Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

“Yeah,” He says awkwardly. “Come with me” He says before taking my hand and leading me out the door.

I get all kinds of looks from the other boys, supportive from Ashton and confused from Luke. But what hurts me the most is the bit of pain that flashes through Calum’s eyes before he gets back to work. I follow Michael as he leads me through the house, the familiar path to his room. When I get inside it looks  a bit different, there are papers scattered all over the floor, dresser, and bed. I’m guessing he has been doing a lot of song writing lately. I think back to the song I just heard, there is a possibility that it was about me but I don’t want to expect anything because I’m usually wrong. But if it was about me, it was one of the sweetest things someone has ever done for me. But that means he really does like me, and I am still confused with no answers for him.

Michael lets go of my hand, I am having a bit of déjà vu, it is exactly happening like last time. I think about how wonderful it was the last time I was in this messy yet amazing room. I am still so confused how I feel about him though. He is so attractive yet the jealousy and mood swings aren’t my favorite things. There are so many pros and cons I could go through, but the pros are always weighing out the cons. But what worries me the most is the wall he is putting up, he is definitely hiding something from me. As I am reminiscing I feel two arms wrap around my waist from behind.

“Hi” Michael whispers in my ear sending a chill down my spine.

“Hi” I return.

“So, have you been thinking?” He whispers again.

“About?” I quietly ask.

“Us” He says sternly, “because I sure have.” His voice is like music to my ears, it is so deep and that accent is just a killer.

“I have but I am still… confused” I decide.

“Well maybe I can help” He offers. I feel him move the hair off of my neck, he leans down and starts kissing along my neck and jawline. His lips are soft and gentle as they linger across my skin. His touch is sending shockwaves through my body, as cheesy as it sounds, it was the truth. I feel him step a bit closer and press his body against my back. His hands travel to my shoulders as he turns me so I’m facing him. He has a look on his face that I can’t quite read, it seems as there are a lot of emotions going through his head at the moment. We stand there in the middle of his cluttered bedroom, staring at each other. He leans down and leaves a trail of kisses from my forehead to my chin, before leaving a long kiss on my nose. He looks at me before leaning down and nuzzling is face into my collar bone.

“I want you, I need you” He whispers into my neck, “You’re making me go crazy without you.”

I take his chin in my hands and lift up his head so he is looking at me. I take in his new look, the blonde is definitely attractive. I love the way it brings out his beautiful green eyes. His eyes are the most gorgeous eyes I’ve ever seen, especially when they are staring back at mine.

“Your eyes are stunning.” I whisper, shoot, did I just say that out loud.

“So are yours Charlotte, as grey as a stormy sky.” He compliments quietly.

“Thank you” I say before looking at the ground, then Michael lifts up my head. I couldn’t resist the moment, I stand on my tip-toes and press my lips gently to his. I missed the minty taste that I remember from that night in the dorm, there is a slight taste of chocolate as well. I pull back and bury my head in his chest as he wraps his arms around me.  I take in his wonderful scent, and I am taken away, I feel like I am in a whole different dimension. We stand like this for what seems like forever, which neither of us seem to mind at all. I feel Michael press his lips into my hair, it is somehow very comforting.

There is something about Michael that I just can’t resist. But the thought that we have only known each other for a few short days keeps surfacing in my brain. I’ve never had anyone give me this much attention, I’ve had boyfriends in the past but most of them were just a status symbol, so they basically meant nothing. But if we ever end up being in a relationship I need to make sure I take it slow, I also have to remember school. That’s what I came here for, not for a few cute Australian boys to come and mess up my plans. But oh well, college is a time to recreate myself, be unpredictable.  Maybe these crazy boys are my new life, and I think that is a good thing.

“Charotte?” he says into my hair.

“Yes, Michael?” I reply with a  little smile on my face at the sound of his voice.

“Go on a date with me” He states quietly.



I watch solemnly as Michael leads Charlotte out of the room. I can’t help but think that it should be me holding her hand and leading her up to my room.  I know I promised Michael I wouldn’t be jealous it is just so difficult. I go back to putting my bass away but my mind won’t stop wandering back to her, the way she had fun with me in the store even if we both looked like complete idiots. The look she had in her eyes made it seem like she didn’t have a care in the world, I liked that look on her. But Michael had to come and take that wonderful sparkle out of her eyes. I need to do something to get my mind off of her before it gets too out of hand

“Hey Cal, wanna go get some food?” Ashton asks from the doorway as if on cue.

“Yeah, sure” I answer, sitting my bass down on its stand.

I walk out into the hall, Luke and Ashton are waiting for me by the door. We all make our way outside and there is a big black car from management waiting outside, I climb into the way back so I can lie down. The whole ride through downtown LA the boys are fighting over where we should eat, not even taking me into consideration, but they end up deciding on Panda Express since it was up ahead, I wasn’t complaining.

We walk into the restaurant and are greeted by the smell of amazing food, which instantly brightens my mood. We all order our food and sit down in a booth in the corner of the restaurant. We all immediately dig into the delicious food. After that we all cracked our fortune cookies open and read them out loud.

“Your band sucks” I joke.

“Your band is going to fail” Luke adds.

“Smile, it will make your day brighter” Ashton reads, the joke flying over his head.

When we are all finished we stay there and chat for a bit until management comes to pick us up. Luke and Ashton just have their own conversation because I’m not really in the mood to talk. The only person I really want to talk to is Char, but I can’t without Michael throwing a hissy fit. So talking to her is definitely out.

“The car is here.” I state plainly since I can see clearly out the window. Both boys quickly get up and walk towards the door as I trail behind. I get the back seat again, which is my favorite place to think. I climb  in and lay my head down by the window. I need to get over Charlotte, it shouldn’t be that hard considering I’ve only know her for a few days, but it is hard. What I need to do is find another girl to fall for, that should help. That means I have to have a party this weekend and find a girl that shows up.

“Hey boys,” I say while sitting up. “We’re having a party on Friday” I demand.

“We are?” They say in unison.

“Yes, we are. We need to make sure we stop sometime and get some drinks.”

“Alright” Ashton says before asking the driver to stop somewhere. I lay back down on the seat, this plain is either genius or is going to completely fall through.


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