chapter forty one

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joey's pov

while jess was in the restroom changing i went on my phone and checked a few of my social medias . i went on snapchat and saw that jess posted something . i could see that it was a picture of me , when it finally loaded i clicked on it and let out a little "awh"

"well well" i heard someone say to the left of me

"isn't it little jojo" ugh of course it had to be her

"what do you want logan" i told her rolling my eyes

"nothing" she said

"okay then leave please , i really don't want to talk right now" i told her letting out a big breath and typing something on my phone

"don't be silly , i know jess is in there changing , maybe we can have a little fun for a while" she said getting closer to me

"hey ! no what the h-" i said until she put her hand over my mouth making me drop my phone

"you'll always be mine joey , no one is going to take you away from me , EVER" she said whispering into my ear

then after that she removed her hand from my mouth and kissed me , she held my hands against the wall so i couldn't move i tried . i really did but i couldn't move . of course i didnt kiss back , i don't love logan i love jess .

a tear rolled down my cheek from all the possible things jess could do when she comes out of the restroom , just seeing me being pinned to the wall touching lips with a girl she doesn't know .

she could just stand there and watch me , tears rolling down her cheeks . seeing the person you love the most kissing a different person , breaking your heart .

the worst part is she probably won't even believe me about her pinning me to the wall and me trying to get her off me .

i wasn't gonna let this happen , not now , not even . i love jessica too much to see her sad . i used all the force i could to get logan's hands off of me , i had too much anger . i pushed her back she fell and nearly hit her head hard on the wall behind her .

that's when i heard a gasp , it didn't come from logan . i looked over and was jess standing there with her hand over her mouth .

"look jess i can ex-" i said until jess ran the other direction


"jess , jess wait up" i said to her

i turned to the right and saw jess sitting on the floor against the wall with her hands over her head .

i sat down next to her , surprisingly she didn't run away . i didn't know what to say , how was i gonna start ?

"look jess i know what you saw looked wrong of me to do , but you have to hear me out okay ?" i told her , she didn't listen to me so i just went on

"i was waiting for you to get out of the restroom until i heard a voice and i saw logan there . i asked her to leave but she didn't , she got closer to me and before i knew it she had her hand over my mouth and she whispered in my ear saying that i'm hers and always will be . then she pinned me back and started kissing me i couldn't move at all , i tried as much as i could to get out but i wouldn't work . until i finally got the strength to get her off of me , and that's when i pushed her back and she fell" i told her

jess : ..........

// i did this chapter really quick for y'all but omg guys i had a dream that i met joey and ahh 🤤 but i could possibly be meeting him soon on the bos tour 😭😭❤️ i just need to talk it out with my parents and get some money i hope i can meet him !!

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