Chapter Twenty Eight

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Chapter Twenty Eight

I haven't moved from my bed because it's too painful to move without the morphling. Willow comes in and crawls onto the bed and lays on my chest as my breathing is shallow.

She puts her hands on my belly where you feel the bump of the dead baby. "Is it still there?" She asks and I shake my head. "No baby, the baby isn't there anymore." "Then why is there a little bump?" "That's the dead baby Willow." She kisses my belly.

"I'm sorry little baby." She whispers and I smile as she kisses my four head. Peeta walks in and checks my morphling drip. "You should be fine for another hour or so." He puts his hand on my belly where we feel the strange bump, the Healer said we need to get it checked out at the Capitol tomorrow, because it moved five inches the the right.

It's been two weeks sense the miscarriage an I miss moving around and playing with Willow. Willow all day sits with me in bed and when I start feeling pain she can tell and she'll tell Peeta to get me more medication.

When Peeta works and Johanna is busy with Chip Willow gives me my pills and actually knows which ones to give me. She's reminding me more and more of Prim everyday. Peeta sits me up and rubs the small of my back that throbs. "You sure you want to go tomorrow?" I shrug. "I have to." I say as Willow is on my lap. Peeta and Willow act a like with me... Protective and worry, and smother me with love.

They both love to paint, they both love being around people, they both love to bake, only there's a little thing in Willow that reminds me of myself. She can be very stubborn. All I wanted was another baby, for Peeta not me, and for Willow. Peeta makes my swirling thoughts stop as he kisses my lips.

"Willows first day of school is tomorrow." Willows face goes pale at that statement. "I wanna stay with mommy." She says, wrapping her arms around me and let's get. Bottom lip tremble. I giggle and kiss her four head. "Mommy will be fine... I need to go to the doctors." She sighs and nods. I look at the time. "It's time for you to go to bed Miss. Willow Mellark." I whisper and leave a peck on her tiny lips. "I love you mommy." She says and I smile.

"I love you more." The next day getting out of bed brings so much pain up my spinal cord it sends me to my knees screaming. Peeta has to literally strip me, get in the shower with me so I won't fall from the pain, then get me out, dry me off, and dress me in new clothing.

Then he scoops me up in his arms after giving me his medications and helps me downstairs to see Willow with her backpack on and her dark hair in two braids. I smile and make Peeta set me down. "Can I walk you down to the school yard?" She nods and I take her hand. We walk slowly because I'm in so much pain but I don't let her see because that's the last thing she needs to worry about.

We get to the gate of the school where I went to years ago. She looks at the kids playing and squealing, a few wrestling but I make her look into my eyes as I kneel down. "Willow you'll be fine okay?" "I don't wanna go, take me home mommy please." And at those words I see myself holding onto my fathers leg, begging him to take me home.

She's a clone of me and I smile. "Willow you need to go, to learn about the world and everything in it." "But you know everything about the world, why can't you teach me? What if no one likes me? What if I get bullied mommy?" Those words sends pangs of guilt right through me. At that instant I want to scoop her up in my arms, take her home, and protect her from everything... But I can't.

"Willow nothing will happen, I promise you." I kiss her cheek and look at all the other mothers, half my age. "I'm the youngest mother here." I think to myself but giggle. I stand slowly and open the gate for her. She walks in halfway but then runs back out and hugs me. "I love you mommy... Please don't ever leave me." Those words shatter my heart and I shake my head.

"Never Willow, mommy will always be right here." I say and then she let's go and walks into the school yard. At first she looks awkward, gripping onto the straps of he purple back pack. Then a little boy comes up with dark brown hair and grey eyes like me.

He smiles, tells her his name, and takes her hand. She grins and they walk into school together. I let tears roll down my cheeks and someone wraps their arm around my shoulder. I see a woman who is about thirty eight and she smiles.

"It's always the hardest part letting them go." I nod and she looks at my belly that is bulging. "Looks like you have another one on the way." I shake my head. "I had a miscarriage." She frowns an puts a hand on my aching belly and feels around. "Feels like your pregnant to me... It kicked." I gasp and lift my shirt up and put my hands where she had hers.

Then I feel a little kick on the side of my belly and I flinch, that feeling I hate. "That's impossible." I say and she shrugs. "You could've been carrying twins." My mouth drops. "Twins?"


Capitol Hospital

The wand moves over my belly and he circles the dead embryo on the screen. That's where baby was... It was a girl." I nod and Peeta let's tears roll down his cheeks, I brush them away.

Then he moves it around and his four head scrunches up. "That's odd." He states and Peeta grips my hand tighter. "What?" He turns on the sound and we hear a little heartbeat. He circles the second embryo. "It seems that your wife, has been carrying twins... The first baby died and then there's the other, he's on the right side." "He?" We both blurt and he nods.

"Congratulations, you have a son on the way." I wrap my arms around Peeta and cry tears of joy. A little boy, that'll look just like Peeta. "Wait a moment." We both turn and he hands me a different medications. "These are high powered prenatal vitamins... Your son needs them with what your body has gone through with the aneurism and what not.

With this he will have birth defects... Most likely blindness or deafness." I quietly nod. It'll be horrible if he is blind and can't see the world, it'll also be awful if he's deaf and can't hear... I maybe being selfish but what would be better?


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