Chapter 50

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Chapter 50


“Michael, you can sleep in the guest cottage” My mother blurts.

“Uh, Mom, I think-” I start to say.

“No.” She cuts me off, “No objections, I don’t want any funny business going on while you’re here, or ever for that matter. So, he is staying in the guest cottage”

“But, Mom” I whine, but she ignores me.

“No buts. You can help him get situated but you will be going straight to bed after that, missy” She says, giving me a stern look.

“Fine” I grumble, while going up the stairs, Michael following close behind.

My mother treats me like such a baby and I don’t know how much more I can take before I finally explode on her. She just can’t seem to grasp the fact that I am nearly 20, and I am in college. I should be able to live my life and make my own decisions. But to her, I am still a little girl playing in my room with my Barbie dolls.

“Charlotte” Michael says as he grabs my wrist, making me halt.


“I left some stuff in the car, I’ll be right back, alright?”

“Alright” I smile, he gives me a quick peck on the cheek before he descends the stairs.

I quietly pad to my room and plop down absent mindedly on my bed. I curl myself up and decide to wait there until Michael is back, and then I’ll take him to the guest house.

But before I knew it, my eyes were drooping, and I fell into sleep.


Michael’s POV

As I reenter the home, Jake is seated on the couch in the living room.

“Michael?” He asks, looking over at me. “Can I have a word with you?”

“Um,” I reply apprehensively, “Sure.”

He gestures to the chair that is adjacent to the couch, and I take a seat, rubbing my hands through my hair.

“So,” he starts, “seeing as Charlotte is my sister, I am quite fond of her. Therefore, I don’t want anything bad to happen to her, or for her to get hurt. I expect you to treat her as kindly as your body will allow. If I find out that she is being treated poorly, you’ve got another thing coming, my friend.”

“I don’t plan on giving her anything but the best, Mr. Malcom.” I chuckle at his protectiveness over his sister.

“That’s what I hoped. I didn’t want my sister ending up with some dead beat.”

“It’s a good thing she has you looking out for her.” I smile at him.

“Yeah, I could never want her to actually be hurt.” he says, “Don’t tell her I said that”

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” I laugh.

“You better get back up to her before Mother goes on a rampage because you’re still in the house.” He warns.

“Right you are,” I say while standing up, “Goodnight, Jacob”

“Goodnight” he replies, taking a sip of his water.


Charlotte’s POV

“Charlie” Michael says, gently shaking me awake, “Charlie, wake up”

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