chapter eleven;Eddie¿?

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Joey's pov

I saw Jessica talking to Mark and I got mad because I talked to Mark about talking to Jessica.

While Jessica and Mark were talking Loren came up to me and started talking about something I wasnt paying much attention to because its mostly all about her makeup.

Jessica's pov

When Mark left to go hang with Blake and them I started heading back towards Joey but I saw him busy with Loren calling so I decided to take a walk around the beach.

When I got out of the water I grabbed a towel, grabbed my phone, and got my shoes

I was walking for about 5 mins until I heard someone calling my name behind me.

"JESS JESS WAIT UP" the voice said now getting closer

I turn around and see that Eddie kid that Tyler said liked me for some reason. He's kinda hot but I dont know yet.

"oh hey Eddie" I said waving at him

" to join you....if you dont...mind" Eddie said gasping for air. he must have had running for a while.

"no its fine I needed someone to talk to anyways" I said smiling at Eddie

Eddie's pov

gosh her smile killed me..she's so pretty

"oh okay finally someone wants to talk to me" I said smiling back at her

Joey's pov

when Loren was finally done talking I went to go look for Jess since she never came back.

I looked around and I didnt see her anywhere. I noticed that Eddie wasnt anywhere to be found too.

"well there goes Jessica" I said to myself

I decided to just go hang out with Charles and Zach.

"Hey bro haven't talked to you in a while" Charles said turning around because he was facing Zach

"yeah sorry I was with Jess but then she went to go talk to Mark, while she was talking to Mark, Loren came to talk to me and when Loren stopped talking to me I guess Jess left for a walk or something" I said constantly out of breath

"wait so you dont know where she is ?" Zach said with a questioning voice

"nope I didnt even bother to call her she's probably with Eddie anyways" I said shrugging my shoulders

"aww is little Joey jealous ?" Charles said with a baby voice while pinching my cheek

"no I'm not" I said moving Charles's hard away from my cheek

"let me call her to make sure she's ok" Zach said getting out of the water, grabbing his phone, and starts calling Jessica

//okay I have to be honest with yall, I know I havent been active well its because I got a new phone and Im trying my hardest to get wattpad on it but it just wont let me for some reason and its really pissing me off and my brother wont help which gets me even more mad and my mom tried helping but it didnt work at all either but in the meantime I'll have to use this phone to update sorry guys I really am and I'm so happy that I wrote this book in the first place because idk where I'll be right now without you guys thank you all for the votes and reads ilygsm and happy holidays💙(this is really short sorry)

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