Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four

Katniss's POV

The soft patter of rain drops go through the house as I lay in bed with Peeta softly snoring in my ear. Willow isn't up yet which is good because I've been up sense 5:00 am with morning sickness.

Peeta's hands are on my belly and I swallow my dry throat. "Katniss?" I turn and kiss his lips. "Yeah?" "How are you feeling?" "Better." I whisper and he smiles. "Good... Do you want anything to eat in particular?" I nod. "Cheese buns." He kisses my four head.

"Then you shall get them." He gets out of bed and walks downstairs, with his weight making the stairs creak. Willow runs in and jumps on my stomach. "Mommy!" I kiss her four head. "Hey baby!" She grins and holds a picture that she drew in front of her.

"Look it's Squirt! He was my model last night." I smile and giggle. "That's very good." A wave of pain goes through my head and it makes my head fall back onto the pillow with a hiss. Willow kisses my four head and rubs my belly.

"Calm down baby, you're making mommy sick." I open one eye and swallow the bile coming up from my stomach. "How do you know the baby is making mommy sick?" Willow lays her head on my belly. "Because your belly is hurting." I smile.

"No baby it's not the baby, it's just mommy's body getting use to the baby." She frowns. "It needs to stop." I kiss her four head and smile. "It'll stop soon." Peeta comes up with some cheesy buns for all of us. We eat on the bed and Willow talks to Peeta about me and the baby. He looks up and lifts my shirt where my belly is showing little growth.

"Willow was pretty big by this time in the pregnancy, do you think that everything is okay?" I shrug and put a hand on the skin. "I guess we will have to find out." Peeta kisses my lips and grins. "I'm going hunting today Peeta, either way." He sighs. "Just be safe." I get up slowly and grab my jacket and white shirt I'll wear.

As I am taking off my shirt Peeta laughs softly. "You are so sexy." I laugh off the compliment. "Thank you Mr. Mellark." Willow comes in with my boots on giggling. It's a sight to see her waddling around in them with the biggest grin on her face.

"Look daddy I'm mommy!" She puts a frown on her face and makes her four head scrunch. "Haymitch! Give me the damn liquor!" Peeta's mouth drops to the floor and I giggle a little bit because she sounded a lot like me. I pick her up and kiss her four head with a grin.

"I love you Willow." I say kissing her cheeks. She smiles. "I love you too mommy." I set her down and she takes off my boots and hands them to me. I put them on and sit in Peeta's lap who's face is now stone with anger. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss his cheek.

"Come on Peeta, you can't be mad at this face." He turns and looks at my face that I make to look weird. He laughs softly and kisses my lips. "You can't say damn in front of Willow, she'll think its expectable." I roll my eyes. "It's not like she's going to scream fuck."

Johanna walks in a turns around. "Willow say fuck!" She screams down the stairs. "FUCK!!!!!!!" Johanna smirks and I give Peeta a sheepish grin. "Well as much as I loved this conversation I gotta go, love you!" I run down the stairs and out the door.

When I stop jogging and walking down the ash covered streets some people wave and I wave back with a grin. When I get to the fence I kneel down and feel the dirt between my hands and swallow. "Someone was here and not long ago." I stand and go to the log where the moss is wet as normal.

I grab my bow and arrows and walk through the woods that are silent with danger. I keep a arrow loaded as I hunt just in case it's some wild dogs or a bear... I haven't killed a bear before but my father had. Then someone grabs my shoulder and brings me to the ground where my face gets smushed in the dirt.

I grab their neck and flip on top of them and put my knife to their neck. I look down and see Gale with his face pale. I slap him across the face. "God Gale don't you know that you can't sneak up on me now?" He laughs. "I will make sure I won't do that again Catnip." I hug his neck and grin.

"I missed you Gale." His arms wrap around my waist and he kisses my cheek. "Can we talk? I need to tell you something." We both stand and I look up at him. "What Gale?" "President Paylor is dead... And the next in line to be President is Snow's daughter, and she'll put the Hunger Games back into place."

"What do we need to do Gale?" He swallows handing me a note and whispering in my ear where I feel the heat of his breath on my neck. "We're going to kill her... You and I, we're not telling Peeta because he won't let you go, tell him you are going on a vacation with your mother. We'll be back in three days and we'll be saving many lives, including Willows." At that moment I forget about hunting, about how Peeta is going to be screaming at Johanna about saying fuck in front of Willow, and what Peeta would be making for dinner.

My mind is on killing Snows daughter. I cross my arms over my chest. "What time will we be leaving?" "Eight o'clock tomorrow morning with Plutarch on a hovercraft... Say your goodbyes to your family, tell Johanna to watch over Willow." He smiles and hugs me. "See you tomorrow." That night I tell Peeta, Haymitch, Johanna, Chip, and Willow about the vacation. Willow jumps in my lap.

"Don't leave mommy!" I kiss the top of her head and smile. "Mommy will be back in three days I promise." Peeta frowns. "Are you sure you'll be able to go Katniss?" I nod. "Of course." "Sounds like a load of bullshit to me." Haymitch says and Johanna nods. Chip shushes them. "Katniss is a grown woman she can make her own decisions, Katniss Johanna and I will make sure we help with Willow, right Johanna?" She nods. "I guess." I look at Haymitch.

"Can I speak to you privately?" He nods and I stand as he grabs his liquor and walks out the door. Peeta looks up at me and I kiss his lips. "I'll be right back." I walk out with Haymitch and he looks at me. "What's going on sweetheart?" "Paylor, she's dead... Someone killed her. The next in line to be President is Snows daughter and she'll put the games back into place. Haymitch Willow and this baby can't go through what Peeta, you, Johanna, and I went through... They would never last." He swallows a swig of liquor.

"So what are you saying?" "I'm going on a suicide mission to kill her... I am probably going to live but if I don't, you need to protect Willow and Peeta, don't tell them anything or how I died if I do." He nods. "What time are you leaving?" "Eight in the morning." "Who with?" "Gale and Plutarch." He hugs me. "You're a strong girl... I love you sweetheart, I don't want you to die." Tears roll down my cheeks as My grip on him tightens.

"I don't want to either." Then he smiles. "Now go back inside and enjoy your time with your family." I nod and walk in with my boots thudding on the floor. That night after playing dress up and drawing with Willow and Peeta I put her to bed and kiss her cheeks. "I love you baby." "I love you too mommy." She smiles, like nothing is happening and I laugh a little with tears starting to run down my cheeks.

She sits up and wraps her arms around my neck. "Don't cry mommy, you'll be back soon." I start crying harder and she shushes me. "Mommy, it's okay calm down." It's sad how she doesn't know that her mommy, may die. I leave a peck on her tiny lips and walk out of her purple room. I talk to Johanna about what will be happening and she hugs me, Johanna Mason of all people... Hugging me.

"You be careful out there Everdeen... And if you don't make it back I'll make sure Peeta and Willow will be taken care of." I look at her. "Thank you." When I get into my room I see Peeta reading our book and I don't say anything, neither does he because he is reading. I straddle his hips and close the book, setting it on my pillow. I take off my shirt and kiss his lips.

After a few moments all of our garments are off and we are making love... And it feels desperate. As I lay on his chest at the end I catch my breath kiss his lips. "I love you Peeta." "I love you too Katniss." He falls asleep after that. That morning I leave with Gale helping me into the HoverCraft where we see Plutarch with his plans at his table then I watch as District Twelve and my family disappear from my sight.



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