Chapter thirty one

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Charles's pov

When Zach finally found parking and parked the car I ran straight to the main entrance of the hospital. I could hear Zach behind me telling me to slow down and let him catch up but I didn't listen. When I got in the elevator I practically almost left Zach behind.

"Dude chill you almost left me behind" Zach said trying to catch his breath

"I'm sorry dude I'm just so excited" I said jumping up and down

When I heard the elevator ding I ran out and went straight to Jessica's room. When I got there I saw Joey and Jessica talking. Joey didn't seem very happy.

"OMG CHARLES" Jessica said while jumping off the bed and running towards me

"JESS" I said sticking my arms out so I can hug her

She jumped into my arms and hugged me I was carrying her for like 3 minutes until I noticed that Joey was still here.

"Charles I'm so happy to see you again seems like forever" she said with a smile

"I've missed you Jess, honest and you craziness" I said smiling down at her

"Joey what's up my man" I said doing our handshake

"OMG ZACH" i heard Jessica scream

"JESSICA" Zach said screaming

She hugged Zach for about 5 minutes.

"I'm so happy your awake" Zach said with tears in his eyes

"Awe Zach don't cry I'm here don't worry I'm fine" Jessica said while wiping his tears away

"Wait so Charles you know him" Jessica said pointing at Joey

"Of course I do I known him since forever, you know this ?" I said looking at her confused

"No I just now met Joey" she said

I looked at Joey with a worried face and he put his head in his hands.

Joey just got up and left...

\\ guys I'm actually so sorry for not updating for like a week 😭 I'm so so so sorry. I haven't had any time to write a new chapter at all. But I want to thank you all for 29k votes when I joined wattpad like 8 months ago I didn't think I was going to get this much. I honestly love you all so much thank you for everything and thank you to all the people who have voted. 💗💗

The Stranger // j.m.bWhere stories live. Discover now