Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven


The next morning she walks into the kitchen as I make some oatmeal and she looks at me. "Are you angry?" "I was at first but... I understand why you did it." She looks down and rub her belly softly. "I ruined the pregnancy for us." I look up at her.

"What do you mean?" She has tears rolling down her cheeks. "I almost did something that would be just as bad as throwing our child into the games... I'm a monster." I shake my head quickly. "No don't say that." "But it's-" "NO KATNISS! STOP SAYING THAT!" I scream and she turns pale. I swallow.

"Excuse me, I need to go to the bakery." I walk out quickly before I could say anything else. After a few hours I walk back to the house and find Katniss sitting at the table, playing with the end of one of her arrows. Her bow has been polished and is leaning against her knee.

She puts the arrow in the leather quiver with the rest of them. "Katniss, I'm sorry." She stands and slings the quiver around her shoulder and grabs her bow. "If you'll excuse me Mr. Mellark I'm going hunting." She says coldly and walks past me. I must have made her angry.

She slams the door to our house. "Damn her hormones are raging." Johanna says as she chews on one of Katniss's termination pills. "Johanna!" "What?" "Those are Katniss's-" "Prenatal vitamins I know, they're really tasty." "No they're termination pills!" She laughs. "No they aren't!" "She got them from-" "I knew she was going to try it Peeta, look I told Ripper that if Katniss tried to even get abortion pills that she needs to give her prenatal vitamins... I payed her to do it."

"So..." "So the baby's fine, Katniss just helped it really." "But when she got that pain-" "Braxton kicks, the baby can kick so hard it will knock the wind out of her." "Why isn't it kicking as much?" "Because Katniss's heart rate has been slowed sense she kinda gave up on everything... And you were trying to feel the baby kicking while she was asleep which means the baby was asleep too."

"She drank liquor though!" She shakes her head. "Virgin Liquor, i thought of everything." "How did you-" she puts a hand on my chest. "Did my research... I've been through a pregnancy with Annie, I know what I'm doing." My mouth drops and she pats my cheek.

"Now why don't you make her a romantic dinner, get some slow music playing, and get her to calm down... Besides I have stuff to do." She says and grabs her satchel. "Like what?" I ask as she is walking out the door. "Maybe I have a date!" I giggle and she winks. "Oh and maybe as a thank you you'll make me a cake!" I grin. I run over to her and hug her.

"Thank you." She nods and walks out. I grab some lamb that I bought from the butcher and make some lamb stew with some cheesy buns, which she has been craving. After that I get dressed into one of my nice shirts and slacks. I slick my hair back like I did for the reapings and set everything up at the table.

I get out the holograph and play some slow music of a piano and harp. I sit down at my seat and wait for her to come home. She opens the door and shuts it softly. "Peeta can you help me take off my boots please?" I quickly walk into the living room where she is sitting on the couch. "Of course." I kiss her cold lips and start pulling them off.

"Why do you look so handsome tonight?" She asks and I smile. "How about you get dressed into something pretty and I'll tell you." She smiles and sniffs. "It smells really good in here." I nod and usher her upstairs. I sit at the table and wait for her to come down. She comes downstairs after thirty minutes in her light blue dress she wore for the reapings and her hair done the same. I stand and pull out her chair.

"You look beautiful." She smiles as she sits and puts a dark lock behind her ear. "Thank you." I pour her some lamb stew in a bowl and set it down in font of her and put a cheesy bun in front of her as well. I so the same for myself and then we eat silently. After we are finished she smiles.

"You didn't have to go through all this trouble Peeta." She says as I help her from her chair and bring her to the living room where we dance in each others arms. Her head on my chest, my arms around her waist as her belly is pressed against mine. I kiss the top of her head. "Well you can thank Johanna." And that's how I leave it.


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