chapter fifty

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jess's pov

" now can y'all tell me why there was a huge mob around y'all? " asked the principal with a serious voice

" you see what happened was.... " mark started but was interupted by blake

" don't listen to him he was looking into his locker the whole time. " he said

" we're famous " hunter said out of no where

" DUDEEEE! " everyone yelled at him because we all promised not to say anything about our social media lifes

" y'all are what now ? " he said raising his brow and crossing his arms while leaning on his desk

" we have no choice but to tell him the truth now " charles said looking exactly at hunter

" well we weren't just going to lie to him! " hunter said annoyed at him

everyone then started to argue with hunter

hunter seemed like he was ready to kill one of them in a second

i noticed the principal was just starring at us in annoyance

mr. brown

his name was mr. brown ?

" okay! that's enough, guys " i said standing up from my chair

" i'll explain everything, since none of y'all can. " i added

" mr. brown? " i turned looking at him

" continue. " he insisted

" so as you know, yes, we are famous. i know you're probably wondering ' what does that have to do with this. ' well that's the reason we got mobbed. we're well known around here. we thought coming to this school would be a breeze and no one would know us but we were wrong, as you can see. we just wanted to live like normal people for once. we're truly sorry for the trouble we started, we promise, well we hope, it won't happen again, sir " i said saying really fast

he gave me a blank look & then started laughing.

" oh, kids these days are so hilarious, now what's the real reason you got mobbed ? " he said

" THAT IS THE REASON WE GOT MOBBED " joey screamed out

" young man, i'm gonna need you to show me some respect. i am your principal. " said mr. brown

joey just glared at him & sat back in his chair

" here sir, you can look at my instagram account. then maybe you'll see we're not lying about being famous. " said hunter handing mr. brown his phone.

oh hunter

" hmm, yeah i see you got a large amount of followers there " he said looking down at hunter's phone

" yeah see, we're not lying " blake said

" fair enough, now get to class. i'll email all of your teachers for the tardiness, but if this happens again there WILL be a consequence. i don't want to hear a bunch of teenage girls screaming at the top of their lungs every morning. " mr. brown said giving us a look

" thank you very much, mr brown. we promise we'll try to sort things out, but we can't promise that it'll be solved soon. we'll try our best. " i said as we walked out of his office & into the hallway.

" well time for second period " joey said putting his arm around me

// i don't even know what to say anymore. i know i've been inactive. i'm sorry i haven't been updating like i promised but school really is starting to get stressful. i'll try my best to give back to you guys. thank you for all the reads & votes. i appreciate it sooo much, you don't understand <3. also i just noticed this book is in # 153 under joeybirlem ahhh i'm so happy. thank you, thank you ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2018 ⏰

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