Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

I follow Michael down the small flight of plain steps, taking in every movement of his body. The way his long arms sway by his sides, the way the muscles in his back move, the sound of his feet hitting each hard wood stair. We reach the living room and the boys are fighting over what movie to watch, yet again. But as they are yelling Michael gives me a devious grin and pulls out a movie from behind his back, he quietly walks over to the DVD player and slides the disk in.

“HEY” Michael yells, “I put a movie in, children, sit back and enjoy the show”

He joins me and Ashton on the mattress, Luke is laying on the couch, and Calum has taken the chair. He grabs one of the many blankets and covers us both up with it, putting his arm around me. It turns out the movie he put in was The Perks of Being a Wallflower, my all-time favorite movie and book, hands down. He really does listen then because I believe I told him this fact about me one day when we were hanging out. I squeal quietly with delight, receiving a grin from Michael. We watch the movie quietly, and about halfway through Luke was sound asleep. Calum spent most of his time on his phone rather than watching the movie but the three of us on the mattress were totally focused. The thing I love about movies is that I can get wrapped up in other people’s problems instead of my own, that’s also the reason I read. I was probably getting annoying though, because I was quoting all of my favorite parts, but oh well.

I slowly drift in and out of sleep but I had to finish the movie, by about three fourths in all of the other boys are asleep, except Michael. When the movie is over we just lay down, Michael’s arm under my head.

“Charlie?” He whispers in my ear.

“Mmhmm” I say, falling into a deep sleep.

“Would you like to be my girlfriend?” He asks in my ear, a sleepy smile growing on my face.

“I’d love to” I whisper, the last thing I remember is feeling Michael smile into my hair.

** ** **

The brightness in the room forces me awake, but I keep my eyes closed. I reach over to find Michael, but he isn’t there. The only one that is here is Luke and he is still snoring away, in his own little dreamland. I slowly sit up rubbing my eyes, stretching, and yawning. I stand up from the mattress and make my way to the kitchen, Michael and Ashton are in there making some toast.

“Good morning” I say sleepily.

“Good morning, lovely” Michael says turning from the toaster, making me smile. He walks over and gives me a small hug before he walks back to the toaster. I slide myself up so I am sitting on top of the counter.

“Yeah, good morning to you too.” Ashton says pouting.

“Good morning, Ash” I say jumping off the counter to ruffle his hair. I look back over at Michael, and now he is standing over the stove making scrambled eggs. I take my spot back on the counter as Ashton leaves the room to go do whatever he does. Michael finishes the eggs and puts them on a plate before walking over to me. He motions for me to scoot over and then he jumps onto the counter. He offers me some eggs, but they aren’t my favorite so I deny them. He eats his eggs in silence, while I sit there staring out the big glass door out to the pool. Michael jumps off the counter and places his plate in the sink, of course he is too lazy to put it in the dishwasher. I slip off of the counter and stretch out my back, which Michael took as an invitation to wrap his arms around me. I instantly melt into his embrace.

“What do you want to do today?” He asks before kissing me on the cheek.

“Well, I need to go back to my dorm for a bit but then after that we can do whatever we want” I say with smile.

“I can drive you over if you want” He offers.

“That’d be nice, let me get my stuff”

“I’ll get it for you” He says before flashing me a cheeky smile and leaving the kitchen. I glance back into the living room and Luke is still asleep, and I see Calum walk down the hall into the instrument room. As I’m looking a tap on the shoulders scares me half to death. I let out a small scream as I jump. I turn to see a laughing Ashton

“Payback” He states, but I just pout back at him.

“That wasn’t funny”

“Well it wasn’t funny from my point of view when you scared me either” He challenges.

“Touché” I say blandly.

“So are you and Michael dating now?” He asks like a five year old.

“Yes we are” I say, and a smile creeps up on Ashton’s face.

“It’s about time!” He exclaims before patting me on the shoulder and walking in the living room to wake Luke up. He climbs onto the couch and lays next to him poking his face, what a cute bromance moment. I hear someone stirring behind me and I see Michael with my once wet clothes folded in his hands.

“Ready to go?” He asks handing  me my clothes.

“Yep” I say with a smile following him into the garage. We get into his car and make the journey to the dorms across town. When we arrive Michael and I walk with our fingers intertwined across the courtyard, he even holds my hand as I unlock the door. I lead him into the room and Lauren is sitting at her desk giving us a disapproving look before turning back to whatever work she was doing. I let go of Michael’s hand and walk over to the closet, turning on the light so I can change inside. I slide on my black skinny jeans but keep the Michael’s T-shirt on. I walk out of the closet just as Michael stands up off my bed.

“Let’s go” I demand giving Lauren a look as to stay out of it. Michael follows me out the door and we walk to his car.

“Where to?” He asks when we reach the car but my answer is interrupted by his phone ringing.

“Change of plans.” He says, “We have to go to management’s office for a meeting”

“Is it okay if I go?” I question.

“Well, they asked specifically for you to be there” He states.


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