Chapter Fifty Four

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Chapter Fifty Four

Katniss's POV


I am gripping onto Finnicks arm as he leads me to the ocean with a sad smile on his face. "I'm sorry Katniss that you lost your vision... And the kids." I shake my head lifting it up so he can see my eyes that are glazed over a light shade of pink.

"It's okay Finnick... I'm not able to take care of them, they will be happier with Gale." He nods as I watch me and him walk down the sand. I am watching this other form of me with Finnick, walking across the shoreline, wearing black.

The other me stops and grips his hand. "Finnick why are you taking me by the shoreline?" I see his Adam Apple bob from where I am and tears spring into his eyes. "Peeta and the kids Katniss are actually..." He trails off and I watch in horror. "Dead... They died." Tears spring into the dream form of myself. "How?" He swallows.

"In a attack you killed them, every single one." His bottom lip trembles. "And you're dead too." My eyes go wide as Finnick transforms into Snow and he shoves me into a grave, chuckling. "I promised you that I would wipe out your entire species." Then dirt is in my throat and I can't form words. Then all of the sudden I hear Peeta yelling for me.


I sit up, screaming as loud as I can, gagging horribly and gasping for air. Peeta wraps his arms around me as my vision blurs in and out.

"Katniss, what's wrong? Are you okay? Katniss?" I don't answer, I can't catch my breath, I'm shaking like a leaf and then all of the sudden his grip tightens on me... And not in a good way. He throws me off the bed and he gets off the bed quickly and rams me into the wall, a snarl on his face, his beautiful blue eyes gone.

I don't want to alarm Annie, Caspian, Johanna, or the kids because this is my battle with Peeta. I put my four head against his as he has his hands locked around my neck, glaring angrily. "Peeta." I rasp, kissing his four head gently.

"It's Katniss, your wife... Sweetheart." "You're a mutt." I'm gasping for air as I stroke his cheeks with my shaky hands. "Not real Peeta, not real Peeta, I'm your wife I love you." Then my vision fades out but I put my lips to his and when I break away his grip loosens and he drops me to the ground as I gasp.

My vision comes back as I feel the agonizing bruises around my neck. Peeta kneels down in front of me on the soft carpet. He tries to hug me but I put my hands on his chest, pushing him back. "Peeta please leave me alone." I see tears in his eyes as I'm sobbing in pain and sadness.

"Mama?" I see Kaden standing at the door, watching me crying against the wall. I stand shakily and walk over to him with a sad smile, scoop him up into my arms and wrap my arms around him, cradling his head and nestle my face into his neck bursting into tears. Kaden whispers that it's okay and it's going to be fine. Then everyone finds their way upstairs and see the bruises that dance around my neck, a bloody lip where my crimson blood trickles down my chin, and I won't let go of Kaden, not even once, I'm in the corner of the room, holding him like a lifeline.

I feel awful, horrible because Johanna is pushing Peeta back, telling him he needs to calm down. He's sobbing uncontrollably and so am I, Willow is watching with fear in her eyes, Kaden is kissing my cheek telling me it's okay, Caspian is watching from a distance, taking off his glasses and brushes the tears out of his eyes.

Johanna has Peeta leaning against a wall as she talks to him. "You love her Peeta, look at me not at Katniss, you would tell me how much you love her in our cell." His eyes are still dark an she puts her hand on her cheek.

"You said you didn't want to be another piece of their games... It's been sixteen years sense then, are you still going to let the Capitol control you?" I watch as his eyes slowly turn baby blue and he shakes his head.

"No." She nods. "That's right bread boy." She turns as looks at me. "Now go make sure your wife is okay." He stands, walks slowly over to me as I shakily sing into Kaden's ear and Peeta opens his arms.

"Katniss, let Kaden go." I hear screams in my head and I shake my head quickly and Peeta puts one of his large hands on my cheek, stroking it and brushes a tear away. "Baby, please you're okay, let him go." I shakily let Kaden go and Peeta moves me into his lap and kisses my lips gently. "I'm so sorry Katniss." I close my eyes and lay my head against his chest where I hear his heart beat that I've listened to for so long.

"It's gonna be okay." Then I slowly fall into a restless sleep.


Peeta holds my hand as we walk down the white sanded shoreline as the kids run around in front of us. He's looking at the ocean and he swallows.

"Katniss?" I look up at his eyes that are now the soft baby blue that pop against the blond scruff on his cheeks. "Yes Peeta?" He still looks out into the ocean.

"What is your biggest fear Katniss?" It's a strange question at this moment so I clear my throat. "What?" He looks down at me. "What is your biggest fear?" I stay quiet for a moment but I give him a honest answer.

"Loosing you." He smiles and cups my cheek. "I don't think you could get rid of me even if you tried." I rest my four head against his. "Peeta Mellark, will you stay with me?" He let's a tear roll down his cheek and he nods.

"Always." Then my lips meet his and we don't break away because I feel as though that this is the most meaningful kiss I've withheld with him. When we do break away Willow and Kaden come in between us and we wrap our arms around them and I look into Peeta's eyes that are sparkling with happiness. "I will always stay with you Katniss." And that's a promise Peeta never breaks.


Maddie Homoelle

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