Healing Scars

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I watch Peeta from my window as he paints with ButterCup in my arms. He nestled his furry face into my chest and purred. I sigh, thinking about kissing him again and sleeping with him,that's all I would want. "Are you spying on him again?" I turn with a jump, setting ButterCup down to see Sae smiling leaning against the door frame. "N-no! I was just making sure he wasn't having a attack." I say and she giggles. "Girl, if you want to heal... Then you gotta heal with someone just as broken as you." I look over at Peeta again and sigh. "He'll never want to love me again." I say and take in a sharp breath, which is a mistake. My ribs burn and I groan, falling to my knees, holding it. Sae helps me up on my weak legs and sighs. "You need someone to help you that isn't old as dirt. Peeta is perfect... You should just go talk to him." I nod and then she pats my shoulder. "Breakfast is on the table for ya, and eat it or you'll be in big trouble tonight Everdeen!" She says and shuts the door. I look at ButterCup and sigh. "Do you think I should talk to him?" He mews and I sigh with a nod. "Fine, but you'll have to be with me." So I walk out of my house, with ButterCup in my arms as I am in my crumpled pajamas and knock on the door. He opens it without a shit and pajama pants. "Katniss?" I nod and he looks down at ButterCup. "So how are you?" He asks and I sigh rubbing ButterCup behind the ears. "Okay, I haven't gotten much sleep though... And

I-I miss you." He looks at me as I set down ButterCup and run into his arms. I sob into his chest and he gasps, staying still. "Katniss-" "No I'm sorry, and I love you so much!" I sob. "Katniss... We can't be together like that, I'll hurt you." "Can I spend the night? Just in case either of us have nightmares?" He smiles. "Sure." He walks me inside with ButterCup following. The strong smell of paint fills my nose and I smile at it. "So ButterCup, you want some milk?" ButterCup mews and Peeta gets a bowl and pours the milk in. He sets it down and looks up at me. "You haven't been eating have you?" I shake my head and he hands me a cheesy bun. I take a bite and smile and so does he. His bare chest shines in the light from the sunlight and he smiles. "Do you really love me Katniss?" He asks in a whisper and I nod, looking down. "Yeah, I do." He frowns and looks at the ground. "My mind says I don't but my heart says I do... It's just really hard to explain with me." That moment was where we wanted to be back together. That night I lay on his chest as he sleeps and think how lucky I am... How lucky I am to have him. I wake the next morning and smile, nestling back into his chest. "Katniss, I gotta go to the bakery." I wrap my arms around his neck. "No, I want you to stay here." He picks me up and brings me downstairs, setting me at the table. "If you want you can come with me." I grin and nod. He makes us some oatmeal an we eat it in peaceful silence. After that he gets in the shower and I lay on his bed, looking through his sketches of me. When he gets out He smiles in his under ware and I smile. He puts on his pants,shirt, and apron on and then looks at me. "Here I got some clothes for you. He hands me a shirt of mine, and a pair of his slacks and puts a apron on me. He smiles and then we go to the bakery. He unlocks the door and we walk in. He picks up a bag of flour and sets it on the table. He pours some on the table and puts some dough on with it. He starts kneeing the bread and I watch closely. He looks up and smiles. "Why don't you try?" I nod and start kneeing to bread and when I am done I put my hands on his cheeks and grin. "I did it... Where's my reward?" He giggles, rolling his eyes. "Katniss, we are just starting to be friends again... Your reward can wait, can it not?" I sigh and nod. We begin kneeing the bread again and then we put it in the oven. A customer comes in and I walk over to the woman heavily pregnant with her daughter. They both have blond hair, blue eyes just like my mother and Prim. "Hello, can I get you guys something?" I ask brushing some flour from my cheeks. "Ah yes, I would like one batch of the peanut butter chocolate chip cookies please?" I smile and look down at her large abdomen. "Having a growing sweet tooth I see. She nods with a giggle, rubbing her belly. "Yes and this is the last, I told the father that this one was our last." I nod and Peeta comes in and wraps a arm around my shoulders. "Oh, are you two together?" I look at Peeta and he looks at me. "Um no, just really good friends." Peeta says and I nod. I look up at him. "They want a batch of your peanut butter chocolate chip cookies please." He nods and walks back into the kitchen. I look down at the little girl. "Are you excited mommy is having a baby?" She nods and I giggle. "I want a sister!" She says and her mother looks down at her. "Now Primrose you know it maybe a girl." She sighs and nods. I force tears from falling on my face at the sound of the name and I laugh. "I had a sister named Primrose." The mother gasps. "Oh your Katniss Everdeen... Please tell the baker to hurry." I grab her hand. "Im sorry-" "Get away! I don't know if you'll hurt us or not." She says taking her hand back. "Please I won't hurt you-" "Mr. Baker!" The woman says. Peeta comes out and hands them their cookies. "There you-" The woman has already shoves her daughter out the door. "That was strange." He mumbles and I let tears roll down my cheeks. "W-why does everyone hate me?" I whisper and Peeta looks at me. "Katniss what's wrong?" I run into the bathroom at the bakery and lock myself in and cry into my lap. Peeta unlocks it and walks over to me and sits down. He hugs me close as I sob and he kisses the top of my head. "It's okay Katniss, just breathe." "I-I tried so hard!" I sob and he nods. "I know and that's so good... Don't let that lady get under your skin." "You don't understand, t-they always will." Peeta holds me in his strong arms for a few hours as for the bakery is quiet. I've made his shirt sopping wet and he kisses my cheek. "You going to be okay?" I shake my head. "You know I'll never be okay Peeta." He looks down at me. "But I want you to be." I look up into his soft baby blue eyes and he smiles. "Don't leave me." "Never Katniss." That's when I want to kiss him, I want to kiss him so badly to show him how much I miss him but I remember that he could have a attack at any second. He helps me up and rubs my shoulders. "You're okay, lets get out there before more customers come." Right when we come out of the bathroom a old man comes in and his eyes widen at our messed up hair and wrinkled clothing. "Wow boy, you just take a woman anywhere huh?" Peeta laughs, slapping the old timer on his shoulder. "Nope, she's just a good friend, I just don't bend a woman over and take her... I have to find the right one." Peeta looks at me, squeezing the mans shoulder and smiles. Then he looks back down at him. "Now what can I get for you sir?" He looks at our selection that hangs from the ceiling. "I'll have a chocolate cake with a cherry on top please." He grins. "Of course, coming right up." Peeta walks by me and brushes his fingers against mine, making me smile a little. I go and wipe the counters down as the old man waits patiently. I look up. "So what's your story old timer?" I ask and he smiles down at me, with old grey eyes. "Nothing much to it, got wounded in the first rebellion and was stuck in district Eight for fifty-eight years... I just got out because of the other rebellion." I raise my eyebrows. "That seems like quite the adventure." He shrugs. "I guess it is." "So why you buying the cake?" He giggles. "Between you and me missy, it's for my sweetheart before I left for the war... She's still here in Twelve." I lean in and look up at him. "Who's the lucky girl?" "Sae Monroe... Works at the Hobb." My mouth drops. "Greasy Sae!" I blurt and he nods. "You know her?" "More than know her, I've been going to the Hobb sense I was little... She never told me she had a lover quite as handsome as you." He grins looking at his suit and tie. "Thank you... Is she working today?" I nod. "Yup, I saw her down there... When you get there give her a big kiss and tell her Katniss said hi." His mouth drops. "Katniss Everdeen?" I nod and he takes my hands and squeezes them. "Thank you... Thank you for saving our country, you are a hero." I smile and he kisses my hands. "Thank you sir... It means a lot." Peeta comes out and hands him his cake and he smiles, giving him the pay. He takes my hand one more time and smiles at me. "Thank you." Then he leaves. I lean against Peeta's shoulder. "You know he's Sae's old lover?" "No kidding, that's pretty fun." I look up at him. "I know... So what time do you want to close down shop?" "At about seven then we can eat dinner and work on something." I nod slowly. When we get home and after we eat he grabs something that I haven't touched in a year. "The book." I whisper and he nods. "Lets work on it." I swallow and he opens it. I grab a pencil and write. "Peeta and Katniss healing. Our love is strong, pure, ours. Peeta is a sensitive soul but always there when you need him. He's loving, warm, smells like cimminon and dill. His lips are soft to the touch and have a way when he smiles you smile back." Then he grabs the pencil from me and starts writing. "Katniss, stubborn, kind hearted, a hero, protective, head strong. But she's also gentle, loving, enticing, beautiful, mine. I love how in the morning she braids her hair and sings. I love it when she sleeps and she lets out soft, quiet snores. When she kisses me in her sleep it leaves me breathless. When she walks into the room all I want to do is kiss her lips, her whole body that has been hurt. Someday I want to have children with her. She is scared of becoming a mother because she still thinks that the world will hurt them but it won't. She will be a great mother, I know it. When I saw her with Prim and how she acted you knew that instantly she will become a mother someday... And when that day comes I can't wait." Then he starts sketching me and him, with a little form between us holding hands. After he is finished he looks up at me and smiles. "Can I kiss you now?" He whispers and I nod slowly. Our lips meet and he shoves me on my back from my sitting position on the couch. This is what I wanted, craved, needed from him and in that moment my mind goes blank because now I have my Peeta back.

Comment and Vote! Tell me if I should continue! :)

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