Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Before I could go anywhere Michael grabs my arms and places his lips on mine. I quickly pull away before anything more could happen, because I am still upset, and there won’t be any making up until we talk like mature people. Which we both obviously aren’t.

“You don’t know how much I have missed doing that” He whispers looking at the ground.

“Well, now you have a new girlfriend that you can kiss whenever you wish. One that you also just cheated on, like you did with me. You are just bringing my level of trust towards you lower and lower.” I fight.

“For God’s sake, Charlie, she isn’t my girlfriend”

“Oh, I have to be honest, I’m surprised. And don’t call me Charlie. It was special but you just ruined it” I say before sulking back down the hall into the living room. When I get in there I expected to see the girl with the extremely small clothing in her spot in front of the couch, but she was gone.

“Where’s the intruder?” I sneer.

“Charlotte” Calum warned, but Ashton started laughing hysterically. “Ashton!” He exclaimed, “It isn’t funny!”

“Yeah it is, Cal.” Luke says, as Ashton continues to giggle “But she left.”

“Good, she was killing my mood” I say sitting back down in between Calum and Ashton.

“Aw, is little Charlotte not happy?” Ashton says with a pout.

“No” I pout back.

“I know what will make you happy” Calum says standing up from the couch and walking over to the T.V. He takes the current movie out, getting protests from Ashton who was actually watching it. But Calum ignored all of them and put a new movie in. When it got to the title screen the biggest smile crept upon my face. He chose the Perks of Being a Wallflower, which they all know is my favorite. When he returned back to the couch I laid my head on his shoulder.

“Thanks Cal” I whispered as he flashed me a smile. We watched the movie and about halfway into it Michael came back into the room, sitting down into the small chair. I assume he talked to my replacement because he looked upset, but not confused. I turned back to the T.V. just to catch one of my favorite parts. Patrick had just dared Charlie to kiss the prettiest girl in the room, and he kissed Sam instead of Mary Elizabeth. Then all hell broke loose.

“I just don’t understand why they all had to freak out when he made a mistake” Michael blurts out.

“Maybe they had previous trust issues with guys” I fight back, not taking my eyes off the T.V.

“Look how sorry he is, he is in so much pain. How could they not forgive him?” He continues.

“Sometimes forgiveness isn’t that easy to just hand out.” I knew that we weren’t talking about the movie anymore.

“They didn’t even try to give him a chance,” He fights, raising his voice.

“Maybe he didn’t deserve it” I retort looking over at him, anger present on his face.

“They just need to let him explain” he says, getting quieter.

“They eventually do” I whisper, and his face softens, but I turn back to the T.V. Calum looks over and gives me a supportive half smile. We finish the movie and it is around 5. I decide it is time to eat.

“I want to go get some food” I say as Luke takes the movie out of the DVD player.

“I’ll go with you” Michael surprises me as he stands up from the couch and grabs his jacket, I flash Calum a worried look as I follow him out the door. But Calum has his eyes focused on the ground. I carefully shut the front door, making sure I don’t slam it.

Michael is the last person that I want to be stuck in a small place with, cause it is probably going to end up in yelling, knowing how stubborn we both are. I can tell Michael is upset, but he really does need to learn his lesson. I can’t just let him think he can just cheat without there being consequences to his actions. I apprehensively got into the car as Michael entered the driver’s side. The ride there was extremely awkward, no one was talking, and I was just staring out the window. We finally got to In-and-Out burger and Michael parked in the closest spot to the door. We went inside and Michael ordered for both of us. He got me a burger and we split a large fry. We sit down in a corner booth away from all the people.

“I’m sorry” He speaks out before even opening his food.

“I know, I’m going to give you a chance to explain yourself now” I say before eating a few fries.

“Lauren made a move on me, I swear I tried to stop her but she just wouldn’t get off. And I couldn’t push her or anything because you just don’t treat a girl like that. I swear I didn’t mean to hurt you, but Lauren on the other hand…” He drifts off.

“Yeah, I’m guessing you didn’t hear her whole speech” I say looking down at my lap.

“Oh, I heard it alright” He confirms, “Let me explain something”

I nod signaling him to continue.

“We all hated secretly hated her, but Ashton had a thing for her so we put up with it. But she only hung out with us because she had a thing for me” He explains.

“You’re such a stud, Mikey” I joke, he gives me a smile before continuing.

“Well we all knew she was a two-faced bitch so we were kind of done with her after a few more weeks. Then you came along and Ashton finally saw her other side and kinda dropped her off.” He finishes before taking a bite of his burger. I continue to stare at my lap.

“Are we okay?” He asks quietly, I bring my head up to look him in the eye.

“Yeah, we’re okay” I say hesitantly. I know I shouldn’t forgive him just yet, because of the anxiety that he will cheat again, but the pain in his eyes is too much for me to handle. I hate being the cause of someone’s anger or sadness, it just makes me feel horrible inside. The sadness that is present in Michael’s eyes subsides when he hears my response. He gives me a small smile before continuing to eat. When we finish, we go back to the counter and order 3 burgers and large fries for the boys back at home. I grab the large bag and climb into the passenger seat.

As we’re driving, Michael places his hand on my thigh and begins to rub small circles with his thumb. I can tell by his appearance and the bags under his eyes that he has been very upset. He just needs something to grab onto so he can pull himself back to normal, and I would like to think that I am that thing. It might take him a while to gain my full trust back, but he obviously needs me right now so I am going to be there for him. When we get back to the house the boys are engulfed in some video game. I set their food on the small table and the immediately start devouring it.

I sit down on the couch and pull my knees up to my chest. I watch as they all have fun and joke while eating their food. Suddenly I feel the couch cushion dip down beside me, Michael has gladly taken the seat next to me. I am glad we are okay now but I am still extremely apprehensive about trusting him. If he does cheat one more time that is the last straw, I will be done. It could be hard but I have to do it.

“So are the two love-birds happy again?” Ashton asks.

“Yeah” Michael says with a big smile.

“It’s about time! I was tired of seeing the both of you mope around.” Luke exclaimed.

“Yeah, It was killing my cheery vibe” Calum says with his mouth full.

“I’m so sorry, Cal” I tease ruffling his hair.

“Hey! Not the hair!” He screams, and we all break into hysterics.


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