Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

I am currently holding hands with Michael in the back of a big black SUV, we are on the way to the show today. The other boys are in another car so the fans don’t see me get out with them.

“How are you going to get out without the fans noticing?” I ask with worry.

“Were going around the block and I’m going to get into their car” He reassures me. The driver makes a sudden stop and I hear all of the screaming fans outside the venue.

“Well this is my stop” I say pouting.

“I’ll see you in a bit, lovely” He says before kissing me on the cheek. I grab my phone and jump out of the SUV and watch as the fans are disappointed, expecting me to be the boys. I make my way down the block to the end of the line before pulling out my phone and sending a text to all the boys.

*Break a leg :)*

I waited in line for another thirty minutes before people started filing in. I finally made it in and found my seat. It was all the way in the back but the venue was pretty small so it was still a god view. I watch as crew members set up everything in its correct spot. Then I hear the crowd roar as the boys make their way onto the stage, I can see the adrenaline coursing through all of them. They start with Michael’s new song and they perform it flawlessly.

“How’s LA today?” Calum yells into his microphone, causing the crowd to go insane. They play a few more of their songs before taking tweet questions.

“Have you kissed anyone in the last month?” Ashton reads the first tweet with a smirk towards Michael.

“Yes” Michael answers right away, a smile on his face, he looks directly at me. Let’s hope he isn’t counting that other girl.

“Yes” Calum answers also looking at me, forcing me to relive the memory of the dare.

“Yes” Luke says quietly into the microphone.

“No” Ashton answers, his cheeks flushing as the room erupts in laughter.

They answer a few more questions before returning to playing their music, the last song they played was Heartbreak girl, and I couldn’t help but notice Michael staring at me during the whole last verse. All four of these boys that I have come to know looked like super stars up on that stage, I loved seeing them so happy, so comfortable. Even awkward little Luke looked comfortable. When the concert was over. The fans ended up pushing me out the door along with them when I was supposed to go backstage. So I just went along with it, the mob shuffled to the gate that was blocking the fans from the bands SUVs, and somehow I got pushed to the front.

“Hi, I’m supposed to be back there. Charlotte Malcom” I tell the security guard.

“Sorry no fans allowed” He says, as if it’s a routine.

“But-“ I start to say

“No buts, missy, you aren’t getting back there” He enforces. Just when I thought all hope was lost I saw Ashton walking to the SUV.

“Ashton!” I yelled, just as the other girls were doing. “Ashton!” He looked over to wave but noticed me and made eye contact with me before jogging over to the gate, causing me to get pushed up against it. I pulled my hood up so it was covering my face in case anyone decided to take pictures. He whispered something to the security guard and he opened the gate and grabbed my arm before pulling me through the small opening, and shutting it quickly before anyone else can get through. Ashton quickly pushes me towards the door of the venue. I jog inside before I get screamed at by fans for getting let in. I find my way through the endless halls backstage, finally getting to the dressing room. I find Calum and Michael both there playing on a Game Cube that was connected to the small TV. I open the door all the way and take the seat in between the two boys.

“Charlie, look what they have!” Michael practically yells even though he is right next to me.

“I see Michael, pretty cool” I reply, he takes his arms around my shoulders, connecting them in the front with the controller. They play a bunch of rounds of their game before they are interrupted about an hour later.

“Hey, it’s cool to go now” Luke says, popping his head in the room

“Alright, let us finish this game” Calum sighs receiving a childlike ‘awh’ from Michael.. I watch as Luke rolls his eyes before leaving the room. They finish their game and put away the controllers.

“Bye GameCube! You were the best!” Michael yells as he leaves the room.

 We have to run outside, me with my hood up, so no one will notice me. Somehow when we carried out our plan it worked because the sea of fans had died down to only a few. Once we were piled into the car, Michael, Ashton and I in the back, Luke and Calum in the middle seats, we were on our way back to the house.

** ** **

It has been a two days since the concert and I have barely seen the boys at all because they have been recording and writing, but I’m hoping to see them soon. So to cope with my boring life away from them I have been spending a lot of my free time in the library. I grab my bag of books and make my way across campus, just like I have been.

When I get inside I show the young clerk my ID and then go to my usual spot, but there is someone at the table where I normally sit. I take in the sight, it is Luke surrounded by papers and books. I set my bag down and pull out the seat across from him. He looks up from his books, a surprised expression across his face, but it fades when he notices it’s me.

“Hey” I greet him, “What are you doing here?”

“Well, if you didn’t know I still try to maintain school even though we’re on the road all the time, so I come here to work. The girl at the desk doesn’t even card me so it isn’t that hard to get in” He explains.

“Oh, okay. That’s pretty cool though, I would never be able to do that” I admit.

“Yeah, it isn’t easy” He discloses looking at the papers all around him.

“Do you mind if I work here with you?” I ask.

“No, not at all” He replies with a smile.

I slip my Macbook out of my bag and get to work on my Web Design homework, the project is to find a company that needs a website designed for them. I ended up with a small florist down town. I stopped there the other day and got all of the information needed for the website. I get to work listening ot the occasional noise of Luke ruffling papers, but it is interrupted by my phone ringing. My face immediately flushes because the attention of all the people there is directed towards me. I grab the phone out of my bag, and receive a reassuring smile from Luke. I glance at the screen and Michael’s name flashes across it.


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