Chapter Three

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Now I am having attacks and they are getting worse. I see flashbacks from our first games, our second, the war, his attacks... And it's killing me.

I just lay in bed with Peeta's restrains around my wrists so I don't hurt him. Haymitch comes in and giggles. "A new form of having sex I see."

I roll my eyes. He clears his throat. "Uh tomorrow you are going to the Capitol to see Dr. Arulius to see what's going on in your mind." I nod and then Peeta walks in and I quickly close my eyes, trying to fight off a flashback.

Peeta rushes over and kisses my lips gingerly. "Easy Katniss... It's time to get ready to go." I nod and he unhooks me from my restrains and scoops me up in his arms because I am so weak.

He walks me down the stairs and a man from the train station grabs our luggage. "I could get you a wheelchair sir." Peeta smiles.

"That would be great thank you." He nods and then walks to the train as he sets me on the step. I lean my head against his knee and then the assistance comes back with my wheel chair.

Peeta sets me in it and wheels me to the station. People look at me and my broken form, they also stare at Peeta. Peeta is also coming to get treatment so hopefully both of us will be one hundred percent.

As we are in our quarters I lay in bed and Peeta holds me. "I love you Peeta." I whisper and he nods. "I love you too." We stay there silent, afraid to fall asleep because of the nightmares that may follow.

When we finally get to the Capitol Peeta rolls me down the roads of bustling people. They wave at Peeta and I but we keep our heads hung low.

When we get to the Doctors the front desk smiles. "Dr. Arulius is waiting." Peeta wheels me into his room and he looks up, with his red hair glistening in the light of his lamp. "Katniss, Peeta... It's only been six months." "We know but Katniss is starting to have flashbacks and her nightmares are getting worse a-and I had a attack." He whispers and Dr. Arulius looks at me.

"Your arms I see?" I nod as he looks at the fading bruises. "Well, for You Peeta it'll be quick and painless. We will give you a higher dose of medication." "What about Katniss?" Peeta asks and he swallows.

"We'll put a sack of medication in her spinal cord so when she starts having a flashback or attack it will stop them... And later on it will start weaning her off on its own." I nod and he looks at my frail form. "And we'll get some nutrients into that body of hers." Dr. Arulius takes us to a operating room where I am prepped and the operation androids lay me down on my stomach.

Peeta looks just like them, wearing a mask and hat with sterol clothing and gloves. He holds my weak hand as I am numb from the shoulders down. I can tell when they start cutting me open because Peeta starts squeezing my hand as he watches. "You're doing great Katniss, just perfect." Peeta says as Dr. Arulius starts scrapping my spinal cord to make a divot for the sack to be placed as he tells me.

They put two rods around it and lock it in place. "You're almost done Katniss! Just need to sew you up." They start sewing and Peeta kisses my lips. "Good job Katniss." Then I black out.


I look at the new scar that will be on her back and it makes me angry, it'll be just another reminder of what the games put her through, Snow put her through... I put her through.

She sleeps peacefully on her stomach and its funny as she talks in her sleep. "No Haymitch that's my liquor, yours is over there." Or. "Peeta that tickles." Also. "The kids are making to much noise." That gives me the biggest grin ever. A nurse comes in and hooks her up to a IV. "This will give her back some weight and energy." I nod and then she leaves.

Katniss sleeps for about three days, which was normal and when she wakes she kisses my lips so forcefully it surprises me. When she breaks away she grins. "I had the most wonderful dreams." I lean my four head against hers. "And what were they?" She kisses my nose. "They're secret, I can't tell you." "Ooooh." I mumble with a giggle. I kiss her four head and smile. "It's good to have you back." She puts a hand on my cheek.

"It's good to be back." Before I can take her back home they need to test the sack. They stick a needle in my arm to make me remember the bad memories from Snow for about two minutes. They have me chained and I see Katniss smirking at me. "You mutt I'm going to kill you!" I scream and she starts laughing hysterically, with blood comig out of her mouth.

Then when I come out of it she is silent, staring at me. "D-did it work?" I whisper to Dr. Arulius and he nods. "She was calm the whole time." I grin over at Katniss and hug her close. I can finally take her home. The first night she starts having a nightmare but she instantly calms down and smiles.

For the past few nights there have been nothing but when she woke up she was a broken mess of tears. I wrap my arms around her. "Katniss what's wrong?" I ask and her bottom lip trembles. "Nothing's wrong." "Yes there is, you're crying." I say, hugging her trembling form. "It was so beautiful, our life that we have a head." I look down at her. "What Katniss?" She smiles. "Life is going to be good to us Peeta, very good."

She nestles her head into my neck and then ButterCup sits next to us and rubs his head against my thigh. Later that week the nightmares and flashbacks get worse, worse enough that she is screaming and crying for Prim to run... The surgery didnt work, as i thought. I almost had a attack in the middle of the night but when I woke up in it, she was straddled on my waist, holding my wrists, with her fierce grey eyes glaring down at me.

B"I hate you!" I scream and she stays silent, with her face stern. "I've never loved you! I never meant any of those things that I told you! Go kill yourself for all I care because you are a monster! I can't believe I ever loved you." When I come out of it she is in tears and she shakes her head.

"N-no you don't mean that." She whispers and I hug her. She nestles her sweaty face into my neck and I swallow. "I'm sorry Katniss." She looks down at me and swallows. "I'm use to it." She stands from the bed and walks out of the room. I follow her and see her looking outside with ButterCup at her feet.

"Prim what should I do? I'm insane... I see you everywhere, you're standing right in front of me right now." She pauses and nods. "I know he loves me... And I love him." Tears start rolling down her cheeks and her bottom lip trembles. "I just want him back." She pauses again.

"I hope he is." Then she turns and sees me and points to the door. "Didn't you see P-prim?" I shake my head. "No, what did she say?" She swallows and puts a hand on my shoulder. "She told me that the old Peeta is in there somewhere... I just have to figure out how to get him out." She looks into my eyes and kisses my cheek gently.

"Good night Capitol Peeta." She walks into our room and shuts the door. It sends chills down my spine that she called me that... Capitol Peeta. I want her to know that the old Peeta is in me, somewhere. I walk into our bedroom and lay down next to her, wrapping my arms around her.

She flinches and stays tense. "Is this good Peeta or bad Peeta?" I nestle my face into her neck. "Good Peeta." She wraps her arms around my neck. "Stay with me?" "Always."


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