Visiting Ezra

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~next day~
When I wake up I think that I will finally see Ezra today. Sure he is still behind bars but atleast I can see him and talk to him. I walk downstairs and make us breakfast while my two girls are still sleeping. Just when I finish with breakfast Mia walks into the kitchen and hugs me.
"Morning momma."
"Morning sweetie. How did you sleep?"
"Good but I miss Daddy."
"I miss him too but he will be back soon." Mia nods as I place her breakfast infront of her. I sit down next to Mia and talk with her while she eats breakfast.
"What are we doing today?"
"I have to go out in one hour but I will be back soon and then we can do what you guys want."
"Oh ok. But what will Madeline and I do while you are away?"
"Auntie Emily will come and watch the two of you." Mia nods and I kiss her head as I hear Madeline cry thought the Baby phone.
"I will be back in a few seconds Mia. Alright?"
"Yeah. Can I go and watch Tv." I nod and run upstairs to get Madeline. When I walk into her room she cries so I Change her into a fresh diaper but when I am finished with it Madeline is still crying. So I sit down on the rocking chair and begin to feed her. Madeline was just hungry because as soon as she gets to eat her crying stops.
"You were just hungry. Right Baby." I smile and kiss Madeline's cheek when she is finished nursing. I walk downstairs with Madeline and as soon as I am downstairs I hear the doorbell and so I walk to the door to greet Shay.

~one hour later~
When I walk into the prison I get shaky knees and can't stop shaking. It is really strange to be here when I want to talk to my boyfriend.
"You can wait in this room your boyfriend will be here in a few minutes." I nod and sit down at one of the chairs while I wait for Ezra. A few minutes later the door flies open and Ezra walks into the room with a Police officer right behind him. I get up from my chair and run to Ezra to hug him. Just as I want Ezra embrace into a hug the Police officer Looks at me.
"Can you sit back down please Miss? You can't hug or touch your boyfriend." I nod and sit back down on my chair while Ezra sits infront of me.
"He Baby I missed you."
"I missed you too Ezra."
"How are you doing Ar?"
"It is really hard without you Ezra. Madeline is so fussy and Mia always asks when you come back home. The children miss you and I miss you too. I can't do this without you. Please tell me that you didn't kill Charlet that night."
"I would never kill a Person babe. Yes it is true that I was the last one that saw Charlet alive but that was only because I told her that she should leave our Family alone. I never hurt her Aria."
"I belive you Ezra but promise you that you come back soon."
"I will. I love you Aria."
"I love you too." I wipe away my tears and nod at the Police officer so he knows that he can let me out. As soon as I am in my car I let my tears run down my face and cry for a really Long time.

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