chapter two;forgiveness

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Joey's pov
"Come on Charles get up"I say to Charles while throwing a pillow at his head.

"Huh what I'm up!"Charles says instantly. I laugh a bit while Charles is getting use to the sunlight beaming through the windows in the living room.

"Yo come on and get ready I have to go apologize and say that girl next door." I said in a morning voice while rubbing my eyes because I just woke up about 10 minutes ago.

"Someone seems excited" Charles says with a smirk across his face.

"Shut up. Its not like I like her" I say laughing a bit.

"Yeah right" Charles says getting up from the couch.

I roll my eyes and go back to my room. I put on some black pants on with a white hoodie. I put my black vans on and walked out of my room back to the living room.

"Aye you ready?" I ask Charles who is now sitting on the couch scrolling through his Instagram feed.

"Yeah. Lets go" he said while turning off his phone and putting it in his phone and standing up.

"So where does she live bro" Charles asked closing the door behind him.

"Well we were in my room while broadcasting and she said she was next door so she has to be to the apartment next to my door witch is......that one!" I say really quick I dont even know what just got into me.

"Bro chill" Charles said laughing.

"Ok.ok. I dont know what just happened it just got into me" I say to Charles who is still laughing a bit.

We walked to her door and I knocked on it. We waited for someone to answer but no one did. Right when. I was going to knock again someone opened the door. There he stood the famous BruhItsZach.

"Hey whats up kiddos?" he said laughing a bit.

"Oh uh we came here to talk to your sister?" I said making it sound more like a question then an answer.

"Oh. Well I think she's in her room right now you can go check if you want" he said pointing up the stairs of the apartment.

"Its the door with lights around it" Zach said

"Oh ok thanks" I said while he lets us in.

Me and Charles walk up the stairs and into a pretty dark hallway.

All we see is the lights around her door.

I knock on her door but no one answers. I just decide to open the door slowly and see inside. I open the door and see a girl sleeping in her big bed with her fairy light on all around her room. (I know in the picture of her room the walls were white but just pretend its black ok;))

"Ayeee she's a tumblr girl" Charles whisper yells.

With that we notice that she was starting to wake up.

"Oh uh what? Zach?" the girl said while lifting her body up.

Once she noticed that there was two of us she jumped a little.

"Whoa who are yall?" she said while getting up quickly from her bed.

"Hey um chill we arent here to hurt you or anything" I said to her

"Who are y'all?" she asked

"We're the guys from yesterday" Charles said

"Grinding guys?" she asked

"Yup thats us" I said

"Oh well what do you guys want?" she said walking up to us

"We came here to apologize" I said. I looked at Charles and signaled him if he can leave for a second. He understood and walked out the room.

"Alright can you make this quick I'm have to go do something." she said with an annoyed voice.

"Oh yeah sorry so I came to say sorry for screaming at you and stuff and thank you for ending the broadcast without you I wouldnt of been broadcasting for about 4 months." I said laughing a bit.

"Oh. Umm... Your welcome I guess and dont worry it wasnt your fault it was mine for not knocking on your door"she said

"Yeah I guess but I have to go now. I'll see you later or something" I say smiling at her and leaving her room.

"Bye.." she said quietly.

Jessica's pov:)

After talking to whatever his name is I decided to go to the roof for a bit and look at the view. I put on some black sport shorts (?) and a white t-shirt on. I told Zach that I was going and he said to be careful and call him if I need anything. I laugh at what he said because of the way he already knows what I'm going to do. Once I left his room I went down stair and almost tripped over my fat cat Jasper. There he was on the second step laying down on it. I don't even know how they let us have him in our apartment. But it was pretty cool. I like Jasper. But he likes Zach more than anyone. Jasper only sleeps with Zach everytime I want him to sleep by me he always runs away. Witch makes me feel lonely sometimes

"Zach I'm leaving now!" I yelled to Zach that was upstairs.

"Ok be careful sis love you!" he yelled back

"Don't worry I promise I will bye love you too!" I said with a laugh

I shut the door behind me and started to walk to the elevator when the doors opened........

//hey guys sorry I haven't been updating lately. Its just because of school getting in the way😒but I love y'all and its the weekend so I'll make a few chapters I love youuu:))❤sorry if there's any mistakes:)

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