Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

“So are you guys dating now?” Luke asks.

I am so caught off guard that I can’t even speak. What kind of question is that? How am I even supposed to answer something like that? I glance over at Michael for reassurance but he has worry on his face too. Well so much for his help, I hope he gets the message that I don’t know how to answer this. We all just stand there, staring at each other, waiting for someone to say something. Honestly I don’t even know the answer to this. I also don’t want to answer because I don’t want to hurt anyone. I look over at Michael just as he is opening his mouth to speak.

“Uhm.. no.” He answers firmly. The room is dead silent after that, no one has anything to say. I decide this is the best time for me to leave.

“I- I’m just gonna go..” I say before walking out the door. All of them protest my departure but I ignore all of it and walk out without another word. I quickly start to pick up pace and eventually sprint back to the dorms. What just happened? It is pretty obvious to me that I do have feelings for me but judging by his reaction he doesn’t have them for me.  How could I be so naive to think that he actually liked me. He is just one of those lying bad boys, of course. Every relationship that I have always gets ruined, whether it is family, friends, or boyfriends. It is always just so hard, why can’t life be simple for once.

After running all the way back I finally reach the dorm building. I rush through the door, up the stairs, and into the dorm. When I get in there Lauren is at her desk on her laptop. When she hears the door open she turns around and gives me a look before turning back to her computer. She shoves her headphones into her ears, I’m assuming so she doesn’t have to converse with me. I'm just going to soak in my sadness while smelling Michael's hoodie that I just realizied I'm still wearing. I decide to do the same as Lauren to help me think clearly, music. I put my headphones in and play Night Visions by Imagine Dragons because it always seems to help. 

Once the music starts playing my thoughts go crazy. Does Michael like me or not? Do I like him? What is gonna happen next? I don’t even know what to do anymore. Because if I do like him and he doesn’t like me back it could get complicated, or vice versa. Even if we both like each other it will just turn out horrible like every other relationship. I always manage to screw everything up, somehow, someway. My thoughts and the music are interrupted by a text from Calum.

*You okay Char? I’m worried about you* I guess I should reply so I don’t worry him.

*Yeah Cal, I’m fine. I’m back at the dorms, I’m safe* I reply even though I’m not really okay. I’m a little bit messed up at the moment. A few minutes later a get another text which I decide not to reply to.

*Okay, if you need anything, just call* That was sweet, I might take up on this offer soon. If I can’t figure out what to do soon I’m going to need someone. After about another hour of thinking about what just happened and what I’m going to do, I realize I do need help, and Calum is my only option. I walk out of the dorm room and out to the courtyard. I give Calum a call, it rings 3 times before he finally answers.

“Hello?” Calum says.

“Hi.” I say quietly.

“Do you need me there?” He asks, I guess he can tell when something is wrong.

“That would be nice.” I say, relieved that someone is finally there for me.

“I’ll meet you on the courtyard in 5 minutes” He says before hanging up.


“I’ll meet you on the courtyard in 5 minutes” I tell Charlotte as I grab my jacket. I run down the stairs so I can see her before something else happens.

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