Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I feel a body collide with mine, we both end up sprawled on the ground in a tangled mess. As I’m trying to regain my composure I am greeted by a familiar smell. I sit up from the ground just to meet a pair of big brown eyes, which I instantly know belong to Calum. He gives me a sympathetic grin before standing up and reaching for my hand. I lean up and he pulls me up. I grab my books and papers that I dropped, Calum helps.

“So Cal, what made you decide to drop by?” I asked.

“I needed to talk to you.” He gestures towards the dorms, and I nod. We start casually walking along the surprisingly familiar courtyard. But there is something different, I think it is the atmosphere, there is a lot of tension coming from Calum’s direction. He isn’t acting like his normal cheeky self, something is up.

“Are you okay Cal? You seem a little tense.” I say breaking the extremely awkward silence, I didn’t think I would be able to take much more of that.

“Kinda.” He states plainly, “We just have some important things to discuss.”

“Okay… Should I be worried?” I ask with definite concern.

“Maybe a little bit.” He says, staring off a head of us.

I reach my arm over and link mine with his, but he quickly pulls away. Okay, something’s up, this is not Calum. I don’t know what it is but I’m hoping to find out. We reach the dorms and one extremely awkward elevator ride later we are on my floor. I quietly and slowly lead the way to my dorm. I carfully unlock the door, the tension coming from Calum’s body behind me is causing me some anxiety. I open the door and walk in, setting my books down on the desk before plopping down on the bed. Lauren isn’t here anymore, she must be out getting some last minute things for tomorrow. I watch Calum as he walks to the center of the room, grabbing my desk chair before sitting down. I lay my head back on the pillow, pretending to be interested in the boring eggshell ceiling.

“Me and Michael almost got in a fight” Calum states out of the blue. Causing me to jolt up, I stare at him with wide eyes to encourage him to keep explaining, but he just stares at me with his big eyes.

What?” I ask, my voice cracking at the end.

“Well when Michael got back from wherever he went last night, he just kind of came on to me. I ended up being pushed against a wall but nothing went farther than that. We’re fine now but I thought you would just like to know”

“Would you please help me here? Explain why it started.”

“Michael thought I had feelings for you, and you had them for me so he got jealous and kinda snapped.”

“I don’t understand why though! Me and Michael aren’t dating for one so he shouldn’t be getting that jealous. And two you definitely don’t have feelings for me.” I say trying to clear things up a bit.

“Yeah… I don’t know Char.” He says, looking at his lap.

I slowly get off the bed and walk over to him, I take his chin in my fingers and lift his face so he is looking me in the eyes.

“Everything is going to be okay, Calum. I will make it okay.” I assure him, “Now, I need to go get some last minute things for class tomorrow would you like to join me?”

“I would be honored to” He replies with a smile. I walk away from him and grab my purse off the table, and before I know what is happening I am being thrown over Calum’s shoulder.

“CALUM!” I scream, “Put me down this instant.”

He doesn’t answer, he just giggles at my resistance. Now this is the spontaneous Calum that I know. After a few minutes of bouncing as Calum walks to the parking lot, he finally makes it to his car. He sets me down gently before giving me a toothy grin.

“That was not funny.” I say

“Then why are you smiling?” He asks giving me a smirk.

“Oh, shut up, Hood” I tease before climbing into the passenger seat. I watch as Calum gets into the car and turns it on.

“Where to, ma’am” He asks with a fake southern accent.

“Target?” I say trying to mimic his Australian accent.

“Alrighty” He says after laughing at my failed attempt.

He backs out of his spot and then leaves the campus. On the way there he becomes my tour guide, he shows me all of the great places to shop, eat, and just to have fun. He said his favorite places are In-and-Out Burger and Panda Express. After a few minutes of Calum rambling on about all the amazing things you can order at both restaurants, we finally reach our destination.  We walk in line into the target, and Calum grabs a cart. Before I notice what he is doing I turn around and I see him sitting criss-cross in the cart.

“What are you doing?” I whisper scream.

“Push me” He whines.

 I sigh and walk behind the cart, pushing the child-like Calum through the store. We go down just about every isle in the stores getting strange looks from all of the other shoppers. But for once I don’t care what other people think of me because I am having fun.

“This is probably the most fun that I have had since I have been in L.A.”

“Well I’m glad I helped you have a good time”

“Thanks Calum.” I reach into the cart and give him a light hug after throwing two packs of pencils on his lap.

“Any time Charlotte.” He smiles up at me.

We make our way to the cash register getting the stink eye from the old cashier. I put all of my items on the belt, and I stop Calum as he tries to get on the conveyor belt so he can be checked out too. As we are walking out the door and laughing, I suddenly hear Calum’s adorable laughter stop,

“I figured I would see you two together.” A strong voice says.


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