Your my soulmate

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~next day~
I wake up the next day snuggled against Ezra's chest. I smile when the memories from last night come back in my head. We talked so much and we promised eachother to never let go of us again. A few seconds later Ezra wakes up and I turn around so I can face him and kiss him.
"Morning handsome. Did you sleep well last night?"
"Yes next to you always. How about you?"
"I also slept good. Are you exited for today?"
"Yes but what if she doesn't like me?"
"Ezra she will love you I promise you this." Ezra nods and smiles again. Ezra takes a shower while I make breakfast for the two of us. When we are at the table to eat breakfast we make small talk with eachother.
"Alright so I will pick Mia up now and you wait here alright? We tell her that you are her father but we only say that we are good friends because I think it would be too much for if we tell her rightaway that we are together." Ezra nods and kisses me again before I walk to Emily's place where I will pick Mia up.

My secret miracle/ EzriaWhere stories live. Discover now