chapter five;sleepover

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Jessica's pov

Me and Joey walked back to the living room where Charles was. I sat down on the end of the couch and joey sat in the middle of me and Charles.

I called Zach and said if it was ok if I stayed with Joey and Charles. He said it was fine as long as I dont try anything.

"Y'all wanna watch this scary movie" Charles asked looking at the screen

"Hell Ya" Joey screamed out. Me and Charles just looked at Joey.

"What? Why are you just looking at me like I'm crazy or something?" Joey said looking at us and back at the tv.

"Nevermind but Jess do you want to watch this movie?" Charles asked me

"Yeah it doesnt really matter what we watch" I said

"Ok well Joey can you go make the popcorn while I go get some covers?" Charles asked Joey.

"Yeah come one Jess you can help me" Joey said holding out his hand to help me up the coach

"Ok but dont try anything" Charles said running up the stairs to go get the covers

After Charles left Joey help me up the coach. I followed Joey into the kitchen and he pulled out the popcorn bag things and put one of them in the microwave.

"So Jess how many do you think we should make?" Joey asked turning to me

"Hmm I guess we should make 3 or 4 I'm not sure" I said looking at Joey.

"Yeah so while we're waiting do you want to play 20 questions" Joey asked smirking at me.

"Yeah sure why not you first" I said kind of nervous about the idea

"Whats your favorite animal?" Joey asked

"Dogs. Are you an only child?" I said back

"No. Whats your favorite color?" Joey said

"Any type of blue. What grade are you in?" I asked

"Same grade as you girly. Who do you like?" Joey asked

I froze when I heard the question. Did he actually asked me who I liked. When I was about to say something Charles came into the kitchen.

"Hey guys is the popcorn done?" Charles asked clapping his hands together

"Yeah lets go watch this movie guys" Joey said carrying the popcorn in his hands

"Um Jess is it ok if me and Charles take of our shirts its kind of our thing to do" Joey said looking back at me.

"Um yeah sure why not" I said nervously

I tried not to watch as the boys take of their shirts but I kept looking anyways

"Like what you see" Joey said looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Oh uh I guess" I said looking around the room

"Come on guys come sit down so I can start this movie" Charles said sitting on the couch

"Come on Jess" Joey said motioning me to come.

I went to sit down but Joey was legit all over my spot.

"Joey can you move please" I said

"Ok fine geez" Joey said playfully rolling his eyes

But once I sat down Joey layed on my tights which felt weird

"Um jo-" I was cut off by Joey

"Please let me lay down pleaseee" Joey said making baby faces

"Fine ok" I said rolling my eyes

The movie then started and we started eating some of the popcorn. I kept on getting scared by the movie because of the pop ups. Everytime I did that Joey would move a little closer to me while still laying on my legs.

\\guys I'm sososo sorry I havent update in a long time its just that there wasnt many people reading so I decided to take a break but then I totally forgot about this. And when I came back to the app I saw that 500 people were reading this and it got me shook. This is a short chapter because its 1am and I have school tomorrow so I'll probably update tomorrow or sometime soon im so sorry but ily💖

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