Chapter Forty Six

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Chapter Forty Six

Katniss's POV

A knock goes through my bedroom door early in the morning as Peeta is holding me in his arms as my eyes are bloodshot from lack of sleep and sobbing all night.

I nestle closer to Peeta and let out a shaky breath. Another knock goes though the door and I kiss Peeta's parted lips slowly and get up, wrapping my robe around my body. I grab the gold know an open it to see Haymitch with a smile, making his blue eyes sparkle.

"Hey sweetheart." "Haymitch why are you here?" I ask quietly to not wake up Peeta. "Come on, I'm going hunting with you." "Haymitch you've never wanted to go hunting with me, or hunting in that matter so what has changed your mind?"

"Just come on get dressed, look I've thought about it and I think you need to go hunting and maybe your old mentor should catch up with you." I sigh. "Fine let me get dressed and we'll go." I shut the door and start getting dressed and then someone opens the door.

I turn and see the little girl who was sobbing into my leather jacket last night holding a rabbit in her arms. "Daddy?" She asks and Peeta sits up with a smile and yawn. "Yeah baby?" "Can I sleep with you? Until I have to go to school?" He nods.

"Yeah come here." He mumbles and she crawls onto my side of the bed and nestles into his armpit and giggles. "Daddy! Your armpit is fuzzy!" He laughs. "Well I'm a boy it's suppose to be fuzzy!" She scrunches her nose. "It smells funny." I watch and Peeta looks into my eyes with his smile dropping.

"Katniss where are you going?" I get quiet and I swallow. "Going to hunt with Haymitch for a few hours." He nods and the little girl is braiding Peeta's hair. "Hi." She says quietly. I nod. "Hello." Cold, that's what I am to her... I can't get attached to these kids, hell I shouldn't be attached to Peeta, I just can't loose someone I love again.

She looks at me with her blue eyes sparkling with sadness. "Could you maybe braid my hair when you get home? He doesn't do it well." She says pointing to Peeta and I swallow the lump in my throat. "I guess I could." Then I remember her calling Peeta daddy and instantly tears of sadness an anger run down my cheeks.

"Um could you go outside for a moment? I need to talk to Peeta." She nods and kisses his cheek and runs out the door. Peeta stands and tries to hug me I push him away. "Why the hell is she calling you daddy?" "Katniss-" He says trying to touch my cheeks. But I slap his hands away.

"What? Did you cheat on me while I was out? How long was I really out Peeta? Did you have a attack and beat me to hard and then I totally blacked out? For ten damn years? She's fucking ten!" "No Katniss! Listen!" "Shut up! She isn't mine, we haven't had sex before!" "Katniss!" He yells and I stop my rant.

"Look, I didn't want to tell you but... Their mom she's sick, she lost her memory, something in her head snapped and it won't go back to normal... I'm helping her out with things until she's better." His bottom lip trembles and tears run down his cheeks.

"And she wants her back, the kids want her back so bad... They just want a mom in their life, that's all they want! They call me dad because the dad is crazy, he was a veteran and Katniss they just want to be loved." Then I start remembering hot kisses, the sweaty skin, the gasps between kisses of pleasure and my head starts pounding and I grimace, rubbing my temples.

"Yeah, we did have sex a few times... I remember." His eyes light up. "Did you like it." My head is pounding and I swallow. "I-I gotta go, sorry Peeta." I kiss his cheek shakily and run out of the house and Haymitch is there sitting on the porch.

"You ready to go?" I nod and he starts walking with me. "So... How've you been?" He asks, taking a swig of his liquor as I try to calm my pounding head. "Well beside me loosing my sister, messing

Up my head and body... I'm dandy!" I say sarcastically, trying to grab his liquor bottle.

"No no, can't drink with your head fucked up." I groan. "Come on Haymitch let me just have a damn swig!" He shakes my head and I glare. "Fine, look Haymitch as much as I would love your drunken company I would just like to go alone."

"Oh my god don't guilt me into giving you a sip, besides I'll just go feed my geese." He kisses my throbbing temple and smiles. "You still have people that love you... You just have to find them." He pauses a moment and gives me a strange look. "They might just be under your nose." Then with that Haymitch disappears. I sigh and start walking to the woods.

My braid flies behind me from the wind I'm walking against. When I get to the rusted fence that is clinking from the wind I sigh, touching one of the wires. "Hey woods." I say looking into the thick brush and then go under the wire and keep walking. When I get my bow and arrows I put a arrow in the quiver and then I hear a twig snap. I aim and before I let it fly I hear a gasp.

I see the little blond boy with his four head just brushing the tip of my razor sharp arrow. I put my arrow down and see that he is grabbing a small bow. "Hey." I say and he waves a little. "Sorry you scared me." "No I'm sorry my mommy would tell me not to sneak up on people who are hunting I know better mom-" I raise my eyebrows and he swallows. "Ma'am."

"Do you hunt?" I ask and he nods grabbing his small trainers bow and arrows. "You shoot well?" He smiles. "I guess you could say that." I put my arrow around my torso. "Well do you want to hunt with me? Would your mommy be okay with it?" He nods and I grin. "Great, do you want to hold my hand? It gets kinda steep up this hill." He nods and takes it, his small hand a funny, and strange contrast to my semi large and scared one.

After hunting with him I learn that his name is Kaden, he has a sister named Willow, and he's four she's ten. He tells me how he misses his mommy and then he started crying. I felt bad for him, he lost someone he loved unconditionally, and I think that's amazing... Makes me wonder if I do want kids, and want him to be my new hunting partner.

After talking and the sun is setting I yawn putting both of our bows in the moldy log and I smile. "You can walk ahead I'll catch up." "Okay." He says and starts walking away. I sit there for a moment and ponder on the thoughts swirling in my mind. It feels like I know that name very well, Kaden... It's a beautiful name, I love it actually and he is a beautiful boy inside and out... His eyes are a milky grey that make your heart want to melt and his blond hair is so soft and smells of lavender, and he is so small... But so strong.

Then I hear a scream brings me out of my thoughts and it's not anyone's scream, but Kaden's. "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Save me! Help me?" His mother won't respond so I do. "KADEN!!!!!" I start sprinting for him and then I see a man grabbing him and muffling his screams. I grab the knife from my boot.

"Let him go!" The man starts sprinting faster away and I throw the knife but it misses by a mile and then his shadow disappears into the setting sun and then I start storming back to the woods and the only thing that is going through my mind is. "I'm getting him back even if it kills me."


(Remember no comments no update) :) love you all

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