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Dear readers,

I want to explain my emotions right now.

I need to portray to you where I once stood, and where I stand now. If you don't care, just skip over this, but it will explain everything from updates to sequels to new stories. 

1. I began this story when I was 13 years old. I am 16 now. There are some portions of this that I regret, and others that I am proud of. If I ever get the motivation, I will edit and tweak this story to make it the way I wanted it to be. If I can figure out what my 13 year old mind was thinking, that is. 

2. When I began writing this story, 5sos were everything to me, but once they released their debut album, I kind of moved on. I grew up, as I like to say, to some more mature artists (please don't take that offensively, that's the only way I can think to word it). Now, I am lacking the connection to these boys that I had once before. 

3. At first, the idea of fan fiction didn't bother me, but as I grew older, that perception changed. I have been pondering the idea of fan fiction for years now, realizing how odd it actually is to write about a real human being, as a fictional character, in a fictional world. However, it happens quite often, and I still read fan fiction sometimes. As you can see, I am rather conflicted on the idea.

4. However, number 3 is one of the reasons I may continue this story. Seeing as I have little connection with this band as of now, it might be easier for me to write this story because I will be able to think of them in any way that I like.  Similarly, I would sort of feel devastated if anyone I'm not super close with irl found this, or how I would casually say "I wrote a 5sos fanfic" when I'm older. It is a large internal conflict. 

5. Returning back to number 1, if I do continue/finish this story, I will probably be editing and making some drastic changes. Which could be a reason for you all to move on, seeing as it could be massive enough to make you re-read the story. One idea I have, is taking each chapter, and re-writing it into a different "story" on Wattpad. It will still be the same characters and the same premise, it will just be tweaked and in a different location. 

6. One thing that has remained since the beginning, is the undeniable love that you readers express towards my story, even now 300k+ reads still blows me away. I will always appreciate the support that you have given me over these years. This is one of the reasons I occasionally ponder the idea of finishing this story. 

7. My last note is some questions for you. It will be helpful if you answer these with in-line comments (If you are on mobile, the spacing might be a bit weird):

           - Does anyone still read/care about this story?

           - Would you like me to continue this story?

           - Would you like to see me edit this, and continue it in another "story" (If that makes any sense).

           - I have a Calum story started, and the premise for two more stories written (one is an   Ashton story and the other is a group story) Thoughts?

           - Is there anything you would like to see out of this story, or from me in the future. 

I am looking for some true feedback not just "PLEASE UPDATE !11!!!1!!" It would really help me along to speed up the process of possible updates.

Thank you for everything you all have done for me,

Lizzie <3

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