chapter one;moving

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"Jess wake up we have to leave in a hour!" I wake up to my mom screaming at me to wake up. It was Sunday morning and Summer just started a week ago. Today was the day I was moving from Washington DC to LA. I was actually excited when my mom told me that we were moving its so boring here and everyone is normal. Plus making friends here wasnt as easy when you have a famous older brother. I was taken out of my thoughts when my brother came running into my room.
"Hey come on and hurry up so we can grab Starbucks before we leave and catch up on things together" was all he said.
"Alright I'll be down in 10 minutes" I reply back. He left my room and I quickly got into the shower and cleaned myself up. I got out and put on some gray sweatpants and a black crop top. I decided to wear my light blue sweatshirt over my crop top. I put my hair into two french braids and grabbed some socks put them on and grabbed my Jesus sandals (😂idk what their called I just call them that but here's a picture of them)

 I put my hair into two french braids and grabbed some socks put them on and grabbed my Jesus sandals (😂idk what their called I just call them that but here's a picture of them)

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Once I was done with getting ready I head downstairs and I saw Zach was on the coach on his phone. I told him I was ready and we left to Starbucks.
"So what have you been up to lately Jess."Zach asked me.
"Nothing much actually since I don't have any friends around here."I replied sounding a little annoyed. I was actually annoyed ever since Zach became famous.
Before he became famous me and him were really close and would do a bunch of stuff together but now he's always going live and hanging out with 5quad all the time and I think he's dating this Ariel chick. I don't hate her or anything she's really pretty and sweet to be honest.
"Oh sorry but now that we're moving I think your going to make a bunch of new friends"he said with a smile.
"Yeah hopefully"I said.
We made it to Starbucks and went in and got our drinks. We made it back to the house and it was time to go to the airport and catch our flight.
*skip to the airport bc I'm to lazy*
When we made it to the airport we got our suitcases and went to our gate we were supposed to be at. We got on our plane and got our seats I sat down by the window Zach was right next to me and my mom sat in a diffrent row then us.
*skip to when they land*
We were walking to that place to go get our belongings and got our stuff. We called an uber to pick us up and take us to our apartment building. We made it to our apartment building and it was really big. We walked to the front desk and asked for our keys to the apartment she gave us the keys and told us that we we're on the 18 floor. It took a while for the elevator to get to our floor. Once we got there my mom gave me the key to me and Zach's apartment. She let me and Zach get out own apartment so we would talk more and stuff like that. My moms room was right down the hall from ours. I unlocked the door and went in and all of our room furniture was in there plus a couch and a big sofa for the living room.
I ran to the biggest room and called dibs. Zach just laughed and went to the other room. Me and Zach started to unpack everything and fix our furniture around. We would ask eachother to help us move the heavy furniture. Soon we were finished and my room looked something like this

 Soon we were finished and my room looked something like this

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Zach's room looked pretty basic but once he put his fan art on the wall it looked better than mine. Zach's room looked like this.

When I was done it was almost 5pm so I decided to ask Zach if he wanted to do something

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When I was done it was almost 5pm so I decided to ask Zach if he wanted to do something.
"Hey Zach you wanna go ding dong ditching?"I said with a smirk on my face.
"You bet I do."he replied.
We ran out the door and went down the hall we had to be careful to not knock on our moms door. Me and Zach were just walking minding our own business until Zach knocked on one of the doors. We went running so fast I almost tripped.
We came to another door that was right next to our apartment we knocked on it and went running inside our apartment door. They opened the door and it was a boy about the same age as me.
"Wtf someone's ding dong ditching Charles"he said
You could here the other person in there with them laughing so hard. It made me smile a bit. Me and Zach did a little bit more of ding dong ditching. Once we were done we went back to our apartment and started watching a movie since it was only 8pm.
Joey's pov
Me and Charles were just doing a chill broadcast when we heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see that no one was there.
"Wtf someones ding dong ditching Charles" I said.
Charles just started laughing. And everyone in the broadcast was commenting laughing emojis. We started playing songs and jumping around and heading our heads against the walls everytime we would fall of the bed. To be honest we were really loud but we didnt care as long as we were having fun. Everyone started coommenting "grind"
"Charles you wanna grind from them?" I asked
"Hell ya" he replied quickly.
I turned on the grind on me song and started grinding.
Jessica's pov
The movie ended and I decided to just chill in my room scrolling through my feed on Instagram. I started hearing loud bangs and loud music coming from the other side of my wall I got really annoyed and mad. I found myself infront of the next door neighbors door I didnt even knock I just went in and I saw something I wasn't expecting to see. I saw two boys grinding I saw that they were in front of a laptop and immediately knew they were on younow broadcasting live. Zach got banned from younow for a month for grinding in his younow.
"NO NO STOP STOP!" I screamed at the two boys grinding.
Joey's pov
"NO NO STOP STOP" is what I heard while we were broadcasting. I turn my head to see a girl in front of my laptop ending my broadcast.
"HEY WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" I said with anger in my voice.
"Sorry but I had to stop you because y'all could of been banned from younow" she said with sorrow in her voice.
"Look I'm sorry but I was next door and I heard a lot of noise from here I was really annoyed and mad. I came in here to tell y'all to keep it down but I saw y'all grinding and ended the younow so y'all wouldn't get banned for it but now I feel sorry so I'm going to just go" she said and left the room quickly to next door. Once she left I got a message from younow saying that I have a warning for grinding in my broadcast and if that went on for another minute I could of been banned from it for 3 months. Now I feel sorry for screaming at that girl I showed Charles the message and I said "we should go apologize and thank her" he just shook his head in agreement.
//hey guys hope you liked this remember vote so I know y'all like this and comment something you want to see in the story love you❤ps maybe I'll have another chapter by tonight😊oh and this wasnt edited so sorry😂

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