Emergency Authors Update

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Hey guys I think I should really tell you what's going on with everything in my life and well.... My dad went completely insane in Janurary. You could say he flipped his shit, which was cool cuz I hated my dad because he made my mom leave the house for five freaking months! And he made me think she hated us and was never coming back... I told her I never wanted to see her again because he said horrible lies about her. I regret that everyday. That woman just walked up to me, picking up her five yea old granddaughter and hugged me saying she loved me. Then she left for Newyork with her boyfriend Tim. I didn't see her for almost three months. While her being gone she slipped on a patch of ice and got a head trauma. My dad said she just got a bruise... She still can't remember things sometimes. So she had to come back to the house and she asked my dad to do five days on and five days off, he agreed. The night before he left I saw him pacing in a dark room by the kitchen talking in different voices, putting some kind of pills in his mouth. That's when I knew that the man I knew as my father suddenly was slipping from my grasp, slowly then all at once. He would call me a bitch, he would call me a slut and a whore, he would say that I was going to go to hell... Does your father tell you that? Then he would slap me because my mom wasn't there for him to beat on... On January 27 2014 my life was changed. He broke in, said he called the police and my mother with her boyfriend, who was picking up pizza for dinner and told them to come to the house... And he was going to kill Tim and make it look like self defense and make my mother suffer. I screamed guys, I screamed so hard I sounded like a squeak you for three days. I was gonna tell the police, everything that he has done to my mom and everything. So he threw me in a wall and locked me in the basement. So I kicked down the door and ran away with him screaming to come back. My last words to my father were "f*** you, I never want to see you again, and you will never be my father." And sadly I don't regret it. My mother is the strongest person I know, and she is the best mother I could ever ask for, I couldn't live without her. So today I found out that he is pressing charges on my mom for manipulating me and my sister and abandonment from when she HAD to leave because HE FORCED HER. And all this other stuff... So he's turning everything on my mom, who has nightmares almost every night, who has flashbacks, who sometimes can't remember a lot of things. She didn't do anything to me, she didn't do anything to him. She was the one who would get emotionally and physically abused, she was the one to take the hits, she was the one who would always try to protect us. I hate him, I really do and if I loose my mom, I'll have nothing to live for, I'll just wither up and die like a flower in the fall. So I don't know when I'll be updating, this was a big blow to me and I was angry at first but I didn't want to tell you guys but you guys need to know, and I'm pissed. So I'll make sure to update every two to three days if because I don't know if I can handle holding in everything. So as I am crying and writing this I just want to tell you I love you guys, every single one of you who have fangirled over healing scars and I can't tell you how thankful I am. But I thought you guys needed to know about this before I did something stupid... I'm so sorry. :'(

Maddie Homoelle <\3

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