Can't it be peace full one time?!

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~one week later~
It's been one week since Madeline is born and everything is perfect. Mia is the perfect sister I ever imagende her to be. She cares so much and loves to be near her little sister. Ezra works since two days again and we fall back into our daily return. Mia likes school but she would like it more when she can stay at home with us. I am laying on the sofa and read 'How to kill a Mockingbird' while Madeline is in her room napping. It are only a few moments when I have time for myself now. But I really don't mind because I have two amazing girls. I look at the clock and see that it is already 11 p.m. which means that Madeline will want to nurse soon. Right on cue I hear her little cries thought the baby monitor. I lay my book on the sofa and walk upstairs in her room where she is laying in her crib crying. I pick her up and walk with Madeline in my bedroom. I assume that I take too long for her because she only cries louder.
"Hey shh shhh Mommy will feed you." I sit down on Ezra and mine bed where I begin to feed her. The minute she has her gole she stops crying. I smile and stroke her cheek. I just lay here and watch my daughter as she nurse when my phone rings. I pick it up and see that it is Spencer so and I pick it up.
"Hi Spence."
"Hi. Am I interrupting?"
"No your niece is just nursing but it is alright."
"You are sure I always can call back later."
"Spencer I am sure. Why have you called?" I hear Spencer breath heavilly and I know that it is something important.
"Spencer? Your still here?"
"Yeah sorry. I don't know how to tell you. Toby told it me a few minutes ago. I don't know what to do."
"Alright Spence. Tell me please because I have no idea what you are talking about."
"Charlet. It has been a year and she will come out from prison next Saturday." When I hear Spencer say this my whole world crushes down.

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