Chapter 23

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Lisa POV

They lead us to the bathroom and told us they would be waiting for us outside. Vanessa and I shut the door behind us.

It was a small dirty bathroom with a little window by the shower.

I bend down and grabbed the phone from my shoe. Vanessa stood beside me, looking at the phone.

I opened the flip phone. 12 miss calls from Mitch, a couple of messages and a call for a number I didn't know. I knew we couldn't call the boys since they were probably listening from outside the door.

I started typing to Mitch. "Kidnapped by Damian and Javier. Don't know where we are at. Track the phone please." I'm surprised I still knew how to type a message on a flip phone.

I looked at the corner of the screen. Almost dead. I continued typing.

"Phone almost dead. We love you. Please hurry." I send it. Vanessa had flushed the toilet as if pretending we just finished doing our business.

I opened the medicine cabinet, that was above the sink. A bottle of pain killers, shaving cream, lotion and a shaving razor. I opened the bottle and stuffed a couple of pills in my shoe. I know gross but that's all I could think of, they may come in handy later.

The phone made a loud noise indicating I had gotten a message. We gasped. "What was that!" Damian yelled through the door.

I opened the phone and looked at the message. "Okay baby girl, you guys stay safe. We are coming to get you."

Vanessa gestured for me to get closer to her. "We have to try to escape right now. They heard the phone." She whispered.

They were now pounding on the door. Vanessa grabbed a razor and I grabbed a bottle of soap.

Hey soap to the eyes hurt. I grabbed Vanessa and pulled her toward the window. We unlocked it. I managed to grab the window, jump and shimmy out and Vanessa soon followed.

We heard the door break down. We ran to the left. It was night time outside so we couldn't see where we were going.

We had escaped. "Do not go by yourself. We have to stay together." I said. We ran to a side of the building.

I look back to see Damian poke his head out of the window and cuss really loudly.

"Vanessa where do we go?" I asked. The building where we were kept at was surrounded by deep forest, that had trees taller than I have ever seen before.

"Well we can't stay here because they will certainly find us. We can only go into the forest." She said as she looked at the darkness in front of us.

I smiled and grabbed Vanessa's hand and we jogged into the forest. It was so dark you couldn't even see the ground we were stepping on.

I got a feeling in my stomach and I let go of Vanessa's hand and grabbed on to a tree beside me. I waited for a few seconds to let the sickness pass.

"Twin are you okay?" Vanessa whispered. "Yeah.. Let's go." I said. We continued walking beside each other for a good 4 minutes.

That's when the noises started. It sounded like branches breaking. We looked behind us and see lights coming in our direction and some scattered beside.

They were looking for us.

Vanessa grabbed my hand and jerked me away and we started to sprint. Let me tell you, we haven't ran that fast since high school.

We seemed to put a good distance behind us. We kept running and running until I just felt ground. We must have tripped over something. A wire of some kind.

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