chapter thirty four

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Jessica's pov

Charles and that Joey kid were talking outside of the hospital room while I talked to Zach.

"So Jessica how you feeling ?" Zach asked

"Good, but I have a question" I said

"Go ahead, I'll answer it" he said with a smile

"Well, how did I end up here ?" I said looking down at my feet

"Oh um, well you could say it was my fault" he said

"Awe no don't think it was. If it's anyone's fault then it's mine" I said walking over to him and putting my hand on his shoulder

"No I'm serious it was my fault if I-" I cut him off

"Don't think it was your fault, please." I said giving him a hug

"Gosh I missed you" he said hugging me back

"I've missed you too" I said

"Hey guys ?" Charles said coming in

"Oh sorry are we interrupting something ?" Joey said walking backwards to the door

"Oh no, y'all are fine don't worry" I said smiling

Joey's pov

Her smiled killed me. It was contagious when she smiled. You couldn't help but just smile back.

"Hello Joey" Charles said snapping his fingers in front of my face

"Oh sorry what ?" I said shaking my head a little

"When do you think Jess is going to be able to leave ?" Charles said

"What do you mean ? Where is she leaving to ?!" I said raising my voice

"Joey chill, when do you think she's going to leave the hospital, that's what I meant" he said

"Oh sorry Charles, I don't know whats gotten into me. I guess I just need to rest. I've been in this hospital for too long" I said

// hey babes hope you enjoy this :) sorry it's a short chapter :( but gn it's about to be 1 in the morning for me ahh. oh and thank you so so so so much for 42k views and all the votes i really appreciate it :) we are getting closer and closer to 50k and once we hit 50k we're on to 100k ajhzbzjdjdh. 😭💗.

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