Chapter Forty Nine

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Chapter Forty Nine


Even though I have broken ribs, a broken jaw, and a broken eye socket, I do not have time off as a mother... That is 24/7.

My alarm clock goes off to get the kids up and I groan at my aches of pain in my body. Peeta turns over and keeps snoring and I roll my eyes as I hold my aching chest with one arm wrapped around my chest.

I stand and walk quietly out of the room and open the door to Willows room. Her hair a curly mess on her pillow as she snores softly.

I giggle and kiss her four head, moving some dark locks from her eyes. "Come on baby, let's get ready for school." Her blue eyes shine with sleepiness but she nods and kisses the bruise from my broken eye socket that runs all the way down to my cheek.

"I love you mama." She says and I smile. "Love you too." I walk into the other room to see Kaden sleeping with his thumb in his mouth. I walk over to his small bed, kneel down and rub his cheek with my scarred palm. He rubs his eyes and they do open and they swim around and I giggle.

"Hold on, let me get your contacts baby boy." I grab them from his nightstand and put them in his eyes. He grins. "Good morning mommy!" "Good morning Kaden, ready for school?" He pouts. "Do I have to go mommy?" I nod. "To make you smart."

"But I want to go hunting with you." "Baby we can't go hunting anyways because mommy's still hurt." He sighs but smiles. "Okay mommy, I'm going to go get dressed." I nod and go downstairs, starting to feel the aching pain more and more in my broken body.

Peeta is finally downstairs, making breakfast with his hair a bed headed mess. He looks at me and quickly gives me a peck on my lips. "Hey honey, can you make their lunch please?" I nod and he looks at me. "Baby did you get your pain medications?" I shake my head.

"No I'm fine Peeta." "No Katniss, let me get them." "Peeta I'm trying not to take them to much because I don't want to get addicted like I did at District Thirteen, and besides we have only five minutes until the kids have to be at school." Then Willow runs down with her hairbrush stuck in her dark thick curls.

"Mommy, I'm kinda having a hair problem." I set down the knife that I was using to spread jam on her sandwich for lunch. "Oh honey-" I say but then Kaden comes down with a piece of wet yellow paper in his hand.

"Mommy, ButterCup had a accident on my homework." I swallow. "Okay get a piece of paper and we'll transfer the answers on a sheet of paper." The phone starts ringing and I pick it up as I try to get the hairbrush out of Willows hair.

"Hello?" "Hi Katniss! This is Narito, the photographer for ADL magazines, would you like to model for the front cover of this mints issue and answer a few questions about why you didn't take the case with the Capitol rebels with HeavensBee?"

"I am a veteran and I'm not the MockingJay anymore, I'm a full time mother who loves her kids and takes cars if them so please don't call again I'm not interested." "Mommy, you're pulling too hard!" Willow whimpers. "I'm sorry sweetheart but I need to get the brush out." I say but then the phone starts ringing again.

"Katniss Mellark speaking." I say. "Hello Mrs. Mellark would you like a home security system?" "No thank you, I'm very happy with the one I have." "What brand is it?" The man asks on the other line. "It isn't a brand... I'm the security have a good day!" Then the hairbrush finally comes out of her hair and I sigh in relief.

"Mommy, my homework?" Kaden asks and I sigh. "Okay, let's transfer those answers." After I finish that the phone is ringing off the hook and I think I'm about to go crazy. I grab the phone and pull the cord from the wall, open the window, and throw it out the window.

I lean against the counter and watch as Willow and Kaden watch quietly. I give them a fake grin. "Alright guys, here's you breakfast, and lunch, you better get going, I love you guys." I kiss both of their four heads as they run out the door eating one of Peeta's morning pastries.

I shut the door and slide down against it so I am sitting on the floor. I lay my head against my knees and let out a loud, muffled scream. Then I rest my head against the door and sigh. "Oh my god." I mumble and Peeta slowly walks over to me and kneels down in front of me with my pain medications.

He puts three to my lips and I take them all without water. Peeta kisses my lips slowly and smiles. "Peeta I don't want to be near other people, I just want to hide but we can't go to the woods because I'm still healing-" He puts one finger to my lips and smiles, with his blue eyes shining.

"Say no more my crippled maiden, your baker will make you a castle of confinement." He kisses my four head and rushes up the stairs. I giggle. "I'm hoping you aren't leaving me down here?" His head pops out from around the corner of the stair case with a smirk.

"How could I ever leave you alone my love?" Then his face disappears for a good ten minutes. Then he flies down the stairs with blankets, sheets, pillows, and home holograms from our past. He sets it all on the floor and then lifts me up and sits me on the couch.

"Sit there and look pretty while I do this." I laugh and he kisses my nose. I watch as he sculpts the pillows, blankets, and sheets into a canopy. The pillows make the base, the blanket is for comfort, and the sheets are for the curtains so we cannot be detected.

He lays in it and sighs. "Are you coming?" I nod and crawl inside next to him and he pulls me into the crevasse of his large body and I lay my head on his chest and sigh as the sheets go over the opening of our fort and then he grabs one of the holograms.

"Wedding Video?" I kiss his jaw and smile. "Go for it Peeta." Three hours later we are laughing, grinning, crying, and kissing. He turns on another hologram and I pop up, bloated with pregnancy, getting into the fridge late at night, getting into Peeta's cheesy buns, grinning.

"I've been craving you all night." I say, talking to the cheesy buns and then shove one into my mouth and I cover my eyes, cringing. "Oh my god you did not record that!" He laughs and then I peak through my fingers.

"Katniss Mellark!" I turn with the crumbs on my cheeks as I still chew them. "What? I'm having cravings." I say and he chuckles and he kisses my lips, and then it turns off. I look at him and then straddle his hips smiling. He takes off my shirt slowly and looks at the black and purple bruises down my torso.

He runs his hands slowly down them as his warm fingertips send shivers down my spine. "You're so beautiful." He whispers and I look at his chest. "I'm not." He lifts my chin and makes me look into his eyes. "I don't care you have scars, I don't care about your bruises, Katniss you're beautiful." I smile and he smiles back.

"Now can we continue on what we were doing?" I laugh and nod, kissing his lips slowly. That night as we lay in bed Peeta wraps his arms around me and kisses my neck. "Mrs. Mellark, I hope you know that we made love in a fort made out of pillows." I laugh and roll my eyes.

"Yes I do." I mumble and I turn around, so we are nose to nose. "But don't think it will be a all the time thing Mr. Mellark, I'm not taking another trip on the Mellark baby train, it's tiring enough to handle Kaden and Willow." "Thank god we finally got them to bed." He mumbles and I nod.

I poke him in the chest. "But thanks for keeping me busy today." He giggles and kisses my dark curls. "Anytime Katniss." I kiss his lips and smile. "I love you Peeta." He grins. "I love you too."


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