Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

“Do you wanna get out of here and go for a walk?” He asks while looking deeply into my eyes.

“That would be nice.” I reply while he helps me up from the curb. I look into his beautiful green eyes but he breaks my stare when he starts to walk down the street. I just stay there standing for a minute until I finally realize that I should be walking along with him. I jog a little bit so I can catch up.

We walk in an awkward silence for at least 4 blocks. It was so weird because he was just walking along, he looked extremely deep in thought. Someone needed to break the silence soon because you could cut the tension with a knife. Since it didn’t seem like Michael was going to say anything I guess it’s up to me.

“So where are we walking to?” I awkwardly ask, breaking the silence. It takes him a few seconds but he finally replies.

“Wherever the road takes us or wherever I feel like stopping” He replies.

“Ah, the mysterious bad boy type.” I say while rolling my eyes.

“What?” He stops in the middle of the street. “That’s what you think of me?” He says with pain in his voice.

“Well that is how you’re acting. Is that not how you want me to think of you?” I ask.

“I don’t know..” He trails off and continues walking. I walk next to him and the tension is just getting worse and worse. Something needs to happen or I might break down crying because it is so awkward.

“Oh my god!” I practically scream.

“What is it now?” He says with annoyance.

“There is a park over there. Can we go play?” I beg.

“Really?” He says in a sarcastic tone.

“Yes really, lighten up Blue’s Clues” I say with attitude while watching him roll his eyes.

I run ahead to the swings, Michael trails behind me, I sit down on the swing and start swinging. It isn’t long before Michael sits down on the swing next to me. He just swings lightly back and forth, he isn’t having nearly as much fun as me. I want to know why he is being so rude and not having fun, I just don’t want to say the wrong thing. After minutes of silence I finally get the courage to talk.

“So what’s your problem?” The words come out before I can process what I just said. Oh god, why do I have to be so rude to everyone.

“My problem? Well I don’t know, I miss my family back in Australia, there are a bunch of drunken people running around my house, and I’ve just had a horrible week.” He spits, “Now would you like to tell me what your problem is and why you’re so rude to me?” He retorts.

“Well it just happens that this is my 3rd day here in LA and I have no friends, and your attitude is putting me in a bad mood.” I say

“I’m sorry…” He says quietly. “I’m not perfect.”

“No one is, everyone has their flaws and that’s what makes us human.” I reply,

We sit in silence for the next 10 minutes. This boy is interesting to me, I know he isn’t telling me the full story of what’s making him act like this. I want to find out what he is hiding.

“I think I’m gonna head back. Are you going to join me or are you going to continue being a little kid?” He asks.

“Well, I’m always gonna be a little kid at heart, but yes I will be joining you.” I say as I watch Michael crack a small smile. Wow, his smile was beautiful, this was the first time I’ve ever seen it. It was kind of mesmerizing. As we’re walking I realize how short I am compared to Michael, he is attractively tall.  We walk about 5 blocks before my sleepiness hits me.

“Ugh, I’m so tired.” I sigh.

“Do you want me to carry you?” Michael asks. I’m surprised by his actions so I shouldn’t pass up the offer.

“Please?” I beg.

“Hop on, your pony awaits.” He says with a grin as I giggle at his choice of words.

He bends down so it is easier for me to hop on his back, once I’m on he begins walking again. It takes us a bit longer to get back since Michael had to carry all of my extra weight. But it was worth it, spending time with him is more fun than I make it sound. I’m really glad he asked me to walk with him, I am still a bit confused as to why he did anyway. We finally arrive back at the house and Michael sets me down on the sidewalk.

“Thank you.” I say while looking at him.

“It was no problem. m’lady” He says making me laugh. “Are you coming back inside?” He asks.

“I don’t know, should I?” I respond.

“It would be nice if you did. You said you didn’t have any friends so why don’t you come make some?”

“Alright let’s go” I finally give in. I walk behind him as we make our way over to the couch. The party has died down since we left. There aren’t nearly as many people and the music is much quieter. We make our way to the couch in the fair corner. I spot Calum before he embraces me and Michael in a tight hug,

“Where were you guys?! We were worried sick!” Calum explains.

“We went for a little walk. We’re fine” I reassure him.

“We’re here now aren’t we?” Michael says while sitting down.

“I’m glad you are too, we are about to start playing truth or dare.” Calum says.

“Party games aren’t really my thing, so I’m just-“ I try to explain.

“Nope, no if, ands, or buts about it, you’re playing” He interrupts

“Fine” I give in.

Everyone that is left at the party gets in a circle on the middle of the living room floor. I take in who is around me: Calum, Luke, Ashton, Lauren, Michael, and three other people that I don’t know. I don’t usually play these games because they always take a bad turn. But It’s college right? It’s time to live a little. At first there are a few little pointless dares, like take one shot, but then they start to get more and more serious.  First a girl named Ashley had to kiss some boy named Sam, then Luke had to take three shots of pure vodka. Then it was Lauren’s turn to dare someone, I had no doubt that she was going to dare me. I sat there thinking in the suspense of all of the horrible things she could make me do. But my thoughts are interrupted by something that surprises me.

“Calum, truth or dare?” She asks plainly. This honestly shocks me, I figured she would pick me because she has some random hatred towards me.

“Dare.” Calum says confidently.

A devious grin creeps up on Laurens face. There is no way in hell that this is going to turn out good. I can see a bit of nervousness sneak up on Calum.

“I dare you to kiss Charlotte.” She says with a sly smile.


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