Happy family

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~five months later~
It has been five months since Ezra is out from prison and today is April 22 which means that Mia is 7 years old today. Madeline is already 7 months old and she is doing amazing. My both girls grow up so much.
"Ezra? Ezra wake up please."
"What is it babe? It is too early to get up."
"Oh come on you lazy butt. It is already 9 a.m. and it is your daughters 7 birthday." As soon as I say this Ezra sits up and kisses my head.
"Yeah. I can't belive that Mia is already 7 years old."
"I know. Me too but come on let's get downstairs to make breakfast." Ezra nods and the two of us get downstairs to make breakfast. Just as we are finished with setting up the table I hear Madeline cry from her bedroom. Ezra kisses my head and smiles at me.
"I will get her babe."
"Thank you Ezra." He nods and jumps upstairs to get Madeline and a few minutes later he is back with her and gives her to me.
"Here. She is just hungry." I nod and begin to feed my daughter. Just as I am finished with feeding her I lay Madeline on the play mat and a few seconds later Mia walks downstairs and sits next to us on the sofa.
"Morning birthday girl. Happy birthday."
"Thank's Daddy."
"I can't belive my little Girl is 7 years old. Happy birthday Sweetheart."
"Thank you momma."
"Your hungry," Mia nods and Ezra takes her hand and walks into the kitchen with her. I take Madeline and sit her down in her chair. When Mia sees her little sister she smiles and kisses her head. The bond with the two of them is really amazing and I smile everytime I see the two of them together. Ezra gives Madeline a few bites of pancakes and Mia gets a big one from him. I smile and take my phone out and scroll though my phone when I find a cute photo from Mia(picture above) and set it on Instagram with the caption: I can't belive that my little girl is already 7 years old today. When this little girl was born seven years ago I never thought that she would give me so much. I can see her growing up everyday and I am so proud of her. I learnd a lot from her and I can still learn a lot from her. I love you forever sweeatherart. In love your momma.
I smile and look at Ezra. The last two years we have come so far and I can't wait to spend the rest of my live with him.
So this was my last chapter of this book. I enjoyed so much writing this book but I am also sad that it is finished. I hope you liked it and now I am writing on Aria's pregnancy/sequel.

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