Chapter Four

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Peeta POV  Four Years Later

            I walk downstairs to see Katniss writing a letter angrily with tears streaming down her cheeks. I just watch her as she shakily grabs a envolope and shoves it in and seals it. She sets it on the coffee table and picks up a liquor bottle that Haymitch must of left. She takes a swig and rubs her face with frustration. ButterCup sits beside her and she looks at him.

                      "You are the only thing left of my normal life." She says and rubs him behind the ears. Then she looks over at her bow in the corner of the room. She grabs it and throws it up in the attic. When she comes back down I am sitting at the table with some orange juice and my sketch pad. "What did you draw?" She asks and I look down. "You." I say flatly and she picks it up.

                           I drew her sitting on the couch with her face in her hands, with her liquor bottle by the letter on the coffee table. She swallows. "Do I look like that?" I open my mouth and she shakes her head. "Don't answer."  She puts her hand over mouth as she looks at the other sketches I made of what I thought our future held.

                     Her in a wedding dress, her sleeping in my arms, her pregnant, her holding our child, her playing with her. She sits on the floor and swallows. "Peeta-" "It's okay, I knew it wouldn't happen." She looks up and shakes her head. "It could still happen, we just need to get better first besides." She stands and kisses the top of my head.

              "We're only twenty-one now." I swallow and take her hand. "Do you hate me?" She shakes her head. "I could never hate you." "Why were you writing a letter?" She swallows. "It was nothing." Katniss." "It wasn't I swear." She whispers and I smile. "You are a terrible liar, you know that?" She nods and sighs.

                      "I was writing to Gale, I'm not going to send it." I stand and she puts her hands on my chest. "Don't read it." I put my hands in the air. "I wasn't planning on it." The phone starts ringing and I walk over to it and pick it up. "Hello?" "Peeta it's Annie." "Hey Annie what do you need?" "I need to go to District Eight to visit Finnick's mother and Fin needs someone to watch him... Inluding Johanna."

                      "Sure, what time will they be here?" "Tommorow." "Of course Annie." I hang up and Katniss is holding brittle ButterCup in her arms like he is her life line. "N-no." "Katniss?" "PEETA NO!" She screams, dropping ButterCup who instantly tries jumping back into her arms to calm her down. She runs into the basement and slams the door screaming.

                      "Peeta please wake up! Finnick help!" She is having flashbacks to the Quarter Quell. I try opening the door but she took the key with her. So all night I sit at the door, listening to her agonized screams and sobs. I wake to banging on the front door and I rush over to it and see Johanna holding Fin's little hand. "Where's Katniss?" She hears a huge crash from in the basement and more muffled screams.

                      "She's been freaking out all night." She looks at me. "Let me try to get down there." She lets go of his hand and walks over to the door and bangs her fists against it. "Everdeen I am going to come down there!" Another muffled scream and she kicks down the door and little Fin clears his throat. "I can make her feel better." Johanna shrugs and helps him walk down the stairs and I follow down.

                We see Katniss with her face  in her knees, in a dark corner, shaking like a leaf.  He puts a hand on her knee and she gasps. She looks up at him and takes his face in both of her trembling hands. He gets into her lap and wraps his arms around her neck. She wraps her arms around his waist and nestles her face into her the crook of his neck and bursts into tears. "It's okay Auntie Katniss... I'm here to protect you." He whispers, stroking her dark hair.

                    Fin is the first person to touch Katniss in months, I haven't been able to. After about thirty minutes Katniss looks up and kisses his nose. "Thank you Fin... Thank you for protecting me." She stands and scoops him up into her arms. She looks at Johanna and I and then walks upstairs. That night Fin holds onto Katniss's leg as she stirs stew for everyone. I walk over and put my hand on her's and she swallows.

                    "Katniss, I want you to know I love you." She nods. "I love you too."  I kiss her lips for the first time in months and she smiles. When she is tucking Fin into bed she kisses his four head. "Goodnight Fin." Before she can leave he grabs her hand. "Auntie Katniss?" "Yes?" "Do I look like my daddy?" She nods.

                         "You act like him too, your daddy would protect me." She swallows. "If you need me I'm right in the next room with Peeta, and if you can't get me Johanna is in the living room." She cracks the door and looks up at me. She takes my hand. "Are you coming?" I nod and she takes me into our room. She lays on my chest and closes her eyes and then after a few moments falls asleep.

                   Later that night she is on the other side of the bed, snoring softly. The Fin walks in. "Auntie Katniss?" She props herself up on her elbows and smiles. "Yeah Fin?" "Can I sleep with you guys?" She nods. "Of course." He crawls under the covers and onto Katniss's chest. He nestles his face into her breast and sighs.

                 "You're very comfy." She laughs. "Isn't your mommy comfy?" He shakes his head. "Not really, you are though." She wraps her arms around him and kisses the top of his head. "Auntie Katniss?" Katniss is already half asleep.

                  "Yeah buddy?" "Where do babies come from?" Her eyes widen and she looks at me. I raise my hands in the air and shrug. We are still virgins. She swallows. "Did you see the meadow when you came off the train?" He nods and she closes her eyes with a sigh. "Babies grow off of plants right besides the woods."

                "Do all babies come from?" She nods. "Everywhere in the woods." I giggle and he closes her eyes. "Can you take me there tomorrow?" She nods. "Sure." The next morning we take Fin to the meadow where she shows him some random plants. "See? This is where the babies grow and-" We are stopped by a baby's cry and we both look at the sound.

               We see a baby wrapped in a blanket, under one of the dark green leafs. Fin grabs her hand. "WOW THAT'S SO COOL!" She picks up the baby and looks at me with fear in her eyes, how did this poor baby get here?             

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