chapter eight;new friends?

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This was Jessica's outfit I forgot to show y'all in the last chapter:)

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This was Jessica's outfit I forgot to show y'all in the last chapter:)

Jessica's pov

"so where are we all going to meet up?" I asked Joey

"They said in n' out" Joey said looking up from his phone

"Oh" is all I said

Joey looked focused on whatever was on his phone so I went to talk with Zach and Charles thats were a few steps behind me and Joey.

"Hey guys" I said starting to walk beside Charles

"Hey Jess" "hey sis" Charles and Zach said with a smile

"Why arent you with Joey?" Charles asked point ahead at Joey who was on his phone

"He seemed so focused on whatever was on his phone so I decided to come over here and talk to y'all" I said shrugging my shoulders

"Oh Jess I forgot to tell you there's this girl that is "friends" with Joey" Charles said putting air quotes around friends

"why did you put air quotes around friends?" I asked with a confused face

"because I know that Loren doesnt really like Joey and she's just trying to use him" Charles said looking at the floor

"And you tell me with whyy?" I said

"just watch out for her because she likes to start a lot of drama between the people she hates and try not to talk to her or anything" Charles said

"Oh ok thanks for the info" I said putting my shoulder over Charles but wasnt such a good idea because I'm like 4 inches smaller than him

"So Charles are their any girls my age in your group of friends" Zach asked Charles looking excited

"Actually there is one but she's pretty short but I would date her if she was my age. Well she not exactly you age she's 16 but her birthday is soon" Charles said.

I could see Zach's happiness rise in his eyes which caused me to giggle a bit.

"REALLY" Zach said with a lot of emotion

"yeah and the crew is going to be so happy to see you since your The BruhitsZach" Charles said with a smile

Soon enough we are finally there. Zach holded the door open for me.

"After you my sissy" Zach said. Which caused me to laugh because it didnt make sense

"So where are..." I was interrupted by a kid yelling "AYEEE CHOEY'S HERE" (if you didnt know choey is Charles and Joeys like friends ship name)

"Hey my mans come on where over here" some boy that has messy hair and a lack of a top lip (ps no shade to anyone😂)

"So Joey who's this pretty little lady" the boy said referring to me

"she's just a friend I met a few days ago. She was like a stranger to me but now she's like my bestfriend crazy how that happens" Joey said smiling at me

"oh thats nice but let me introduce myself. Hey I'm Weston Koury nice to meet ya kid. And you are?" he said sticking his hand out so I can shake it

"I'm Jessica Castro nice to meet you too kiddo" I said laughing and shaking his hand


"yup thats me" Zach said with a smile

Weston screamed as if he was a fangirl at a Justin Bieber concert and Justin just touched his hand while singing Cold Water on stage

"Okok come on guys y'all have to meet the rest of the crew" Weston said while guiding us to the table where everyone else was sitting

I saw a bunch of people sitting at a table some on their phones some just talking and some that were messing with each other.

"LISTEN UP PEEPS" Weston said getting everyones attention

"I have some people to introduce" Weston said

"So first we have Joey and Charles but y'all already know them so no need to get excited

"Hey" Charles and Joey said at the same time causing them to laugh

"And we have the lovely ms. Jessica that I just met" Weston said grabbing my wrist and pulling me infront of everyone.

"Hey guys" I said shyly

"Hey" "sup" "what up" "Hi" and a lot of heys from the people. I noticed that one boy with a white yeezy shirt would stop looking at me and the girl next to him with bloned hair looked annoyed by my appearance. She must Loren.

"okok people settle down I have the best from last" Weston said all excited

"THE BRUHITSZACH" Weston said loud enough for everyone in the restaurant to hear. which caused people to start looking at us

"OMFG" "BROO" "I CANT BELIEVE IT" "AKSJEHZJJD" is all I heard from the group of people that is now standing up surrounding my older brother

I sat down at a table by myself while looking at every one going crazy around my brother. The typical. He's the more loved one. He's mr. perfect. No one cares about me because I'm not the famous one around here. I'm just the no body.

I got on my phone and waited. A few moments later I heard someone say "hey" I look up from my phone and see the same boy that wouldnt stop looking at me.

"oh hey" I said with a little smile. The boy sat down in front of me.

"my name's Mark by the way Mark Thomas" the boy said with a smile

"Oh I'm Jessica but I'm pretty sure you already know that" I said smiling back

"so you know Zach already?" he asked

"My whole life" I said

He gave me a confused face

"He's my brother" I said

"oh are you serious?" he said looking surprised

"yup" is all I said

"oh thats cool" he said smiling

//ooo Jessica and Mark? Or Jessica and Joey? who knows;) but omfg guys we hit 1.5k reads. Thank you all so much I love y'all💗 I'm proud of myself because this chapter is more than 1,000 words long. I havent made one of these in a while:) watch out I'm probably going to be updating more often;) have a good day everyone ilysm❤

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