Chapter nineteen

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Jessica's pov

"Joey come eat" I yelled from the kitchen

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and there he was, Joey. He almost tripped because of Jasper which would of been funny if he did but then I would of felt bad.

"Morning love" Joey said while kissing my cheek

"Good morning jojo" I said

Me and Joey sat at the island in the kitchen and started to eat breakfast.

"Zach is taking me somewhere today, so I can't hang today sorry babe" I said

"It's fine I have to talk to Charles about our next meet and greet" Joey said while putting his plate in the sink

"Oh that's nice but I just want to know where Zach is taking me I hate surprises" I said while putting my cup and plate in the sink

"He's probably taking you to a building to climb on or something" he said while laughing

"I hope so I haven't climbed or hanged in a while" I said while walking up the stairs

"True but I'm just worried something might happen" Joey said while hugging me from behind

"Oh Joey you know I am very carful when I'm climbing or hanging from a building 1000 feet up in the air" I said while giggling

Joey's phone went off and he checked it.

"Oh sorry babe I have to get going Charles wants me to meet him at his house so we can talk about the meet and greet" he said while putting his shirt and shoes on

"Oh okay bye babe I love you" I said while hugging him and kissing him

"Bye please be careful today" he said while opening my room door

"I will babe bye" I said

"Bye" is all I heard before I heard the door close

I got ready for the surprise Zach was going to give me. (Wait idek if that made sense lmao) I wore a white shirt with shorts and my black Nike Roshes

 (Wait idek if that made sense lmao) I wore a white shirt with shorts and my black Nike Roshes

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When I was ready I went down stairs to check if Zach was ready. Hmm he was wearing sporty clothes on what if Joey was right about Zach taking me somewhere to climb?

"You ready to go" Zach asked while getting off of the couch

"Yup" I said while walking to the front door

//lmao I forgot about Jessica and her mom hanging out today let's just say that they already did it because I'm too lazy. Oh and this is a vvvvvvvv short chapter but the next one should be intense just saying ;) well gn loves thank you all for the votes and reads💛💛

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