Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Katniss's POV

(Dream don't get your panties in a bunch)

I walk into the dinning cart of the train and see Prim and Peeta, with tears rolling down their cheeks. "Why didn't I volenteer?" I try to say her name but no sound comes out of my mouth.

Peeta is back to that timid sixteen year old and Prim, only twelve. She looks up at me. She stands and Effie stands as well, pulling her away from me as I grab her hands. "Why Katniss? Why did you try to run? Why weren't you there to take my place?" A Peacekeeper pulls me away and I look at Peeta with tears rolling down my cheeks.

He looks away which makes scream in my head I love him. I try to to get back to Prim but she is gone when I look back. President Snow stands over me and hands me a bloody rose. "For you Miss. Everdeen."

I sit up and scream as loud as I can. Peeta's arms wrap around me. "Sh... I'm here, I'm here." I sob into his shoulder as he gets me into his lap.

"What was it about?" "I w-was a Avox... And Prim got chosen for the games and I ran away so I wasn't there to volunteer! A-and you hated me! You couldn't even look at me!" He kisses my lips and I close my eyes, wrapping my arms around his neck as his hands slide to my bump.

When he breaks away he looks into my eyes. "That'll never happen because I can't keep my eyes off you. And Prim will always be with us... Our baby may even look like her." I laugh, brushing my tears away. He kisses my four head and looks at the clock. "It's only five a.m lets to back to sleep."

We lay back down and I open my eyes. "Peeta, did Johanna get in okay?" He shrugs. "I'm pretty sure she did... I need to make her a cake." "Why?" I ask and he kisses my nose. "Just cause." Then Buttercup jumps on the bed, and lays on my belly.

He rubs his head against the tight skin and purrs. Peeta giggles. "He loves it already, it must be like Prim." Peeta says and goes to put a hand on my belly and Buttercup hisses. His hands fly in the air and my mouth drops. "That cat has never hissed at Peeta, ever! He loves Peeta."

Peeta lays on his side of the bed. "When we get up I'll make you three breakfast." When I do wake up Peeta brings up some cheesy buns and orange juice for me. I kiss his lips and look at the food. "It looks great Peeta." I put my hand on my belly to feel the baby kicking.

"The baby thinks it looks good too." I eat my meal and Peeta rubs my belly. "Katniss, I can't wait until he or she is here." I smile. "I know Peeta." He quietly looks at me. "It's Prim's birthday today isn't it?" I nod and he holds me. "I'm sorry Kat-" "No Peeta, today is not a day of mourning, today is a day of celebration... That's how Prim would do it if I was dead and she was alive." I laugh slightly.

"She would be eighteen today." He kisses my lips and smiles. "Well happy birthday Prim." I hug him and put my head on his shoulder. "Happy birthday Prim." Today Peeta and I get the book out and write about Prim. While he was drawing her portrait and I was writing; I started crying.

He stopped and held me but I just said it was because of my hormones but in reality... I missed her. I wasn't celebrating, I was mourning my Prim. We put one of her hair ribbons inside the book as we finished and I look at Peeta's drawing. There she is, smiling at us with Buttercup in her arms.

Buttercup seems to know that today is full of Memories with Prim because he is trailing behind me all day. Haymitch comes over and sits next to me on the couch and wraps a arm around my shoulders. He kisses my cheek and looks at me. "It's going to be okay sweetheart." I nod and Johanna walks in and I stand, brushing my tears away.

"Johanna-" She wraps her arms around me. "Shut up Katniss and cry." The words were harsh but my tears start streaming down my cheeks and onto her shoulder. Buttercup rubs his head against my knee. I pick him up and look into his moldy squash colored eyes and kiss his ugly scrunched up face.

"I love you , you old mean cat." I hug him to my chest. After the bombing the rebels located Prim's body so they brought her back to Peeta and I. Peeta carved her head stone into the shape of a cross and engraved her name. "Primrose Everdeen, our beautiful flower." Then her birth and death. When I looked at her body, it made me sick. Her skin was burnt, her blue eyes, gone, they had to sew her back together so we could burry her.

All of us go to her grave with a single Primrose in our hands. We put her grave under a willow tree by the lake. ButterCup jumps on her head stone and cries like he did for her as a kitten. I set my Primrose down and graze my fingertips against the cool stone. "Hey Prim, happy birthday... Say hi to dad for me." I have tears rolling down my cheeks and I stand quickly, walking back to everyone.

Peeta is next to set down his Primrose and he sits there for a moment, with his head down. He stands and walks over to me where I am a broken mess of tears. He hugs me and nestles his face into my shoulder. Haymitch sets his down and frowns. "I'm sorry little one, I'm sorry that you had to go so soon." He walks back and Johanna walks over to it and sets hers down.

"I didn't really know you but I know how much Katniss loved you... And thank you for taking care of me while I was in the hospital in District Thirteen." She stands and looks at all of us. Then walks quickly away. Haymitch also leaves so Peeta and I can be alone to grieve... It seems that's what we always do. "I'm sorry Prim I couldn't get to you, I'm so sorry."

Peeta puts his hands on my belly and I look down at my growing stomach. Prim would be so excited to hear I am pregnant... She really would, everyone that has been taken away from me would.

COMMENT AND VOTE!!!!!! TELL ME WHAT YOUR FAVORITE PART WAS!!!!!!! COMMENT'S MAKE MY DAY <3 the song for this chap is say something by christina Aguilera :)

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