distracted." I smiled at Lisa.

"I'm okay just reminiscing when we used to live here and just everything that has happened since high school." I smiled softly.

"I know isn't it crazy! I would never have imagined this would come from taking a job at that game stop." She beamed.

"How's everything going with the baby?"

"Good. I think after this one I have to close the gate because I don't think we could handle more than three. Amara and Micheal are a handful.. imagine with another baby!" Lisa relaxes back into the couch.

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