The owie

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When I walk back into the bathroom Mia is sitting on the floor and is sobbing. I kneel infront of her and kiss her cheek.
"How are you doing pumpkin? Does something hurt?"
"Mmmhhh my tummy hurts and I feel sick."
"Does your troat also hurt?" Mia nods and hugs me. While we wait until the water is in the tube Ezra comes in. He kneels down infront of us and kisses her cheek.
"Hey love bug. Mommy told me that you don't feel good?"
"Yeah I threw up and my tummy is jucky."
"Well you should go into the bath tub and then Daddy and I will drive with you to the hospital." Mia nods and climbs into the bath tub. Ezra sits down beside her while I hurry into the bedroom and change myself into a white T-shirt and some jeans. When I am dressed I walk into Madeline's room and pick her up from her crib. When I lay her down to dress her she begins to stir but stops after a few seconds. I change her into a cute skirt and a jacket(picture above). I pick Madeline up and kiss her head.
"Come on sleepy head let's see how your sister is doing." When I walk into the bathroom Ezra is getting Mia dressed. I walk to them and bend down infront of Mia.
"How are you doing love bug?"
"My tummy is still hurting momma."
"Alright we will drive to the hospital now alright?" Mia nods and Ezra picks her up while I get Madeline's car seat.

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