Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


**Taking it back a bit**

“You’re the difference, Charlotte.”

 I admit to her. So much has happened in the past couple minutes, it’s too much for me to handle. So Charlotte is seeing Calum behind my back, even though it’s not really cheating since we’re not together but now she knows how I feel, she can at least respect that. There have been girl problems in the band before but it has never involved me. This was all new to me, I don’t think Calum knows I have feelings towards her so I guess I can’t get too mad but that doesn’t keep me from being extremely jealous. Anger was starting to build in me, I needed to get out before I broke something or before someone got hurt. I stand up from the bed before anyone can notice and slam the door so they get the point that I’m gone.

I run quickly off of the campus just in case Charlotte comes looking for me, not that she will, she doesn’t care. The smug look on Lauren’s face pops into my mind, she did this on purpose. Just because I didn’t like her more than a friend, and now that I do like someone that’s not her she has to go and ruin it. I thought we worked this out, she’s cool but I don’t like her that way. Since her life isn’t exactly how she wants it, apparently mine can’t be either. I walk down the street, lost in thought. When I reach the house I barely remember walking there because I was so deep in my head.

I stroll up the front walk of the house and open the door, slamming it shut when I get inside. It grabbed someone’s attention just as I hoped. Calum comes from around the corner, a glass cup of soda in his hand.

“Hey, I was worried about you. You left in a hurry.” He says while walking towards me. I still can’t shake the fact out of my mind that less than 2 hours ago he was sitting on the bed with Charlotte.

“Oh, you’re just worrying about everyone today.” I say rolling my eyes.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” He says, clearly confused.

“I heard you were hanging out with Charlotte today.” I spit.

“Yeah, I was. Is there a problem?” He asks, still not getting the hint.

“Yes, Cal, it is.” I admit, “Kind of a big one to me.”

“What’s so wrong about me being there for a friend when they need me?” He retorts.

“I want to be the one to care for her when she needs it. Not you, not anyone, just me.” I answer truthfully. I might sound extremely protective but I can’t help myself from saying what’s on my mind.

“Well, it can’t be like that all the time,” He states, “sorry to burst your bubble”

“I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I have feelings for Charlotte, and you aren’t taking that away from me.” I finally say.

“I noticed... but it isn’t going to be that easy to keep me away.” He threatens.

Before my brain can process what is happening I have Calum pinned against the wall by his shirt, and there is a glass shattered on the floor.

“Calum, I’m already angry with you, don’t make me do something I’ll regret.” I say starting to raise my voice, apparently it was loud enough for Ashton and Luke to hear because they both come into the room from different sides of the room.

“Michael, dude, let him go.” Ashton warns.

“Bro, it’s okay. Calm down.” Luke adds.

Before I let go I get close to Calum’s face so I can get the point across. “Stay away from her.” I growl.

I let go of Calum as he slides down the wall as I am walking up the stairs as quickly as possible I hear the boys questioning Calum about what just happened. Before I close my door I hear an answer from Calum. “It was nothing guys, It’s fine.”

I pace around my room for a minute before kicking off my shoes into the closet and taking my pants off, if I want to fix everything I’m going to need some sleep. I plop down on the bed and cover myself up, the bed sheets still smell of Charlotte. I lay there as thoughts about this roller coaster of a day put me to sleep.

** ** **

A ringing wakes me up from my deep slumber, I look at my phone, It’s an unknown number but I answer anyway.

“Hello?” I say sleepily into the phone.

“Hi, Michael? It’s Charlotte.” The sound of her voice wakes me up and I sit upright.

“Hi” I manage to say.

“Hey, We still need to talk.” She says.

“I know.” I sigh,

“What happened, Michael? Why did you leave so upset?”

“I was jealous, of you and Calum.” I admit quietly. “Sometimes my anger can get really bad and I didn’t want to take it out on you.”

“It’s okay, Mikey. That’s all I needed to hear.”

“I’m really sorry I’m such a mess.”

“You aren’t a mess, you’re just fine.” She says, well maybe if you knew the whole story you would agree with me, I think.

“I’ll be okay if you don’t want to hang out with me anymore.” I sigh.

“There is no way I’m letting that happen.” She says, “I can assure you, there is nothing going on between me an Calum”

“Good” I relieve.

“So we’re good?” She asks after a minute of silence.

“We’re great.” I reply with a smile. “Do you want to hang out this weekend? I know you have to get ready for classes the rest of this week.” I ask nervously.

“That would be nice.” She says causing a smile upon my face. “Well, It was nice talking to you, but I need some sleep. Goodnight, Michael.”

“Sweet dreams, Charlie.” Did I just say that? Charlie? Good going, Michael.

“Did you just call me Charlie?” She asks with confusion.

“Yeah… im sorry.” I apologize, obviously embarrassed.

“It’s okay Michael, It was cute. Well I gotta go. Bye, Mikey.”

“Goodbye.” I say, kind of in a trance. She thought it was cute, I did something right for once.

I lay back down, smiling like an idiot. This girl tends to have this effect on me, it has been a while since I have smiled this much. Just her being her normal quirky self makes me go insane. Just seeing her in person makes my heart beat 100 miles per hour. This girl is making me crazy, and we aren’t even together. I am just hopelessly crushing on her, I really need all this to work out, or my life might turn into a living hell. I am slowly drifting in and out of sleep thinking of Charlotte. After what feels like minutes, I wake up and glance the clock. It is already 8:30. As I am trying to fall back to sleep I hear a voice yell up the stairs.



“Get down here, we need to talk!”


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