Chapter twentyone

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Zach's pov

"No this isn't a joke she's in the hospital" I said into the phone crying

"I swear if this is a joke Zach" Joey said on the other side of the phone (?)

"It's not just please come quick she needs you" I said into the phone

"Okay I'll bring Charles too" Joey said hanging up

"It's okay Jessica please stay alive" I said while stroking her hair

Joey's pov

I was hanging out with Charles when Zach called me saying that Jessica was in the hospital because she fell from the building. At first I thought it was a joke and I still think it is but at the same time I'm worried.

"Come on Charles we have to go" I said while putting my shoes on

"Where?" He said

"To the hospital, Zach said Jess fell from the building" I said while heading to the door

"How come you're not freaking out" Charles said while closing the door

"Because this could be one of their little pranks you know how they are" I said

"You're right but this could be true Zach wouldn't joke around about Jess getting hurt" he said

"Let's just hurry up and get there" I said

Zach's pov

Oh gosh I wish mom was here I don't know what to do. How am I going to tell her that Jessica fell of the building? She going to kill me, I'm suppose to be taking care of her while she's on her business trip. I can't believe she's going to be away for five months.

"You have to tell her Zach, she has to find out sooner or later" I said to myself

I waited impatiently until my mom picked up the phone, 1st ring she doesn't answer, 2nd ring she doesn't answer, until the 3rd ring she finally answers...

"Hey Zach is everything okay?" She asked

"Actually no.." I said

//bam another chapter this is so much easier to be making small chapters instead of long ones I don't know if I'll update 2 or 3 times a day it depends on what I'm doing that day but for now I'll try doing at least 2 so I'll update later loves💓 oh and idk if I told y'all but if something doesn't make sense it's because I either don't know how to explain it or I didn't edit it because I usually never edit because that just takes up time ya know? But anyways I'll update in a few hours or so

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