Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

The bright light shining upon my face wakes me out of my slumber. There are arms wrapped around me. I move slightly and the arms pull me closer.

“Good morning” Leo says groggily.

“Good moring” I whisper back.

“What time is it?” Leo asks into my hair.

“Almost 9:30” I say glancing at the clock.

“Mmhmm” He grumbles into my hair.

“How did you sleep?” I ask him.

“Better, since you were here.” He replies causing me to blush. He takes his hand and starts to rub my cheek. He slowly turns my body around so I am facing his. He continues to rub my cheek as we lay there. He carefully lays his forehead against mine. Slowly, he begins to lean in.

“Leo” I stop him. “I still have feelings for Michael, this isn’t right” Disappointment immediately washes over his face.

“I’m sorry, Leo. It’s just you’re one of the only friends I have here and I don’t want to lose that.” I explain.

“It’s okay, Charlotte” He says, putting on his best smile. I carefully slip out of his grasp and stand from the bed.

“I think I need to go back to my dorm today, since I have class tomorrow.” I say quietly before leaving him to get my stuff from the other room.

I pull on some new clothes before shoving everything else into a bag.

“Going already?” I hear a voice behind me ask, I turn to see a frowning Sam leaning on the door frame.

“Yeah, I can’t hide from my problems any longer. I’m going to have to face them sometime.” I tell him as I pull the bag over my shoulder.

“Do you need a ride?”

“Nope, I already called Calum. Thanks for asking though” I reply with a smile. I walk over to him and he embraces me in a tight hug.

“Thank you for letting me stay here” I say into his chest.

“Anytime Charlotte” He replies as we let go. I walk down the hall to see Leo waiting for me by the door.

“Your ride’s here. Let me walk you out” He says opening the door. I follow him into the elevator.

“I’m sorry about earlier” He whispers.

“It’s fine, Leo” I assure him, causing his face to soften a little.

We walk out of the elevator and into the lobby. Leo opens the front door for me and walks me to the car. I see Calum and  a smile immediately takes over my face.

“Thank you Leo” I say while giving him a warm hug.

“No problem Char. See you in class” He says before letting me out of his embrace. I watch as he enters the building without a second glance. Before I knew what was happening two arms wrapped around me from behind so tightly I couldn’t breathe.

“Cal” I struggle. “You gotta let go buddy, I can’t breathe”

He loosens his grip so I can turn around and hug him properly. I immediately wrap my arms around his long torso.

“I missed you, Cal” I say into his warm chest. “Have you been working out?” I smirk.

“I exercise when I’m worried.” He explains.

“If it was about me, then you shouldn’t have been worried. I’m fine” I try to tell him as I release his grip.

“I know you’re not fine” He says with a straight face.

“I will admit. I am worried to go back to the dorm and see Lauren” I reveal as I walk to the passenger side of the car.

“It’s going to be fine. I’ll be right there with you” He comforts me as he sits down in the car. 


When we arrive at the dorm it is just how I left it. Papers all over my desk, bed unmade, pile of dirty clothes at the foot of the bed. I set my bag down and let out a sigh of relief that Lauren wasn’t here. Maybe she got over the boys and found some new friends.

“I’m going to go use the bathroom” Calum says before leaving the room. I walk over to my bed and lay down, mentally exhausted from all this anxiety. I cover myself with my comforter and block out any distractions. I guess what I am going to have to do is just go talk to Michael and work it out. It’s the best plan I have so far. Suddenly,  a knock on the door breaks me from my planning.  I stand up to open the door for my best friend.

But to my surprise it isn’t my big brown eyed Australian standing in front of me.

“Mom” I say, feeling all the color drain out of my face.

“Hi, dear.” She greets me as she walks into the room. I leave the door open a crack so Calum can get in.

“Uhm.. What are you doing here?” I ask nervously. She is all decked out with her perfect hair, designer clothes, and a face caked with make-up. When I am over here with messy hair, smeared make-up, and baggy clothes.

“For starters I was worried because you weren’t answering my calls, so I decided to check up on you” She explains while looking over my appearance.

“Well, here I am. And I am perfectly fine.” I inform her.

“I also just wanted to see my little girl” She says as her face softens. Suddenly the door is kicked open.

“Hey Char, did you know there is a vending machine in the bathroom?” he asks with a mouth full of chips. When he gets fully into the room and notices my mom he looks like a deer in headlights. “Shit” He mumbles.

“Charlotte.. Who is this?” My mom asks apprehensively.

“Uh, Mom, this is my best friend Calum” I say quietly looking back and forth between the two of them. He holds his hand out and she shakes it hesitantly.

“What are you majoring in?” She asks him, recovering from the awkward tension in the room.

“Uh. I’m not in college… I’m in a band” he says nervously.

“Oh” She replies.

“I am going to go out in the hall and give you guys some time…” Calum trails as he walks out the door, shutting it behind him. I try to give him a look of disapproval but he doesn’t see it.

“I will not have you hanging out with hooligans like that” She says sternly, motioning to the door.

“Look at what he is doing to you! You’re a mess! You are a disgrace, I sent you here to learn not mess around with stupid boys.” She yells.

“Oh! Well I am sorry this ‘hooligan’ was here for me when you never were!” I yell back at her, her face washes over with sadness.

“He is in a band! He is going to go nowhere in life and I don’t want him to pull you down with him! He is just a punk that is going to hurt you!” She yells  back.

“You obviously know nothing about me or him, so just get out!” I scream. She quietly walks out of my dorm giving Calum a death glare before strutting down the hall. I pull Calum up from the floor and drag him into my room.

“Did you hear any of that?” I ask quietly.

“All of it” He whispers back as he embraces me in a hug.


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