Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

I woke to a loud banging on my door, I slide out of my warm bed to answer it. I slowly open the door to a smiling Michael. I give him a sleepy smile before yawning. He comes in the  door and gives me a long hug. Seeing as sleepy as I was I didn’t move out of his grip, He carefully smoothed out my bed head before letting me go.

“Get dressed” He demands.

“Okay, bossy” I reply sassily, receiving a smirk from him. I slowly walk over to the closet and grab my black jeans and my crop top with a skull made out of flowers. I open the door and carefully push Michael into the hall, shutting the door. I slip on the outfit and brush out my hair before opening the door. Michael runs in and immediately starts tickling my sides. It caught me so of guard that we both ended up on the floor.

“Michael” I squeal in between laughs. “Let – Me – go”

“Not happening, sweetheart” He purrs in my ear. He slowly leans his head down and leaves a trail of kisses along my jaw to my lips. His lips are warm and soft against mine. He rubs his soft hand up and down my back as I play with his hair. But then he suddenly stands up pulling me out of my trance.

“Come on, we have places to be” He smiles before helping me up.

“And where might we be going, Mr. Mysterious?” I tease while pulling on my shoes.

“It’s a surprise.” He explains with a smirk. I sigh in defeat and stand up since I am fully ready. Michael grabs my hand and leads me down the hall and out onto the courtyard. We walk in silence down the busy streets of LA. We finally get to a very large park only a few blocks from the dorms. He walks me over to a blanket lying on the ground with a box of pizza. He lets go of my hand and we both sit down.

“You have done well, Clifford” I say before grabbing a slice of pizza. Everything was going well and dandy, we finished our pizza and decided to take a walk around the park. Suddenly there was a high pitched scream that came from behind us. We both turned around to see two girls running at us.

“Pretend you’re a fan” Michael mutters before they get there.

“Oh my god! Michael!” One of them screams, while the other runs to give him a hug. His face immediately lights up like it does when he is on stage.

“Will you take a picture of us?” One of the girls asks me handing me her phone.

“Sure” I smile, I take a few pictures of them together and they are on their way.

“That was cute” I blurt out.

“Yeah, it was wasn’t it?” He asks, still in his happy daze. I like this Michael a lot better, he is sweet and cute. This is the Michael I want to date.

“Now what?” I ask Michael with a grin.

“Whatever you want darling” He replies.

“I want to watch a movie” I suggest.

“At a theater? Or somewhere else?” He asks as we walk.

“Your house?” I ask.

“Yeah, cool” He replies grabbing my hand before walking towards his house. When we get inside none of the other boys are in the main rooms of the house, they are either out or in their rooms. I assumed we would be watching it in the living room, which is why I was surprised when he lead me upstairs. He walked me into his room and carefully shut his door. He slips over to the dresser and pulls out a movie and slides it into the dvd player. I walk over and sit on his bed, my back against the headboard. It isn’t long before Michael joins me. After all of the trailers and advertisements are over I have managed to lay my head on Michael’s chest. When the movie starts I realize it is The Breakfast Club. I have to admit, this boy has great taste in movies. We watch the movie and about half way through I feel myself drifting off to sleep. Michael notices and slides down the headboard so I am more comfortable. He slowly lifts the duvet over both of us. I assume he continues to watch the movie as I slumber on his chest.

I wake to hear Michael breathing slowly with his arms around me. He must have fallen asleep too, he is cute when he sleeps. He has this little smile on his face and he looks so much younger than usual. I try to drift back to sleep, and when I am almost out Michael’s phone brings me back to reality. There are the usual yes’s and no’s of a phone call before he hangs up.

“We are needed by management” He states in an angry tone. My nerves creep their way up my throat, and my stomach starts turning. Michael quietly walks out of his room and I slowly follow him out. We head back into the garage and back into the car. He slowly puts his key and the car roars to life. Michael drives angrily down the street, and parks right in front of the building. I quietly get out of the car, I can tell this put him in a bad mood because he isn’t speaking at all, I don’t want to bother him and make it worse. He walks through the big glass doors as I shadow behind him, he makes his way quickly down the hall. He enters a different room than the one we were in the other day. He slides slowly down into a chair in front of the desk and I take the seat next to him. This room is very modern and neat, all different kinds of electronics cover the desk. From phones, to computers, to tablets. I am assuming this is the Social Media director’s office. A very skinny woman wearing business clothes struts into the room and takes her seat at the desk.

“Hello” She says with a big smile.

“Hi” I say since Michael only gave her a dirty look.

“It has come to our attention that a few pictures of you two were leaked today.” She turns her computer towards us and we see pictures of us holding hands as we are walking down the street.  There is also one of us together sitting on the blanket in the park. “We are going to try our best to get this all sorted out. It shouldn’t be that hard, but we thought that we should inform you. Michael if you could refrain from getting on to any social media for the next couple days it would help loads.”

“Okay” He replies rudely.

“That will be all. Thank you both” She says before we all stand up. Michael leaves the room and I give the woman a sympathetic smile before following him out. I watch as Michael slams the car door once he is inside.

“Why can’t I just have a normal relationship?” Michael screams when I shut the door. “Now we can’t even go out in public together because someone ruined it for us” He says before leaning his head on the steering wheel.

“Maybe I don’t want a normal relationship” I say quietly causing Michael’s head to jolt up from the steering wheel. “Maybe I want surprises, maybe I want suspense, maybe I want change” I continue, each word lightening the emotion on Michael’s face. After a minute of silence Michael drives back down the street.

“Can you drop me off at the dorm, I need to work on my project” I ask Michael.

“Sure” He replies. “You’re coming to the party on Friday right?” He asks when we are pulling into the parking lot.

“You guys have parties a lot.”  I state.

“What else are we going to do with that big house?” He retorts.

“Touché” I reply with a smile.

“So you’re coming?” He asks again as he parks.

“Yeah, sure”


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