Chapter Fifty Two

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Chapter Fifty Two

Peeta softly snores in my ear as I try to fight off a hangover from drinking down a liquor bottle last night. My depression is getting worse because of the kids not being with us and every time I see them through the bars on their window, my heart sinks a little deeper every time.

They are now dirty, skinny, and cheeks hollow from no food and the little food I smuggle in for them doesn't cure their rumbling stomachs. I straddle Peeta's hips and kiss his lips softly and then lay against him. He wraps his arms around me and nestles his face into my dark curls.

He kisses my neck softly and sighs. "Katniss?" "Yeah Peeta?" "We aren't going to be happy like this." Tears spring into my eyes. "I know Peeta." I whisper. He runs his hands up and down my back. "Then let's do something to be happy, anything... I just don't want to live like this anymore." I slowly kiss his lips and he kisses back but feverishly. He flips me on my back and takes off my shirt. I unbutton his shirt, showing all of the scars down his torso and I don't look at them much because when we do make love and we look at the scars to long... It'll lead to flashbacks.

He starts kissing my neck as our breathing starts to be heavy and I let out a soft and quiet moan as things start to get more heated. These moments make me forget about everything wrong in our life and it gives me a sense of control that my mind can focus on other things for once... But when we finish my mind goes back on everything, I'm not proud of how I control my depression, or how Peeta does but it's our only way. When he wants to stop and breaks away from my lips and body I pull him back down quickly, gasping for air because if we're done then that means I'll have to think about how I don't have my kids, my light, my hope... Then after two hours he moans and so do I and then all of the sudden, he stops.

He doesn't say a word, he gets up, gets dressed, and quickly walks out of the room. My chest rises up and down quickly in rhythm, like I've been running frantically from something. My face and body is drenched in sweat and I bring a shaky hand up to my pounding four head as my vision blurs and rest it there as I wonder what was wrong with Peeta. I slowly sit up as my body aches and I grab one of Peeta's big shirts that is thigh length and pad down the wooden stairs and on the wall down pictures of Kaden and Willow past my vision and then I see our recent family photo that we took weeks before they were taken, all of us happy and well.

I look at the older family photos like when Willow was first born and Peeta had me sitting on his lap as I held Willow who had her thumb in her mouth. Then the next one is of me about six months pregnant with Kaden and Peeta's arms are wrapped around my waist with his hands over the tight skin of my bump as his fingers lift the fabric of my shirt, and Willow is kissing my large bump as I grin to the camera. I put my hand on the picture.

"I was really happy there." I mumble but then Peeta comes to the bottom of the stairs. "Katniss?" I turn and notice tears rolling down my cheeks. "Yeah?" I say brushing my tears away quickly. "Here, I got your medications for your migraines and sight." He hands the white pills to me with a sad smile. "Did I do something wrong?" His eyes go wide, taking my hands.

"No sweetheart, I think that was the best sex we ever had but when I tried to stop I was starting to have a attack but you pulled me back in and you wouldn't let go, but then I had to stop or I was going to hurt you." I nod, understanding and he giggles softly. "And don't cry, please honey I know you miss the kids, we will find a way to get them back." Someone opens the door and I see Effie with her face red with anger as she is wearing her pink wig with a black top and stripped skirt.

"Why didn't you tell me the children got taken away!?!?!?!" Peeta's mouth drops. "Effie we didn't know you were coming-" "Well you two haven't called me for three weeks straight and usually you call me at least twice a week, I knew something was wrong!" "There's nothing we can do Effie." I stutter and she shushes me. "Both of you get dressed and we are marching to the place that took my godchildren." Peeta and I look at each other. "When did we say you were their godmother?" She blushes. "I feel like they are so go get dressed."

We do because we have never seen Effie this angry and even though we are grown adults, she still scared us to death. We get dressed and come downstairs to see Effie fixing her mascara. She turns and clears her throat. "Alright, let's go children!" She says and she opens the door. I take Peeta's hand as we walk out and down the street to the brick building holding my children.

People stare at the sight of Effie Trinket clicking down the road with her heels with Peeta and I coming up the rear. We get to the large wooden doors and Effie swings both of them open glaring. Everyone stops what they are doing and stare at the colorful being, Effie Trinket. "Alright ladies and gentlemen! Stop what you are doing! I am a Capitol native in seek of the Mellark boy and girl and if you don't give me the children I will stab you with my heels!"

She screeches and quickly Peeta and I wrap our arms around each other in fear. A woman walks up to Effie. "I'm sorry but the children are here for protection from their mentally unstable parents." She says glaring at us and Effie. "Well then let me see them." She shakes her head. "No they aren't able to have visits." Effie bites her red and full lip. "Well let me see." Effie starts clicking down the hall quickly with us following. We then look through a few of the barred windows to see skinny and dirty children sitting quietly or crying and screaming. Effie turns to the woman.

"Well dear if you don't know I am high up into Capitol TV and I'm sure everyone would love to hear about how you neglect the children here." She scoffs. "Yes and I can tell the TV station about you helping crazy people to get their children back, and if I do say so myself what you're wearing is totally last season." Effie giggles and then grabs the woman's shirt collar and then they are nose to nose. "Bring it bitch." Five minutes later Effie is beating the woman with her heels, the woman tearing her skirt and shirt literally almost off.

"I'll kill you!" Effie screams and Peeta and I watch and I think. "My god if she was ever in the games I wouldn't even mess with Effie." As the woman tries pulling off her wig Effie turns and points down the hallway. "Get the kids!" I sprint with Peeta down the halls and when we get down to the smelly and tiny hall ending, we find Willow and Kaden, on the floor, barely breathing, and skinnyier then they should ever be.

Peeta kicks down the door and I bring them into my lap and they don't even move, they are limp like rag dolls. Tears spring into my eyes and I start shaking them. "Come on guys, mommy's here, I'm here wake up please." They still don't move. I start hyperventilating and I wrap my arms around them singing their lullaby to see if they will wake up, they don't. Peeta kneels next to me and takes Willow and I take Kaden.

I stroke his hollow cheek. "Come on baby, open your eyes for mommy, please." They still don't. Then we hear the door open and we see Effie with her skirt and shirt ripped to shreds, chunks of hair missing from her wig, and then two people in uniform are behind her. I pick up Kaden in my arms as my anger boils to the breaking point. "My children are dying because of you!" I stand quickly and keep hyperventilating.

"I'm calling the government on you, I want every single one of you dead for what you've done to my children and all the children in here! Let me through so I can help my kids!" They do step aside and Peeta and I rush out of the building to the train station and bored a train to the Capitol and when they are settled in their hospital quarter I quietly lay in the same bed as both of them share and have my arms around their tiny forms.

Peeta rubs my back, kissing my shoulder and whispering sweet nothings in my ear. Then something brings me out of the thought my children are dying. "Mommy?" A tiny and weak voice asks. I turn to it and look down, seeing Kaden with his eyes half open with tears rolling down his dirty cheeks. "I'm so hungry mama." They have food for them on a tray and I hand him half a sandwich and he scarfs it down quickly and then begs for more.

I stroke his dirty blond hair. "Baby you can't eat anymore or you might overdo it and make yourself more sick, mommy knows because mommy starved all her life when she was your age." I lift his head up gently and cradle it, letting him gulp down milk. Then I kiss his four head and smile. "Alright baby mommy and daddy are going to go to bed. I love you." Then he grabs my hand.

"Mommy?" "Yeah?" "Will you stay with me?" My heart shatters and I think of how I asked Peeta when we were on the Victory Tour. I nod slowly, laying down next to him and kissing his cheeks. "Always."


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