Big sister

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~Four hours later~
(Ezra's Pov)
It's been four hours since our baby girl is here and she is so amazing. She was born on November 12 at 3 p.m. I kiss Aria and smile.
"I will pick Mia up from Spencer and Toby alright baby?"
"Yes. And please come here as soon as you get her. I can't wait until Mia sees her little sister." I nod and kiss and the baby again before I drive to Spencer's place.

When I park my car in Spencer's driveway I see Mia already sitting on the window with a hot chocolate in her arms. I smile and walk to Spencer's front door where Mia jumps into my arms.
"Hey big sister." Mia gasps and looks at me.
"Is she here?"
"Yes. Mommy and your sister are at the hospital and they can't wait to see you." Mia smiles and hugs Spencer and Toby again before she runs into the car. I turn my attention to Spencer and smile.
"Thank's for watching her."
"No probleme. And congratulations."
"Thank you Spencer. The girls and you can come tomorrow to see her if you want? Aria's parents and her brother will also be here."
"Sure. We will come tomorrow." I nod and hug her before I walk to the car where Mia is already in and I drive to the hospital with her.
"Daddy I am so exited." I smile and continue to drive to the hospital. When we get there I write Aria that we are here now while Mia takes my hand and we walk to her hospital room together. I knock on the door and Mia carefully opens the door. When we get here Aria is lying on her bed and she smiles to Mia.
"Hi darling. Come and meet your new baby sister." Mia steps forward, anxious to meet the baby who is lying in Aria's arms. When she stands infront of the bed Mia sees a beautiful, big eyed baby with beautiful hair. She stared when she sees that the baby is looking at her and they locked eyes. She walked over to her baby sister in Aria's arms and a few seconds later the baby grabs her finger.
"Hello. I am your big sister and I love you so much already." I smile and watch as Aria wipes away her tears. This is such a familiar moment for us and I can't stop looking at Mia and her new baby sister.  Mia climbs on Aria's bed and I sit down on the chair that is next to their bed.
"This is your new baby sister and her name is Madeline Fitz." Mia gasps and looks at me.
"She is mine mommy and she will come home with us right?"
"Yes she is coming home with us Mia." I see the tears in Aria's eyes as I watch her to tell Mia how she should hold her baby sister and a few seconds later she is in Mia's arms.
"Make sure you support her head princess alright?"
"I have her Daddy and I won't let anything happen to my little sister." By now Aria is fully in tears and I walk around the bed to kiss her cheek.
"Mommy I love her so much already. She is so cute."
"Your right Mia she is super cute." Aria and I look at Mia and she gives the baby a kiss on the cheek.
"Why is she so sleepy Daddy?"
"Because all newborn babies like to sleep and she didn't get much sleep today." Mia nods and kisses her one more time before I grab her from Mia's arms.
"Thank you so much. It's one of the best presents ever and it isn't even christmans yet." Aria chuckles and kisses Mia's head.
"Your welcome baby."
"Hey mommy. I'm not a baby anymore. She is the baby." Mia smiles and points to Madeline. I smile and Aria nods.
"Right. You are our big girl now." Mia nods and smiles back at me. Mia and I stay with Aria and the baby for one more hour until we get home and tomorrow we will pick Aria and the baby up.

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