Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

“I figured I would see you two together.” A strong voice said. My eyes follow Calum’s gaze, I see Michael standing there with a grim look on his face. He is carrying one bag and a can of Monster. His hair is now blonde, it’s a change from the bright blue but I like it. But the new hair definitely isn’t distracting me from the anger that is flashing through his eyes. There is an extremely long awkward silence of me standing there in shock.

“Michael, it’s not-“ Calum starts.

“No, save it. I have to go to band practice, if you forgot about that promise too.” He spits before walking out the door leaving us both there in shock. Calum quietly climbs out of the cart and stares at the ground.

“Will you take me to the house?” He asks quietly, still not making any eye contact.

“Of course” I reply with sympathy. I slowly push the cart behind Calum as he trudges to the car. He climbs in the passenger seat as I put my bags in the trunk. I cautiously climb into the driver’s seat and flash Calum a concerned look, he is quietly looking out the window into space. I start the car and leave the Target parking lot. I make my way to their house, vaguely remembering how to get there but somehow I manage it. I park in front of the  house on the street. Calum starts to get out but I grab his arm before he can. He turns and gives me a warning look but his expression softens when he sees my concerned face.

“Are you going to explain what just happened?” I ask looking him straight in the eye.

“I don’t think I can. It is too complicated at the moment.” He replies trying to end the conversation, but I can respect that so I don’t push it any farther. I look down at my lap, the car is extremely tense.

“Do you want to come inside and watch us practice?” Calum asks, joy in his voice.

“I would love to” I reply with a grin. We both get out of the car and walk side by side down the sidewalk. Calum opens the door, making a grand display.

“Welcome back to our humble abode.” He says causing me to giggle. Apparently we were being loud because Luke showed up in the door way. I’d never really talked to Luke before but he was pretty cute, and that lip ring, oh man. He didn’t really seem like the kind of guy to be out going, kind of secluded.

“You’re late” He states plainly.

“I’m sor-“ Calum tries to say.

“It’s my fault, I got lost on the way here” I interrupt, hoping to help the situation.

“It’s fine, you just need to hurry Cal, were waiting” He says before walking down the hall and turning into a room that I had never noticed before. Calum gives me a reassuring look before walking towards the door. I didn’t know if I was supposed to come in so I just stood in the foyer. Calum stopped at the door and gave me a look before waving me to the door with a smile. I return the smile and walk into the room.

The room is very plain, white walls, wood floor, but the thing that makes it different is that it is filled with instruments, all kinds of instruments. There are black sound panels on the wall, I’m assuming this rental home was specifically designed for musicians. I spot Ashton in the corner, talking and holding his phone, I assume he is making a keek or Instagram update. My eyes travel across the room, Luke is sitting on a chair, fingering notes on his guitar. To his right Calum is grabbing his bass off of its stand. All the way across the room by the big glass door sits a blondie Michael. He sees me look his way and immediately goes back to tuning his guitar after shooting me daggers with his eyes. I look at the ground and quietly sit on the small futon against the wall by the door. Calum, Luke, and Ashton have a quiet conversation about what they’re going to play while I look at my phone. I have a missed call from my mom and a text from Jake. I’ll answer both of them back when I get to the dorm.

“Hey, we should sing the new song that Michael wrote” Luke says, causing Michaels head to pop up, looking in their direction. He shoots them a look of resistance but they get ready to play anyway. There is a few minutes of shuffling and tuning before they get set. I lay my phone down next to me and turn my attention to the four boys in front of me. There is a bit of guitar before Luke starts singing.\

** ** **

Ever since the day that we met
I couldn't get you out of my head
There was always something about you
Every chance that I seem to get
Finds a way to end in regret
There was always something about you

Jealousy keeps containing me
In time you'll see
Just what we could be

But I'm always too late
I'm always too late
I see you but I always hesitate
'Cause I'm always too late
Don't wanna be too late
To have you by my side and I can't wait
'Cause never is too late

Every time I see you with him
I'm tearing down the walls in my head
I can't hold back any longer

Jealousy keeps containing me
In time you'll see
Just what we could be

But I'm always too late
I'm always too late
I see you but I always hesitate
'Cause I'm always too late
Don't wanna be too late
To have you by my side and I can't wait
'Cause never is too late

Wanted to tell you
What I feel inside
Don't wanna hurt you
I'll make you feel alright

Wanted to tell you
What I feel inside
Don't wanna hurt you
I'll make you feel alright

** ** **

After this they repeat the chorus again twice. When the song is finished I am in complete and utter shock. Luke’s voice is so raspy yet beautiful it was sickening, that’s how amazing it was. Calum’s voice on the other hand is slightly high and adorable, I didn’t expect him to be that great. Ashton’s drumming was outstanding as well. And Michael, oh Michael, I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. When he plays he gets this look in his eye, a look of passion. In this moment I could honestly tell how much being in this band means to him. I try to remember every little detail of him playing. His posture, the way he banged his head a little bit, the way his fingers moved so effortlessly, the way he flicked his fringe out of his eyes. Everything about the way he played, about him, was perfect. My thoughts are quickly interrupted.

“What did you think?” I look up and see Ashton standing before me with a huge grin on his face. Everyone else was putting their instruments away behind him.

“It was pure genius, you guys are amazing” I exclaim with a smile.

“That is probably one of my favorite songs that we have wrote” He says.

“It was really really good, Ashton. Especially your drumming.” I compliment.

“Why thank you, Charlotte.” He says, nudging me on the arm. He gives me another smile, showing his dimples, before walking away. I grab my phone off of the cushion and see a new tweet from Luke.

*Great practice with the boys today* I go into the comments so I can reply.

*It was truly amazing boys* I press post before tossing my phone back down on the futon. Suddenly I feel a weight push down the other side of the cushion.

“Hi.” Michael says quietly.

“Hey” I reply looking at my lap before looking at him. “You died your hair.” I state

“Yeah,” He says awkwardly. “Come with me” He says before taking my hand and leading me out the door.


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