Chapter eighteen

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Jessica's pov

"I'm so sorry Jess" Joey said with a soft voice

"No it's okay Joey it was an accident" I said embracing him into a hug

"I'm so sorry Jessica" he said why hugging me

I pulled away from the hug because I noticed that Joey's voice cracked. He had his head down when I pulled away from the hug. I lifted his chin to reveal a crying Joey. We made eye contact and I didn't do anything but kiss him.

"Joey why are you crying babe" I asked him

"I feel like I made a mistake doing that" he said while holding both of my hands

"Of course you didn't jojo it was an accident" I said while playing with his fingers

Joey just giggled while looking down at me.

"What" I say looking up at him

"You're so adorable" he said while kissing my cheek

"Do you want to watch a movie" I asked him while getting up and sitting on the bed

"Scary?" He said while smirking

"Joeyyy" I said with a annoyed voice

"Come on Jess pleaseee for me" he said with a puppy dog face

"Okay fine" I said crossing my arms

We laid on the bed and Joey pulled me closer to him. Every time there was a pop up I would hide my face in Joey's chest. He always giggled when I would do that. He would start playing with my hair now and then and I would start getting sleepy.

My eyes started getting heavy and I eventually fell asleep. I felt Joey kiss me on my forehead.

Joey's pov

Jessica was so cute when she sleeps. Ugh she's so perfect I wouldn't live with myself if I did something bad to her. And I won't let anyone hurt her.

Once I got tired I turned the movie off and pulled Jessica closer to me. I slowly started going to sleep.

Jessica's pov

I woke up to Joey's soft snores. I smiled at way he looked when he sleeps. I started playing with his hair until he woke up.

"Good morning princess" he said with a smile

"Good morning jojo" I said while getting up from the bed

"Where are you going" he asked while rubbing his eyes

"I'm going to go make breakfast" I said while opening the door from my room

"Oh okay I'll be down in a bit" he said while rolling over and going back to sleep

I just giggled and closed the door. I went down stair and once again almost tripped over Jasper that was just sleeping on one of the steps. We have to put him on a diet or something because he's a really fat cat. I saw Zach on his computer on the coach.

"Morning Zach" I said while waving at him

"Hey sis say hi to the broadcast" Zach said lifting the computer

"Hey guys" I said waving

"Have you eaten yet" I asked Zach

"Yea I did" he said

"Oh okay why are you broadcasting so early" I asked him

"Well I was bored so I just decided to" he said

"Oh okay I'm going to make breakfast for me and Joey" I said

"Where's Joey" he said while smirking

"He's upstairs sleeping" I said while playfully rolling my eyes

"Hmm okay then" he said bring the computer to the island in the kitchen

"Do you want to do something later, like just me and you" he asked

"Sure where are we going" I asked while cracking an egg and putting it in the pan to cook (did that even make sense?)

"It's a surprise" he said while smiling

//okay I am extremely sorry I didn't get a chapter out yesterday I was really busy and I didn't have time but here's this chapter and I hope y'all like it💗

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