Why does something has to happen to us?

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~ten minutes later~
I just sit there and wait for the girls to arrive. I have to pick Mia up in two hours from school and I have no idea what I should do. They can't let Charlet out from the prison. Since Spencer told me the news I have been crying and Madeline is also fussy. I sit with her on the sofa and calm her down....well I try to calm her and me down but it isn't working.
"Shh sshh princess please sleep. I am sorry that Mommy is upset but I will do everything to protect you and your big sister. Daddy and I will do anything so you don't have to be afraid." I wipe away her tears and a few seconds later there is a knock on the door. I stand up with Madeline and open the door where I see the girls. I smile and hug them. We walk to the livingroom and I give Madeline to Emily while I go and make us a cup of tea. When I come back I smile and give the tea to the girls and sit down next to them.
"So what are we doing now?"
"Toby told me that we can't do anything because she is in prison for over five years and they need to let her out."
"So this will really happen?" I look at the girls and they all nod. A few seconds later Madeline gets fussy so I grab her from Hanna's arms and kiss her cheek.
"Princess you don't have to be afraid. Your Daddy and I will do everything we can so we can protect you. We won't let anything happen to you or your sister." I kiss her cheek and look up to see the girls smiling at me.
"We won't let anything happen Aria we promise."
"Spencer is right we do everything to protect the two of them."
"Thank's girls I have no idea what I would do without you guys. i go and get her ready and then we will need to pick Mia up from School. Do you wanna come?
"I would love to but I already have plans sorry. But tell her please that I can't wait to see her on Monday."
"I will bye Em." I smile and hug Emily before I walk upstairs to get Madeline ready while Hanna and Spencer are waiting downstairs.
"I love you baby girl and I will do anything to protect you and your sister." Of course I get no respons but instead she gurgles at me and smiles.
"You are really good with them you know that right?" I turn around to see Hanna standing in the doorway.
"How Long have you been staying there?"
"Long enough to hear the sweet words you just told your daughter."
"Where is Spencer?"
"She had to go because her mom needed her but she told me that she can't wait to see Mia and Madeline on monday."
"Now it's just you and me." I nod and smile while I continue to dress Madeline again and a few minutes later we walk to Mia's school together.

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