Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

“Yep, that’s my girlfriend everyone”

Okay, so that’s a place to start. He still considers me his girlfriend. As cliché as it sounds, my stomach did flutter a bit when he said that. He seems a lot happier now, and so do I. Everyone seems like they are falling into their place in life. That’s honestly great, because that’s what we live for, to find our place in this world. I am almost there, my place is in L.A. with these four idiots.

“Some girlfriend you’ve got there, Mikey” Ashton says, patting his shoulder as he walks out of the room.

“Yeah,” He smiles, looking at the ground, that was extremely cute I have to admit.

“Now if you would excuse me, I am going to try and go back to sleep” Calum says shooing us out of the room, me laughing all the way out. Michael places his hand on my back, guiding me through the hall and down the stairs.

“So, what do you want to do?” He asks as I plop down on the couch next to him.

“I don’t know, what do you want to do?” I reply nuzzling my head into his shoulder.

“I was thinking about dying my hair again, we could do that.” He shrugs looking down at me.

“Sounds fun. I’ve always wanted to dye my hair but my mom said it looks trashy” I roll my eyes.

“It most definitely does not look trashy” He argues, twirling my hair in his fingers.

“I know right!” I exclaim throwing my hands in the air, I almost hit Michael in the face, whoops.

“Well, ready for some change?” He asks with a smile, pulling me up from the couch before I can answer. He drags me to the bottom of the steps.

“Hey boys! We’re going to Wal-Mart, do you want anything?” He yells up.

“We’re out of milk, because someone used it all so I didn’t have enough for my coffee” Ashton yells, popping his head out of the door and looking down off the balcony at us.

“I said I was sorry!” Calum yells through his door, causing me to laugh.

“So milk, okay cool.” Michael  says dragging me out the door, I shut it behind us. We quickly get into his car, both of us are oddly excited for a bit of change. So this should be interesting.

“What color are you going to dye it?’ I ask him eagerly.

“Well, I like the white, but I want it a little different so I might just add a streak or something” He answers as turns out of the street.

“What about you?” He asks flashing me a smile before turning back to the road.

“I have always had this desire to dye my hair a pastel color, but I don’t know if I want to do all of it. I don’t think it would look too good” I awkwardly laugh.

“You would look great in anything” He compliments, making me blush.

“Thanks Michael, to be honest I am kind of scared to dye all of it because if it looks bad it will be a while until I can change it back” I admit.

“It’s okay, I was scared at first too, then I realized how cool it is” He laughs.

He pulls into the parking lot, we go through multiple rows before finally finding a spot. Why are so many people at Wal-Mart on a Thursday evening?  Whatever. We walk into the store and greet the worker waiting for us. We wander for a bit until we finally find the isle with all the hair dye. I browse up and down it a couple times but Michael finds what he wants almost immediately.

“Got it” He says walking over to me with a box in his hand.

“That was quick. Black?” I ask looking over the box.

“Yep, I’m thinking of just doing a streak, so it’s not too much change” He smiles. “What are you thinking?”

“Well, the only pastel color they have is Lilac, and that was what I was thinking of doing anyway.” I say, looking up at him after I grab the box of dye.

“It’s gonna look great, babe” He says, he just called me babe. Well that’s new, but I like it.

“Ready to go?” He asks.

“Yep” I say as he grabs my hand, leading me through the aisles, to the check-out. We place our things on the conveyor belt, and wait for the person in front of us to finish.

“Shit, we forgot the milk” Michael says looking up from the ground.

“Hang on, I’ll run and go get it” I say leaving him to watch our things, I fast walk to the back of the store where the dairy section was.

There opening the yogurt case, was Lauren. I hadn’t seen her in the few days that I have been back, mostly because I was spending a lot of time with Michael. But I also think she hasn’t been staying at the dorms. I try to go as unnoticed as possible, but it doesn’t seem to work, just my luck

“Oh, hey Charlotte” I hear Lauren sneer as I grab a gallon of milk.

“Hey Lauren,” I turn putting on my best smile, as I close the case.

“How’s Michael?” she asks, not actually caring.

“Still my boyfriend” I smirk, “Whatever you tried to do didn’t work, nice try”

I give her a thumbs up before walking away, but she grabbed my arm.

“I thought I would let you know that I am switching dorms” She surprises me. “I’m leaving tomorrow. Have fun with you little boy toy.”

“Oh, trust me, I will” I smirk as she walks away from me.

“Hey” I hear Michael come up behind me, “I decided to get out of line because you were taking t-“ He stops and follows my gaze. “Was that Lauren?” He asks turning me around.

“Yeah” I say gesturing to the front of the store and walking away.

“What did she want?” He asks urgently, jogging a bit to catch up with me.

“She wanted to tell me that she was switching dorms” I smile.

“Well, that’s good. It’s probably what Luke said” He chuckles.

“Yeah, probably” I say as I put the milk on the counter and pay the lady.


“Honey I’m Home!” Michael yells when we get in the house.

Ashton comes around the corner and kisses Michael on the cheek.

“About time!” he exclaims. “Must have been a hard day at work. Thanks for picking up the milk. .Oh No! I think the roast is burning!” He screams before running down the hall.

I immediately start cackling and clutch my stomach because I was laughing so hard.

“Don’t die” Michael says, as he walks up the stairs. Once I gain my composure I follow him up.


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